[-] python@programming.dev 3 points 11 hours ago

If Mobilism doesn't have it, I search Google and try whatever sites come up. If that doesn't find the right thing I just assume it doesn't exist. Depending on what I want, I also try making the apk myself with Lucky Patcher.

[-] python@programming.dev 21 points 3 weeks ago

I've been preferring it actually! There's a sense of calm I get from scrolling through my frontpage and being out of posts at some point, usually like 20mins. I used to spend hours and hours on Reddit, just because it was so easy to keep scrolling infinitely.

At first I thought I should subscribe to more communities to have more content but it's actually kinda nice to be limited.

I also found a great female weightlifting guide over on hexbear, so I've been building muscle since November. Someone must really care to post guides here, so my confidence in it has been a lot better from the start.

And I recently took the plunge and opened a community for posts about Royal Pythons. I'm still the only poster, but it will catch on eventually, and I'll cultivate it to be better than r/ballpythons from the start. Some of the posts on that subreddit are simply scary haha

[-] python@programming.dev 22 points 2 months ago

In the case of energy providers: no, absolutely not. As the power grid is a natural monopoly, the owners of that grid need to be strictly regulated. They are not "businesses" in the classical sense, as their actions have consequences that reach way further than any business decisions should.

Also, do you think energy providers don't already have vast financial resources..?

[-] python@programming.dev 36 points 2 months ago

Oh hey, that's my specialization! I'm a programmer working on software for energy providers to control the power grid (both electric and gas), manage and plan incoming/outgoing energy as well as perform the legally required communications related to those tasks (calculations, reclamations etc.)

Long story short: this is a bullshit take. While yes, solar power does produce "too much" energy at certain times, most if not all countries in the world are still reliant on non-renewable energy during the night. The solution is not to piss away the solar power, it's to store it for when it is needed.

[-] python@programming.dev 22 points 8 months ago

AI needs training data.


Maybe it's an instance thing, maybe it's a Boost thing, but when I search for communities with the simple term "fitness" for example, I only get 5 results that have like, 30 members max.

I'm totally down with organically growing my community list over time just based on links and recommendations, but it is a bit annoying to not find communities when I'm pretty sure that they should exist.

Does anyone have tips on how to find things better?

[-] python@programming.dev 25 points 8 months ago

We have an equivalent system in Germany called Schufa, but you start at close to 100% reliability and only lose points when you seriously fuck up on paying back specific debts. The points do naturally regenerate with time, so you seriously need to lose control of your life to have a bad score long-term.

[-] python@programming.dev 27 points 8 months ago

They already have a very advanced system to transfer actually valuable data (when/how much power needs to go to the grid, end user data, redispatch of solar panels etc etc). We've actually taken that complex and valid system and clipped its wings to do something way less useful :')

[-] python@programming.dev 64 points 8 months ago

The German government has decided that starting on October 1st of this year, they don't want energy providers who want to call up another energy provider to just google the other company and use that number. They want an entire new system of message exchange for the sake of transmitting data like a company's address and phone number directly to all it's market buddies.

I'm part of the team who had to build that shit within the last 4 months or so. It's a neat project and everyone gained knowledge in AWS cloud stuff, but realistically, every one of our customers will use the system exactly once (as required by the government) and then never again.

[-] python@programming.dev 33 points 9 months ago

Ist eigentlich geil an Tagen zu arbeiten an denen sonst niemand da ist, da kann man die ganze Zeit lang rumpimmeln und niemand merkt es :D

[-] python@programming.dev 37 points 9 months ago

I've used ReVanced every day for over a year now and nothing has ever happened to my Google Account. I also used regular Vanced for at least two years before that, never had any issues.

[-] python@programming.dev 26 points 9 months ago

Sie waren Mitbewohner!

[-] python@programming.dev 29 points 1 year ago

Sollte man in Fahrschulen lehren!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by python@programming.dev to c/gaming@beehaw.org


Audiobook sites! (programming.dev)

I really like Audiobookbay for discovering new books, but if I'm searching for something specific it is a bit annoying to navigate with their sometimes broken search and the vague categorization. Seeding is also sometimes sparse, especially with older uploads..

Does anyone know good alternatives? There doesn't seem to be an audiobook category in the megathread (yet) ;)

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