
joined 10 months ago
[–] 2 points 8 months ago

hopefully mods see this.

[–] 15 points 8 months ago

Because it is run by religious nationalists.

actually the whole country is, but this particular place is the most worse since most of the votes come from here.

[–] 9 points 8 months ago

if some article upset some fraction of them

it's both state sanctioned and blind nationalists.

[–] 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Why should the two mutually promote themselves?

so that exchange takes place? isn't that better? this will also help people coming to the website get rid of echo chamber mindset and be rational.

also it does not necessarily has to be only upvotes that get shared, downvotes and reports also could be.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago (3 children)

mutual promotion.

[–] 12 points 8 months ago (3 children)

personally i am fine with small communities because our ruling party(BJP) is running social media campaigns since 2013 that is why reddit is spoiled.

i hope this grows, but steadily. so that the bad actors don't come here.

had they seen this post this would have been downvoted to hell.

that is why news critical of india does not reach front page on reddit. Unless people Really try (for example the extrajudicial killing in canada).

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

we could fix that with an anti-duplicate filter.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

what can we do so that both the communities get promoted?

[–] 27 points 8 months ago

Excrept from article.

“She had told us about being followed by the two on her way to coaching and we had also filed a complaint with the area police station a month ago… But no action was taken. We had also contacted the family members of the two persons and told them about how she was being pestered by them. For a few days, they did not follow her but started to do so in the past week,”

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Also when you click at an article it opens it in new tab

[–] 34 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Is it okay if i share news from my state here?

the world news instance was not kind to sharing news from uttar pradesh

please tell me if this does not go here i will remove it.


Mods can you please make a feature so that the upvote given to a crosspost goes to , both the crossposted post , and the orignal post?

this will promote both the communities


[–] -1 points 9 months ago

I don’t believe you that the consensus of sunni scholars is that men can kill their wives and daughters and simply walk away.

that's the same thing i thought at first too. until i came across this

Honor killing stems from the Islamic concept of 'the guardianship of blood' [ولاية الدم]. If a father kills a son or a daughter, he doesn't get capital >punishment or pay diya because he's their blood guardian.

The same rule applies if the likes of his son or brother kill his daughter. He's permitted to waive the blood and money penalty of the victim since >he's the blood guardian.

If he kills his wife and they have a child together, he doesn't get punished as well because her blood guardianship gets transferred from her >father/male guardian to her child.

No father gets executed or pays Diya for killing his child, and no child can punish his father even for killing his mother.



cross-posted from:

A Catalan-based author of Moroccan origin is facing heat from both Muslim NGOs and the Spanish left for critical comments she made about the status of women in Islam after a speech given at the start of a Barcelona cultural fair.

Najat El Hachmi, a Moroccan-born novelist earned the ire of multiple Islamic organisations for remarks highlighting patriarchal attitudes within Spain’s 2,3 million strong Muslim community during a prestigious inaugural speech at Barcelona’s Festes de la Mercè late last month.

“Are you uncomfortable if I explain to you that there are girls in this city who cannot learn anything or go hiking?” proclaimed El Hachmi from a podium in city hall as she gave the festival’s traditional opening speech in front of the city’s mayor and other officials.

Muy valiente Najat El Hachmi explicando cómo viven muchas moras en Cataluña bajo el control absoluto del Islam, ejercido por sus familiares y vecinos.

Necesitamos muchísimas más voces como ella para remover conciencias.

— Yeray (@YerayMellado) September 23, 2023

An accomplished author and journalist, El Hachmi moved to Spain at age seven before having a successful academic and literary career with novels that focus on her dual identity and native Morocco. Her 2008 novel L’últim patriarca (The Last Patriarch) earned literary acclaim for challenging misogynist attitudes faced by women in Morocco. She had previously voiced her opposition to the wearing of Islamic face veils within Spanish schools.

Three Islamic organisations have signed an open letter to the city’s socialist mayor Jaume Collboni asking for the author to be taken to task for her comments about Islam, labelling El Hachmi as ‘Islamophobic.’

Left-wing groups had already tried to deplatform El Hachmi before she made the oration due to her previous statements on transgender legislation. The author also referenced the rise of “identity fundamentalism” within the Islamic community since the 1980s and the plight of cousin marriage in her Barcelona speech.

Approximately 8.1% of Catalonia is Muslim, primarily consisting of first- and second-generation Pakistanis and Moroccans. In 2017, 14 people perished in an Islamist attack on Barcelona’s primary thoroughfare Las Ramblas.

Prominent figures in the region’s literary scene and even the nationalist party VOX have rallied to El Hachmi’s defence as many fear that the incident could be the start of Spain’s very own clash between free speech and Islam.

The question of criticism of Islam has been topical of late in Europe propelled by rioting in Sweden over the burning of the Koran with the incident sparking a diplomatic spat with the Islamic world and Stockholm led by Turkey.


cross-posted from:

The Indian media is filled with so much BJP/right wing propaganda right now. Especially on YouTube and Instagram. That stupid modi has brainwashed so many young Indians into his hateful ideology. Its hard to find a rational indian who thinks for themselves on social media.

You'll find them going around harassing muslim content creators and even straight up just Pakistani ones. This leads them to have an illusion that we indians are obsessed with them when in reality, it's just a loud minority.

However, I'm not seeing much of a push back against this from the leftist side. In fact, any time a leftist try to add some sense into these dumbasses minds, these removed still don't listen and twist their arguments. Take dhruv rathee for example. (I know he's not a leftist but his video on kerala story was mostly accurate.)

In the US, there's also a lot of bullshit happening. In fact, they're also going through what india is going through as well - religious extremism. But Christianity in their case. Christians there are trying to ban abortion, ban lgbtq people, ban drag queens, ban science books etcetera. And just like the hindutva is demonizing Muslims, Christians are demonizing lgbtq people.

But there's also a very strong leftist movement there who are there to oppose those things. But in india, the leftist movement is far weaker and silenced by stupid right wingers which is not good because it will further make it easier for people to fall for their propaganda. We indian leftists need to stand up and do something more to strengthen our movement. Because looking at the current situation of this country, it's only going to get worse.


cross-posted from:

The Indian media is filled with so much BJP/right wing propaganda right now. Especially on YouTube and Instagram. That stupid modi has brainwashed so many young Indians into his hateful ideology. Its hard to find a rational indian who thinks for themselves on social media.

You'll find them going around harassing muslim content creators and even straight up just Pakistani ones. This leads them to have an illusion that we indians are obsessed with them when in reality, it's just a loud minority.

However, I'm not seeing much of a push back against this from the leftist side. In fact, any time a leftist try to add some sense into these dumbasses minds, these bitches still don't listen and twist their arguments. Take dhruv rathee for example. (I know he's not a leftist but his video on kerala story was mostly accurate.)

In the US, there's also a lot of bullshit happening. In fact, they're also going through what india is going through as well - religious extremism. But Christianity in their case. Christians there are trying to ban abortion, ban lgbtq people, ban drag queens, ban science books etcetera. And just like the hindutva is demonizing Muslims, Christians are demonizing lgbtq people.

But there's also a very strong leftist movement there who are there to oppose those things. But in india, the leftist movement is far weaker and silenced by stupid right wingers which is not good because it will further make it easier for people to fall for their propaganda. We indian leftists need to stand up and do something more to strengthen our movement. Because looking at the current situation of this country, it's only going to get worse.


The Indian media is filled with so much BJP/right wing propaganda right now. Especially on YouTube and Instagram. That stupid modi has brainwashed so many young Indians into his hateful ideology. Its hard to find a rational indian who thinks for themselves on social media.

You'll find them going around harassing muslim content creators and even straight up just Pakistani ones. This leads them to have an illusion that we indians are obsessed with them when in reality, it's just a loud minority.

However, I'm not seeing much of a push back against this from the leftist side. In fact, any time a leftist try to add some sense into these dumbasses minds, these bitches still don't listen and twist their arguments. Take dhruv rathee for example. (I know he's not a leftist but his video on kerala story was mostly accurate.)

In the US, there's also a lot of bullshit happening. In fact, they're also going through what india is going through as well - religious extremism. But Christianity in their case. Christians there are trying to ban abortion, ban lgbtq people, ban drag queens, ban science books etcetera. And just like the hindutva is demonizing Muslims, Christians are demonizing lgbtq people.

But there's also a very strong leftist movement there who are there to oppose those things. But in india, the leftist movement is far weaker and silenced by stupid right wingers which is not good because it will further make it easier for people to fall for their propaganda. We indian leftists need to stand up and do something more to strengthen our movement. Because looking at the current situation of this country, it's only going to get worse.

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