[-] revv@lemmy.blahaj.zone 34 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Nonprofit versions of vital social tech. If I had the money sitting around, I'd love to start a nonprofit dating site/app. I met my wife on OKC in 2011 before it got bought up and enshittified. It was great and wasn't geared toward just keeping you engaged (they're soooooo bad now!). You'd probably have to gatekeep it with a small fee to disincentive bots, but with a relatively small investment, you could create something really useful for folks without preying on anyone's desperation.

Signal would be a good model for this sort of thing.

Edit: typos

[-] revv@lemmy.blahaj.zone 14 points 1 month ago

I agree with respect to the low likelihood of changing one's old posts being effective in preventing their being used as training data. I'd assume, however, that those who are motivated to "vandalize" (itself a loaded term to refer to altering one's own words) their old posts have more than one motive; in addition to inconveniencing humans, doing so devalues reddit as a place to find information and, in theory, punishes reddit for their actions, maybe even deters others from behaving similarly.

This a situation where I think that maybe a shared distaste/disdain for "slacktivism" leads to folks discouraging potentially effective collective action in one of the limited contexts where online protest has a chance of having any effect.

[-] revv@lemmy.blahaj.zone 33 points 2 months ago

Is there a good reason I don't know about to prefer this over Aegis?

[-] revv@lemmy.blahaj.zone 17 points 2 months ago

The only option that fits your budget today I can think of would be picking up one of the old xeon combos off of AliExpress. I spent like $100 on a MB+CPU+64GB DDR4 combo with a 2880 v4 I think. 14c/28t at any rate. You can probably grab a case/power supply/video card used for under $50 on eBay.

Please note that I'm not saying that this is a good option; it took a lot of fiddling for me to get mine running smoothly. But if you've got more time and patience than money, it might work for you.

[-] revv@lemmy.blahaj.zone 18 points 5 months ago

To me, this reads like "Giant-ATV-Based Taxi Service Couldn't Exist If Operators were Required to Pay Homeowners for Driving over their Houses."

If a business can't exist without externalizing its costs, that business should either a. not exist, or b. be forced to internalize those costs through licensing or fees. See also, major polluters.

[-] revv@lemmy.blahaj.zone 32 points 6 months ago

Seriously, what's with all the Mozilla hate on Lemmy? People bitch about almost everything they do. Sometimes it feels like, because it's non-profit/open-source, people have this idealized vision of a monastery full of impoverished, but zealous, single-minded monks working feverishly and never deviating from a very tiny mission.

Cards on the table, I remain an AI skeptic, but I also recognize that it's not going anywhere anytime soon. I vastly prefer to see folks like Mozilla branching out into the space a little than to have them ignore it entirely and cede the space to corporate interests/advertisers.

[-] revv@lemmy.blahaj.zone 12 points 6 months ago

I'm fine with folks with strong political convictions. The thing that gets me is the viewing of literally everything through the lens of reductive party politics combined with the belief that anyone who disagrees is an idiot or a monster.

[-] revv@lemmy.blahaj.zone 38 points 6 months ago

In addition to all of the open source options that have been offered, Davinci Resolve runs well on Linux and has all of the above features (and many, many more). It's also a buy once keep forever situation rather than a subscription since they make their real money on hardware. OSS it isn't, but it's incredibly powerful, has an extensive free (as in beer) edition and beats the hell out of paying a monthly fee.

[-] revv@lemmy.blahaj.zone 15 points 7 months ago

The thing I really hate about it is that where I live, they don't have bags at the self checkout. Cuz you know, someone might steal a fucking plastic bag. 🙄

[-] revv@lemmy.blahaj.zone 15 points 10 months ago

Training how to use "AI" (LLMs demonstrably possess zero actual reasoning ability) feels like it should be a seperate pursuit from (or subset of) general education to me. In order to effectively use "AI", you need to be able to evaluate its output and reason for yourself whether it makes any sense or simply bears a statitstical resemblance to human language. Doing that requires solid critical reasoning skills, which you can only develop by engaging personally with countless unique problems over the course of years and working them out for yourself. Even prior to the rise of ChatGPT and its ilk, there was emerging research showing diminishing reasoning skills in children.

Without some means of forcing students to engage cognitively, there's little point in education. Pen and paper seems like a pretty cheap way to get that done.

I'm all for tech and using the tools available, but without a solid educational foundation (formal or not), I fear we end up a society snakeoil users in search of the blinker fluid.

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