[-] neo@lemy.lol 5 points 2 days ago

Roll a charisma check

[-] neo@lemy.lol 23 points 2 days ago

I think OP is the grandma in this scenario and just hit puberty in real life.

[-] neo@lemy.lol 2 points 3 days ago

A master of Karate
and friendship
for everyone

[-] neo@lemy.lol 20 points 4 days ago

Finally a reason to upgrade from my C64!

[-] neo@lemy.lol 17 points 4 days ago

This person does not have a sibling or else they knew that the turtle doesn't work and a slap to the back of the head would be incoming.

[-] neo@lemy.lol 4 points 4 days ago

Can you help me with my pimple?

[-] neo@lemy.lol 14 points 4 days ago

You're making that up, right?
This is from an 80s movie about a distopian future (like RoboCop or Total Recall), right!?

I mean, do you stop at red lights in that situation? You probably have to... Do you keep the speed limit and have some small talk with the guy fighting for his life, while you sit in traffic?

[-] neo@lemy.lol 76 points 4 days ago

Your honour, I asked her if she wanted to have it and she said no. I wasn't sure what that meant so I asked again. And to make things clearer I told her that "yes" and "maybe later" where the only options. She still didn't say yes, but after some time I decided that "later" had come. So I Azure you, I did nothing wrong.

[-] neo@lemy.lol 7 points 5 days ago

Right!? At least on Lemmy I can drink my Pepsi® in peace. Like for real, there's nothing better than scrolling through some funny memes with a delicious can of ice cold Pepsi®, my fellow [insert slang term; plural]!

[-] neo@lemy.lol 4 points 5 days ago

Shitty days, but days nonetheless, when PC gaming was the Dark Souls of gaming.

[-] neo@lemy.lol 1 points 5 days ago

So that's what you meant when I asked you to do the dishes.

[-] neo@lemy.lol 31 points 6 days ago

Never bring a knife to a bomb fight.

ich🏛️iel (lemy.lol)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by neo@lemy.lol to c/ich_iel@feddit.de

Jetzt mal ernsthaft!

Edit: Also gut ja, ich gebe zu Tortellini mit Broccoli-Sahne-Sauce und Spaghetti alla puttanesca das hat Pasta für uns gemacht.

Ravioli oder Tortellini, gekochen und kurz in Olivenöl mit Knoblauch und Peperoni angebraten mit Parmesan das versteht sich doch von selbst, oder!?

Aber abgesehen davon, dass Pasta uns ernährt wenn es das Portemonnaie nicht kann und der neuartigen Verwertungsmöglichkeit für Weizen... Ja, Lasagne sollte man erwähnen.

Aber abgesehen davon und von Linguine mit Rote Bete und Ziegenkäse, Casarecce mit karamellisierten Zwiebeln & Speck, Tagliatelle mit Weichkäse und Nüssen, Fusilli Bucati Corti mit Grünkohl & Feta, Fettuccine mit Spinat, Lachs, Gorgonzolasoße, Spaghetti all’ Assassina, Spaghetti Carbonara, Cannelloni mit Ricotta Spinat sowie Tagliatelle mit Räucherlachs, Paprika und Majoran... was hat Pasta jemals für uns getan!?

submitted 1 month ago by neo@lemy.lol to c/memes@lemmy.world

but where's Wallace!?

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