[-] ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc 25 points 1 month ago

I smell a crime thriller where a serial killer is a programmer and hid their actual child killing searches by masking them as programmer endorsed child killing kind.

[-] ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc 31 points 2 months ago

I bet Nintendo wouldn't think twice to request books be burned if the yuzu source code is printed on them.

[-] ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc 41 points 6 months ago

I mean W3C created ActivityPub, it's only fitting they peruse what they had created

[-] ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc 12 points 7 months ago


[-] ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc 9 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Don't Louis Rossmann launched a repair wiki a while back?

Anyway, mediawiki wikis have a special page that lets you dump the wiki's contents for migration purposes, but I forgot whether it's locked to admins only.

Edit: here's a publicly accessible export page: https://repair.wiki/w/Special:Export

submitted 10 months ago by ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

We got most of pop media, academic journals, and books covered, but what about photographic media?

submitted 10 months ago by ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 10 months ago by ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc to c/historymemes@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://monyet.cc/post/418238

Related to the Bunga Mas^1:

According to a Kedah source, the first time a bunga mas was sent, it was sent as a toy for a new-born Thai prince who was the grandson of Sultan of Kedah himself since his kin, a princess was married to the Thai king^1.

This then set the precedence of Malay Sultans being "required" one way or another to send Bunga Mas to Siam. The culmination of the meme is the Siamese invasion of Kedah in 1821^2 partly due to the Sultan ceasing sending bunga mas, making Kedah Sultanate, the progenitor of the practice, existn't for a time.

* This is a Malay expression meaning paying interests. The principal is the pokok (tree) and the interest is the bunga (blossoms).

[-] ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I see Twitter as a ship too big to maneuver. Then one day it got bought and a new captain comes aboard. He deliberately breaks the hull here and there to make the ship lighter and more agile, and also fired half of the hands on deck. The ship's taking on water faster now. He also painted over her name. Despite all this, the majority of souls on board would rather sink with the ship than jump overboard.

[-] ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc 27 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

My guess is that this is going to go the same way as McDonalds v everything with the letters M(a)c, and Starbucks v Sattar Buksh

[-] ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc 8 points 10 months ago

this world is not ready for two based gabes existing at the same time

[-] ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc 12 points 11 months ago

It wasn't when the idiom was coined. Have you seen hard-bound books from the 19th century in libraries?

Clanker Did it His Way (www.youtube.com)
[-] ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc 13 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

They prevent any large wiki they hosted from closing because those have good SEO. They wanted the traffic for the ad revenue, even if all mods and writers got off the platform and replaced with shitty ones.

It really is the reddit migration before reddit migration.

[-] ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It's one of Lienus's L takes. People are giving it the benefit of a doubt because he has a huge following.

I started parroting "using a VPN to bypass region block is privateering" in response. LMG taking any VPN sponsorships after that L take is hypocrisy in my book.

[-] ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc 9 points 1 year ago

Look up ReplayGain. It analyzes and then adds metadata about the peak gains of each file, to the file, without the need to re-encode anything. Foobar2k natively supports it. Hopefully Plex also has support for ReplayGain.

submitted 1 year ago by ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc to c/animemes@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by ruk_n_rul@monyet.cc to c/animemes@lemmy.ml
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