[-] poweruser@lemmy.sdf.org 20 points 2 months ago

This sounds like Reflexive Control. They're testing the waters to set the groundwork for him being locked up. He wants it to not shock his supporters back into sanity.

In other words, he thinks he might actually end up in prison.


[-] poweruser@lemmy.sdf.org 24 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

(Please forgive me if this is ignorant. I don't know much about Irish politics)

Doesn't the Republic of Ireland have a lot of multinational businesses headquartered there as a tax dodge?

Perhaps they could make the mega corps pay their fair share of taxes and use that to fund reunification

[-] poweruser@lemmy.sdf.org 34 points 3 months ago

It's also about making sure you can't sue them, even if they did something wrong, even if they did it on purpose, even if they knew it was wrong when they did it.

Instead you must agree to "binding arbitration", so that if you lose they get to learn what strategy works against customers, and if you win they get to learn what strategy doesn't work against customers (but in any case the details cannot be shared with other customers).

Also, you can never participate in a class action suit, so even if they did do something wrong, on purpose, and you convinced a -judge- arbiter, you just get the $12 judgment, or whatever the value is of your actual damages. The corporation can keep the $12 they stole from each of their millions of other customers, who didn't also start arbitration.

It is shocking that it is even legal

[-] poweruser@lemmy.sdf.org 32 points 4 months ago

The -p option can be used to specify the port number to connect to when using the ssh command on Linux. The -P (note: capital P) option can be used with SFTP and scp.

Why is it that the switch on ssh is -p but in scp/sftp it is -P?

This has caused me a real headache in the past as ssh doesn't throw an error message when you use a switch like "ssh -P 8080"

[-] poweruser@lemmy.sdf.org 39 points 4 months ago

We're barreling headlong toward global famine but, sure, it's the environmentalists that want to make you eat bugs.

I suppose they are, in the sense that they want everyone to be able to eat...

[-] poweruser@lemmy.sdf.org 30 points 5 months ago

It's doublespeak, a la 1984. In this case many of the words used are inversions of their usual meaning.

I'll provide some translations:

patriots -> seditionists

biblical -> cloaked in the authority of God – which here must be explicitly stated because their actions are opposed to any God of justice

open boarders -> following legal and ethical principles (remember, these people oppose ethical principles)

peacemakers -> those who use violence, or the threat of violence, to obstruct peace. See also, terrorists

besieged by dark forces of evil -> opposed by morality, ethics, or the law. The addition of "on all sides" changes the 'or' to 'and'

As a bonus, "globalists" is antisemitism. There's an old canard that justice for minorities = communism = Jewish conspiracy. This is particularly common among nazis. The convoy organizer is signaling that their group is accepting of these ideas

[-] poweruser@lemmy.sdf.org 20 points 6 months ago

I misunderstood what "war machine" meant.

I heard phrases on TV like "it cost $1 billion dollars per month to keep the war machine running" and "the US captured 100,000 barrels of oil per day to feed the war machine" and I thought this thing must be some epic beast.

The terrorists better watch out! We're sending the war machine! It must have, like, sawblade hands and tank tracks and breathe fire and have machine gun turrets.

Imagine my disappointment when I learned that THE WAR MACHINE was just a metaphor and not a Mecha Godzilla

[-] poweruser@lemmy.sdf.org 15 points 7 months ago

Is this post a paradox?

[-] poweruser@lemmy.sdf.org 34 points 7 months ago

TIL about error 418:

"I'm a teapot This server is a teapot, and it cannot brew coffee."

Apparently it was originally added as an April fools joke way back in 1998 but technically it is a valid error message that sites can actually use!

[-] poweruser@lemmy.sdf.org 21 points 8 months ago



[-] poweruser@lemmy.sdf.org 17 points 11 months ago

Hosting video content must be insanely expensive so I have some amount of sympathy for YouTube. However, ads earn such a paltry amount that I can hardly fathom how anyone can put up with it.

The total amount of ad revenue between all sites is only like $12 per user per year. So IMO it is a net benefit to block all ads (save your sanity!) and simply pay the creators of content you like.

Even just one $5 Patreon sub is worth more than all ads I'm likely to see so I block everything I can and IMO my conscience is clear

[-] poweruser@lemmy.sdf.org 26 points 11 months ago

Maybe I'm a weirdo but I actually prefer nsfw stuff on my main account too. Most of my feed on the old site was distressing news (climate change, war, politics etc) and made me feel awful in the way social media is uniquely adept at.

On Lemmy I still see that stuff but it's interspersed with boobs, which I find really lifts my mood

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