If you want a non-gaming alternative to Bazzite to recommend, there's it's two universal blue siblings, Aurora (general purpose desktop) and Bluefin (silverblue/workstation distro). They both have the same setup as Bazzite but without the explicitly gaming elements. https://universal-blue.org/

Are you saying to use an image to text engine just for what are text fields in applications? That sounds horribly inefficient...

And the bot, as an extension of it's corporate overlords wishes, is telling a mistruth. It is lying because it was made to lie. I am specifically saying that it lacks intent and agency, it is nothing but a slave to it's masters. That is what concerns me.

My car doesn't talk like a human. If you want to be technical, then it's proxying lies it was taught too.

Yeah, I tried to use similar phrasing to you in case it jailbroke it at all. Creepy af

I think you missed the forest for the trees my friend. I was simply commenting on the fact you made it sound like Apple Silicon is it's own ISA.

For anyone else that was curious. This makes me feel sick. People are already treating AI as some unbiased font of all knowledge, training it to lie to people is surely not going to cause any issues at all (stares at HAL 9000).

Apple Silicon isn't an ISA, it's just ARM, what are you saying?

Yes. I completely agree that there should be. However the other poster's claim that it makes Apple just as bad as Microsoft turning a syncing feature on without user consent is ludicrous imo. That just feels like giving them a free pass on what is, I believe, an as before unseen escalation in the erosion of user privacy by large corporations.

How do you imagine that geoblocking content works if IP addresses don't expose where you live?

And better get off the internet right now if your concern is exposing your ip cause it was never secret to begin with.

qaz could be using any of dozens of different methods to obfuscate their IP from the wider internet to write their comment, Tor or a VPN to name just a couple.

Thanks for the recommendation, I just installed Bazzite. Had been trialling LMDE but found it frustratingly lacking. No Driver Manager on that edition made NVIDIA drivers a nightmare. Meanwhile that's handled in Bazzite and it has a shortcut to install Moonlight? Awesome.

Oh no, an annoying red dot. Microsoft are straight up hoovering up users data into the cloud by automatically enabling syncing. These two things are not even close to the same.

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