
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Personally, I'd love this system (I immediately thought of some code snippets I'd bring!), but I'm curious how you'd handle candidates without any open source projects or contributions who still have a substantial employment history but are unable to show any code from that because it's all proprietary.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I'm a Vim user to my core, but I still use org-mode with this plugin (and Orgzly on Android) because of how useful it is.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

My biggest (mostly) irrational internet pet peeve is the proliferation of people suggesting ":wq" when ":x" is strictly better.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

This is exactly right. However, something that I've found frustrating is that in many projects (at least the ones that I'm interested in), it feels like there's a secret roadmap that's not documented anywhere outside of the maintainer's head(s). You can scour the wiki, watch the IRC channel and mailing lists, and read through the issue discussions, and you still won't have a good sense of what they want done next or if the change you want to make is incompatible with some big planned rewrite. I know the answer is to just ask—and I've done that more and more recently—but that can be a big hurdle if you're just getting started.

I'm trying to build a community for a project right now, and this is something I'm very aware of. I'm trying to report on what I'm working on and planning in the project chat so that if someone else comes along, hopefully they'll (a) understand the current status and (b) feel comfortable asking about the overall vision.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

To cap off one of my strangest days in recent memory, I just got a call asking if I can go to England all next week to accompany a choir tour. Nothing's confirmed yet, and I'd have to pull some major strings to get out of my obligations here. However, I'd really love to go.

Unfortunately, we're moving a few days after I'd get back, so I'd pretty much dump all the packing on my partner. She says I should go regardless, but I definitely don't feel great about that.

I also just finished up a take-home interview project for a part-time software development job. I've been trying to break back into that world for some time now, so I'm very excited about the opportunity.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

As already mentioned, you're probably looking for Obtanium. There's also APKUpdater, which hasn't seen updates in two years but has a 3.0 branch ready for testing. (I haven't personally used it.)

For Liftoff specifically, I'll add that it's available in the IzzyOnDroid repository for F-Droid, which is useful if you're already using F-Droid for anything else.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Thanks! I did consider Matrix as well, and in fact just set up a personal server yesterday. I was worried about it being too high of a barrier to entry (the reason I stayed away from my first instinct, IRC...). At least Zulip is intuitively just a chat app, even though it might turn people away who don't want to register for yet another account. One option could be to add Matrix and IRC bridges for Zulip, in the hopes of keeping everyone happy?

I'm still not sure what the best way forward is. It's a tricky balance between promoting FOSS and remaining widely familiar.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (6 children)

This is aptly timed for me—I spent some time this weekend trying to decide what chat service to use for a project of mine. I'm just starting to try building the community, so it feels like I should have a chat ready if/when people start showing up.

I didn't consider Discord because I wanted to stick with free software, for the reasons outlined in this post and other similar ones. In the end, I settled on Zulip, but would be happy to reconsider (so far, the chat is just me talking to myself!) if anyone wants to suggest an alternative or has experience in a similar situation.