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[–] neshura 4 points 6 months ago (8 children)

To be fair here Rozemyne's reaction to the suggestion she and Ferdinand did the deed Pre-Marriage would elicit a similar reaction in our world even as recent as 100 years ago so that's just perfectly understandable. Although I think it would be best for Rozemyne and Ferdinand to keep the details to themselves, I suspect a lot of what they did would be considered more than scandalous by the other nobles.

[–] neshura 5 points 6 months ago (10 children)

I'm glad to see there are no more hiccups in Alexandria so far. Although the same cannot be said about the rest of Yurgenschmid going by Eglantine's constitution and Anastasius' increased worry. Oh well, you reap what you sow gremlin laughter

I'm quite surprised how shocked all these nobles are that Rozemyne and Ferdinand are not this head over heels couple they thought, I suppose they all let their inner shipper run wildhwith speculation instead of staying grounded in reality. The pair's reaction to their engagement stones probably undid all of that shock though, actions speak louder than words and they all just witnessed something that will probably be enough material for 5 volumes of Elvira's Love Stories on its own. I suspect Ferdinand miscalculated Rogemyne's reaction and is coming to the realization that henceforth he'll be known as a passionate romantic.

[–] neshura 5 points 6 months ago

I like shitting on Apple as much as the next guy but the Vision Pro is an impressive piece of gear from an engineering perspective. Unfortunately, much like pretty much all VR headsets before it, it is suffering from a lack of an ecosystem.

All Apple changed is to pivot away from a focus on bleeding edge high end hardware in this new segment and instead grow a userbase by means of a cheaper base product (likely missing one or two bells and whistles). Developers don't like to produce apps for platforms nobody will use, even if they get thrown some money to do so, because it is a poor long term investment. So Apple's best shot at this is to get Vision devices onto as many heads as possible.

[–] neshura 24 points 6 months ago

At least in the EU USB-C is only the standard by 2nd degree, the actual mandatory connector is whatever connector the industry consortium decides on. For now it just happens to be USB-C

[–] neshura 3 points 6 months ago

Also to anyone knowing Ferdinand it screams "I want to be the person you can entrust your safety to", the man is way too paranoid to let anyone touch his cape so her wanting to embroider it is a pretty strong statement to those who know him well enough.

[–] neshura 6 points 6 months ago

Holy Water most likely

[–] neshura 7 points 6 months ago

If she has a problem with the price that's still down to her principles being closely FOSS aligned because in her case it certainly is a case of "doesn't want to pay" versus "can't pay"

[–] neshura 6 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Personally I have complicated feelings about this DLC.

The world design is a 10/10 for me but the rest...

For a start the Open World feels a bit unrewarding. I don't really have a problem with the abundance of empty space but the rewards you get for exploration feel a bit weak to me. I would have liked a few more weapons in chests and other places instead of Smithing Stone 8 #1241. Case in point: They added 8 new weapon categories but from what I can see barely one of these new categories has more than a single regular weapon in it. Definitely a missed opportunity.

As for the combat it's fine outside of the bosses. The enemies hit like a truck but once you figure out the gimmicks it's quite manageable. The bosses however are some of the worst in the entire game. I'm not an outstanding player, I'm not even good. But me being bad is not quite the problem I have with these. The problem I have with these bosses is that they are frustrating. For example the first Dancing Lion Boss has such an arsenal and length of combos that, when coupled with its flowing moveset, I cannot find a reliable gap to exploit. I think I found one only for the boss to switch up the Combo the 3rd time around (not HP related changes) and kill me anyway. Add to that the camera being absolute garbage and it feels like I'm fighting a duo boss. The cooldowns between their combos also are annoyingly uncertain, sometimes you have a gap to heal after a combo and sometimes they start the next combo almost immediately. Now mind you there might be gaps I don't see but if the only people who can even find the gaps are the top 20% of players then negative reviews will be inevitable.

What makes this entire thing worse is that as soon as you employ spirit summons the entire charade is exposed. The only reason these bosses are "hard" is because they hit you in a relentless torrent of combos. The moment there is any other target to take the heat off of you the difficulty plummets into the core of the planet. Oh and also their pathfinding is absolutely shot, I've had multiple cases where Bosses (and regular enemies) got stuck path finding towards me because I was standing on a little pebble or behind a pillar. I think mages are also completely fucked because almost every boss I've stumbled upon was in permanent distance closing mode. No or extremely rare walk phases where a mage could fire off a few spells but instead just constant pressure.

I think the Bosses can't even be easily rebalanced because the problem is not that they are too tanky or deal too much damage, they are imo just terribly designed to where they are too hard when in a 1v1 and too easy in a 2+v1 due to their move-/attacksets. If they rebalance anything maybe the frequency between combos could be tuned a bit but I really don't think that's going to change much about how people perceive these bosses.

[–] neshura 15 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Oh no you can bet this guy is into Eugenics and refuses to fuck anyone he deems has "inferior genes" without protection

[–] neshura 6 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I fear Megumin has discovered the concept of edging....

I also demand moar of this good stuff, like immediately.

Ah well, waiting it is and I guess there's always the LN

[–] neshura 44 points 6 months ago

I am so incredibly surprised by this.....

Who am I kidding it was clear from the start they were going to do this. It just further proves that:

  • they know this shit erodes any semblance of private digital communications down to the bedrock
  • this thing being for "the protection of children" is just a front for them to lie it into effect

At this point I cannot take any politician seriously who would vote "yes" to this surveilance law given the blatant malicious intent behind it.

[–] neshura 3 points 6 months ago

It might also be that from the perspective of a god using a synchronization potion is an even more severe act, to them Mana is even more intimate than to nobles and Mestionora only possessing (and thereby synchronizing) a single person in recorded history points to only doing so as a last resort. It might just be that to a god the act of synchronizing Mana is even more scandalous than to a noble.

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