
joined 2 years ago
[–] neshura 2 points 7 months ago

Must've been one powerful curse... that or the little guy over here is already influenced by Hartmut et co. and will turn into a devout follower of St. Rozemyne

[–] neshura 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

The worst part really is just getting off the damn spam lists. There is almost no documentation anywhere for do's and dont's. I ultimately had to setup a sending relay for the mail on my status monitoring VPS because my residential IP triggered most spam filters, but I only found out that that was the problem from forum posts investigating the same problem. I check with stuff like mail-tester, get back perfect scores and yet most of my outgoing emails have a good chance to land in the spam folder anyway (but at least they get delivered so that's a plus I guess)

As others in other threads have said: Google and Microsoft have killed the ability to self-host email simply by black-boxing their spam filters. As a user you have no real way to fix your mail server such that your emails get delivered into the inbox reliably.

[–] neshura 2 points 7 months ago (3 children)

I self-host email, it certainly isn't something I'd recommend

[–] neshura 5 points 7 months ago

Elvira is a menace. That is all I have to say for today

[–] neshura 6 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (4 children)

Selbst wenn du ein eigenes Router OS verwendest ist die Hintertür im Netzwerkadapter drin, aber das sind Angriffsflächen die einem Normalo sowas von egal sein können. Dafür ist man nicht Ansatzweise wichtig genug

[–] neshura 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Also no regenerative braking

[–] neshura 2 points 7 months ago

No thank you for bringing it to my conscious attention, I'll probably create a discussion meta post about where to go with this instance post main series to gather some thoughts on the matter.

[–] neshura 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

you're not alone with that concern, it's on my mind as well. As for your question I'd have to check over at ! but my gut feeling says if we want another novel to discuss we'll have to find it ourselves

Edit: luckily the way this instance is set up allows for a shift to other stories as well, so maybe this place can turn into a general book instance

[–] neshura 7 points 7 months ago

Imo you probably save more money keeping the server up 24/7 than constantly shutting it down and starting it up again. Especially once you get a good list of services going.

[–] neshura 26 points 7 months ago (7 children)

Not really no, it also likely isn't a surprise to the engineers and project managers working on these products. Which is likely exactly why they have standout battery life: the project managers knew AI wouldn't sell so they made the laptops appealing via conventional means anyway.

[–] neshura 1 points 8 months ago

Please tell me they had the decency to filter out the ML garbage... nvm that would've been too much work

[–] neshura 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

You know thinking about it a bit more the nobles might be so shocked by Rozemyne's brief moments of non-book obsession that they completely gloss over the rest and accept her as a genius.

After all when compared to someone who never did their job (well or at all) someone who does it well some of the time must seem like a gift from the heavens (Hartmut and Clarissa will make sure they take that part literally).

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