submitted 3 months ago by rgb3x3@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

The department joined 16 states and the District of Columbia to file a significant challenge to the reach and influence of Apple, arguing in an 88-page lawsuit that the company had violated antitrust laws with practices that were intended to keep customers reliant on their iPhones and less likely to switch to a competing device. The tech giant prevented other companies from offering applications that compete with Apple products like its digital wallet, which could diminish the value of the iPhone, and hurts consumers and smaller companies that compete with it, the government said.

[-] rgb3x3@beehaw.org 26 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

This makes me realize that I can't think of hardly any videogames with a black character at the forefront.

Sure, there are black playable characters in MOBAs and MMOs, but how many story-driven games have black characters at the forefront?

The most recent one I can think of is Alan Wake 2. And Spider-Man Miles Morales. But there really are so few compared to those with white main characters. Which is sad.

[-] rgb3x3@beehaw.org 34 points 4 months ago

Probably everyone should avoid Alabama colleges in general.

submitted 4 months ago by rgb3x3@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

This technology looks legitimately impressive.

Here's a video of it working: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3Sh6mu4zbs&t=1

submitted 5 months ago by rgb3x3@beehaw.org to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Typically, my ISP provides ~500mbps down, but Mullvad seems to struggle to get above 220mbps. Is this typical?

I want to route all network traffic through it on the router, but don't want to miss out on the download speeds I'm paying for.

[-] rgb3x3@beehaw.org 50 points 6 months ago

Beehaw as an instance doesn't have nearly enough content to justify defederation. It wouldn't be missed if they moved somewhere else.

That being said, I do enjoy the discussions and would personally be disappointed to see it move or be closed off, but not enough to move with it.

[-] rgb3x3@beehaw.org 25 points 7 months ago

I'm realizing now that this would have been super useful when I worked in Loss Prevention way back when. Wish I had known...

[-] rgb3x3@beehaw.org 30 points 7 months ago

Because it should take you about 2 minutes to brush your teeth.

If you're actually brushing for 6 minutes straight, you're overdoing it and damaging your enamel and gums.

Brush gently, floss thoroughly.

[-] rgb3x3@beehaw.org 26 points 7 months ago

I see so many people excusing Bethesda's poor design choices and lack of content by saying mods will fix them.

That may be true, but the publisher making hundreds of millions shouldn't be offloading their work onto the free labor of the community.

[-] rgb3x3@beehaw.org 23 points 8 months ago

Man, it's a real sign of living the privileged, easy life when someone thinks this way.

Those people try to revolt and they die. They don't revolt and still die. What kind of choice is that?

[-] rgb3x3@beehaw.org 40 points 8 months ago

Honestly, that may be better. At least it doesn't use water and it would be fine in a very dry environment out western US.

Native plants would still be even better though.

[-] rgb3x3@beehaw.org 29 points 8 months ago

Play store search results are mostly ads now. It's really bad and unhelpful.

In fact, most of the play store is ads. It's impossible to find anything of quality anymore.

[-] rgb3x3@beehaw.org 26 points 9 months ago

In all seriousness, it's just called a post now. Elon threw away the incredible brand recognition of "Tweet," the noun/verb that every tech company wants. It's like if Google stopped wanting people to use their name as a verb and just go with the generic "search" term.

[-] rgb3x3@beehaw.org 24 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I'm waiting for my wife to give birth! We're going to have a little girl this weekend and I'm so excited. It's our first, so there's lots of nervousness about it.

[-] rgb3x3@beehaw.org 25 points 10 months ago

Piracy dies (mostly) with easy and reasonably priced ways to pay for content. Most people don't want to do something illegal and want to support those who make content.

But when publishers like Warner Brothers are removing content from services making pirating sites the only place to find artists' work, then little are going to pirate.

Without sites like the Internet Archive, so much stuff would risk being lost forever because of greedy copyright practices.

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