I'm glad to see there are no more hiccups in Alexandria so far. Although the same cannot be said about the rest of Yurgenschmid going by Eglantine's constitution and Anastasius' increased worry. Oh well, you reap what you sow gremlin laughter
I'm quite surprised how shocked all these nobles are that Rozemyne and Ferdinand are not this head over heels couple they thought, I suppose they all let their inner shipper run wildhwith speculation instead of staying grounded in reality. The pair's reaction to their engagement stones probably undid all of that shock though, actions speak louder than words and they all just witnessed something that will probably be enough material for 5 volumes of Elvira's Love Stories on its own. I suspect Ferdinand miscalculated Rogemyne's reaction and is coming to the realization that henceforth he'll be known as a passionate romantic.
To be fair here Rozemyne's reaction to the suggestion she and Ferdinand did the deed Pre-Marriage would elicit a similar reaction in our world even as recent as 100 years ago so that's just perfectly understandable. Although I think it would be best for Rozemyne and Ferdinand to keep the details to themselves, I suspect a lot of what they did would be considered more than scandalous by the other nobles.