Perhaps it's lying there because truth is dead.

I've long know I wouldn't make a good lawyer because you can't say things like "Listen here you little shit" even when you're right.

Then it's simply not a democracy, yet I still often hear politicians, media pundits, and normal people claim it's the best one. Where does the truth lie?

Imagine If I worked for Kellogs and I hired a guy to follow you and yell about how good corn flakes are every time you look at your phone, every time your TV shows go on a break, and every time you pass a billboard in your car, or a marquee on a building. Even if we assume that person does nothing else illegal somehow, that could easily still be harassment, which is definitely not free speech.

[-] 51 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Really cool feeling when your state has primaries long after super Tuesday and the candidates were already mathematically locked in before you get a say. I swear I only get a chance to influence presidential primaries half the time or so. It's strange to watch a 'democracy' keep moving when sometimes your voice doesn't count because of where you're from.

[-] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I only know what I read about the NCA but are they the right organization for the job when it comes to allegations against a foreign government of a crime committed under said governments jurisdiction? Im not aware of how international their scope is.

Ads are probably closer to brainwashing than they are to legitimate free speech. Things that are legal can also be problems.

[-] 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I wonder if its going to be all social media or just arbitrary companies who the government decides aren't healthy. Both sound silly. Because either we're going to end up with warnings on almost every site with social aspects, yes including the entire fediverse, or we're relying on the government to tell us what's harmful and not without conclusive studies.

[-] 17 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

STAR voting encourages single candidate votes too much if you're voting for the underdog. Lets say it's Biden Trump and Sanders. If I want Bernie, assuming hes the underdog to Biden, I have incentive to not rank Biden at all because if I do he gets points that could push him ahead of Bernie. Its in my best interest to make sure Bernie gets the biggest point differential from my ballot which means only voting for Bernie and no one else.

So for anyone who's going to vote what would be third party, the best they can do is not rank anyone else, defeating the whole point and ensuring what people call the spoiler effect will still exist.

ALL the systems you proposed have problems, not just RCV. You have to pick your poison so to speak.

They dont know anyone being genocided personally. But losing elections, well that could happen to them personally. Sick fucks far too removed from the people they lord over to feel anything a human being may describe as compassion.

[-] 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Yeah this whole conspiracy line has gotta be based on a movie making fun of NASCAR drivers. You don't make that phrase with that verbiage without that movie. I'm not sure the guy who said it knows it's from a movie or not, but I know the guy he heard it from must.

Cyanide is used extensively in precious metal recycling too. So even reclaiming resources has a harsh chemical cost. Meeting workers from there I was surprised to say the least about how 'casually' they work with Cyanide. Clearly they have safty protocall but nothing like what I imagined something like Cyanide would call for.

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