[-] running_ragged@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

If they pay just enough, with tips, then what is it without tips? Not enough. Statistically, more people would move to another just that put y back into ‘just enough’ category.

I don’t see that as 180 at all.

[-] running_ragged@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

But if everyone did it, people wouldn’t be able to afford to work there. There would be no staff and the business would be forced to increase their pay to retain labour, or shut their doors.

Edit for typos.

[-] running_ragged@lemmy.world 17 points 2 days ago

Oh, you mean doing the job they agreed to do for an hourly rate? Why am i subsidizing the corporation not paying them fairly?

[-] running_ragged@lemmy.world 44 points 1 week ago

Having the mass majority of the population trapped in jobs that pay just enough that they put up with it, while giving away all their time and energy to a corporation is exactly why the average person has no power. They’ve had the will drive to force real change sucked out of them.

UBI is a mechanism that can help them take back their time and energy to affect real change.

[-] running_ragged@lemmy.world 40 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Seems good. Until you realize they just shifted to ‘Natural Gas’. Aka liquid methane, which in the short term traps heat 80 times worse than CO2 for about 20 years.

Those wasn’t a move to help the environment, just to make to oil barons richer.

[-] running_ragged@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago

If someone doesn’t like how I look, oh well, that’s life. Seems this is a lesson most people learn in grade school - some people aren’t going to like you, you’re not going to like some people.

You're not entirely wrong, but you're also totally missing the fact that people are 100% judged by stature and not just in attractiveness, but in their value period.

The taller you are, the higher salary people will assume you already are making. During hiring, this means you'll be offered a higher starting salary to try and make the offer more appealing to you.

Here's an article that references the study I'm thinking of. https://merryformoney.com/height-salary/ If you care ,you can maybe dig up the original study somehow.

This sort of bias is pretty inescapable in our culture and will be I think regardless of our language. Preferred body shapes do change over time, even within the span of a single generation. Maybe tying more positive words around these words is part of that change.

[-] running_ragged@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago

If we want to fix the bad stuff corporations are doing, simply put a larger cost on those things. It’s that simple. Pollution, Safety, Health, whatever… price the negative externalities (economic speak for bad things humans don’t want) properly and the market will sort itself out.

The part where it goes right off the rails however, it seems now that its cheaper to buy and own the politicians, and buy and own the media to manufacture consent to kill these regulations than it is to operate responsibly. Which seems to be right around where we are now.

[-] running_ragged@lemmy.world 60 points 4 months ago

It doesn’t have to all be bad. If the city could get the head out of their ass, they could sort out the codes and get it done. Let people who work downtown live downtown. Shrink the driving and parking infrastructure, turn it into a walkable, bikeable area.

Rents/leases could go way down for the mom and pop shops that can survive in the new design.

Other businesses can move further out where the people are, so the suburbs can become more walkable.

If we made the focus on reducing waste, and making things easy for everyone, rather than how to make rich people richer, theres lots of solutions.

[-] running_ragged@lemmy.world 23 points 6 months ago

Depending on where you live, how has home insurance gone in the last 10 years? Trust the money.

[-] running_ragged@lemmy.world 24 points 9 months ago

Who would have guessed that cutting costs and red tape when it comes to public health and safety would result in unhealthy and unsafe conditions.

[-] running_ragged@lemmy.world 8 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

You want me to give up 10 hours of my day to get paid for 8 hours of work? No thanks.

Sitting in traffic still keeps me from living my life. I’ve got a limited amount of time, so Im not giving it up cheaply.

Remote work where possible is the best option for both parties. If only employers could believe it.

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