[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 2 points 1 day ago

Re the first part: nobody enters my house if they don't have a key and I'm not present. Re the second part, I don't trust any software-based technology near enough to rely on that kind of stuff without double-checking. . Turn the key, done.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 3 points 2 days ago

So be authentic to the universe. Be authentic to the lore. Nobody knows what 'authentically American' will look like in fifty plus years. And it's still a fictitious city. There is no need for details to conform with any particular city of today, American or not.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 15 points 3 days ago

I don't need a game that's set in a fictional future and world to be 'authentically American'.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I would remind you that Aukus is a mess of the Coalition's making - after they made a mess of the original submarine replacement project under Abbott and Turnbull, insisting on Diesel.

But for Labor to withdraw from Aukus would cause a shitstorm of unseen proportions.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 2 points 3 days ago

To this day I don't know what problem smart locks are supposed to solve that hasn't already been solved by the good old lock and key combo. Requires no electricity, no internet, just works.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 2 points 3 days ago

That means they're not for your ears. Not that they're designed to inflict pain. I've had those AirPods, they were fine for me - and my ears don't like most earbuds that get shoved in there, and sometimes even start hurting from over-ear headphones. I now have the Airpod Pros and they're even better, all that goes into your ear is the silicone bud, no rigid plastic in the mix.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 2 points 6 days ago

I remember Battlefield 2 being a prime example for that. Not only did its performance improve once I added a discrete sound card, it also sounded much better.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 62 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Es ist schon faszinierend: ein paar hundert, vielleicht einige tausend Bauern tuckern mit ihren Treckern in der Gegend rum, und kriegen schleunigst, was sie wollen.

Währenddessen sind Millionen von Menschen seit Jahren bemüht, ein Bewusstsein für Klimaschutz zu schaffen, damit endlich mal was passiert - und die schreien im Prinzip in den Abgrund, und werden dazu noch beschimpft, verunglimpft und strafrechtlich verfolgt. In den letzten Wochen sind unzählige Menschen gegen Rechtsextremismus und die Pläne der AfD auf die Strasse gegangen, und es kommen einfach keine klaren Signale aus der Politik (oder den Medien).

Die Verhältnisse sind verdammt ungleich und unausgewogen.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 52 points 6 months ago

Having worked in tech for two and a half decades, and in places that were this direct - no thanks. There's a fine line between being clear and direct, and being toxic - what Torvalds did here was toxic, and in many workplaces of today would be classed as bullying. Being subjected to this 'directness' for any given amount of time will do a number on most people's personality and self-esteem. People don't improve themselves if all you do is shit on them.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 63 points 7 months ago

I'm having a hard time figuring out whether this guy is a fucking moron or a fucking idiot.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 85 points 8 months ago

Komisch, dass Faschos nie ein Sicherheitsrisiko sind. Die marschieren auf, brüllen Hassparolen, machen Todeslisten, und kriegen auf ihren Märschen regelmäßig Polizeischutz.

Aber Linke, die irgendwo Farbe ranklatschen, sind eine Bedrohung.

Alter Verwalter, bin ich denn im falschen Film?

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 92 points 9 months ago

It's strange how these people always and consistently fall short of the values they're trying to force on others.

There's one of those dropkicks in the Australian parliament. One of those staunch conservative, deeply catholic people. Was dead set against same sex marriage because 'it devalues traditional marriage'. One day it came out that he'd been cheating on his wife and the mother of his four children with a woman half his age (he was nearing sixty at the time). Not only did he get his mistress pregnant, he also set her up with a cushy job in parliament.

His response when questioned about all this in relation to his claims about gay marriage: "I never said I was a saint."

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