[-] mynachmadarch@kbin.social 28 points 1 month ago

Yeah, the steak looks like it was cooked some before the eggs were dropped in, so it won't be the prettiest but should cook and taste just fine.

[-] mynachmadarch@kbin.social 28 points 1 month ago

Florida just banned lab grown meat and removed climate change targets from their books. So, the usual for them.

[-] mynachmadarch@kbin.social 35 points 1 month ago

And this is why I hate all web development and the fact that most jobs are web bs these days. Everything has so much crud baked in and including twelve modules with a million functions just to do anything is the norm.

Giving my back my beautiful optimized assembly dangit.

[-] mynachmadarch@kbin.social 57 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

This and glue sauce are so worrisome. Like sure most people probably know better than to actually do that, but what about the ones they don't know? How many know how bad it is to mix bleach and ammonia? How long until Google AI is poisoned enough to recommend that for a tough stain?

[-] mynachmadarch@kbin.social 34 points 1 month ago

I think the Pietà on my coffee table would be more of a conversation starter.

[-] mynachmadarch@kbin.social 33 points 1 month ago

It's not stated well in that article but the bill actually has an exception for secret societies to request permits to wear masks for parades and such. A Democrat state rep (forget her name) pointed out this explicitly would protect the KKK but not regular folk wanting to, say, legally protest Palestine murders, because everyone knows they would be denied permits.

Earlier versions of this bill kept failing until they added what people are calling the KKK exception.

[-] mynachmadarch@kbin.social 43 points 1 month ago

Honestly not even brownouts. I was so hyped for the potential of IOT to let distributed power management be a bigger thing. Throw your laundry in the wash when you have enough and just let the electric company trigger it when they've got excess or low consumption periods to help balance things.

Instead we get unsecure cameras or DDOS botfarms piggybacking "smart" thermostats or fridges that let you tweet.

[-] mynachmadarch@kbin.social 147 points 1 month ago

He had better handlers and PR team back then so more people thought he was just an eccentric billionaire Playboy inventor and were willing to do the dirty work needed to make it happen.

[-] mynachmadarch@kbin.social 26 points 1 month ago

No, Stupid, Questions!

[-] mynachmadarch@kbin.social 28 points 1 month ago

It's not necessarily that it's tricky to crack (it's certainly not easy, don't get me wrong), but that there's no point for a couple reasons that combine:

  1. To crack a game you have to redo it any time there's a major release of the game, such as DLC/expansion/major bug fix. The reasons for this are numerous and outside scope. But it takes time.
  2. Most crackers can only do so many games, so they often wait until most or all major additions are out.
  3. Denuvo is expensive and operates on a yearly license
  4. Most game studios only license Denuvo for those first few update cycles when they get the most sales and then remove it themselves because of the cost

That means many don't even bother trying to crack Denuvo because they just can wait it out. It's a resource balancing game on both sides.

[-] mynachmadarch@kbin.social 115 points 1 month ago

He didn't actually think it was the most efficient. It's way worse. He knew he could get a proposed high speed rail line killed so it wouldn't cut into his car sales. He did not care one bit what happened after it died. Everything else was his PR team.

[-] mynachmadarch@kbin.social 175 points 1 month ago

Just a reminder that, at least as of 2020, the NYPD alone is in the top 30 military budgets in the world when compared to full countries. They spent $10,900,000,000 (that's 11 billion if you don't wanna count the zeroes out).

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