
joined 1 year ago
[–] 11 points 11 months ago

But you can upvote and comment. OP didn't specifically say posts, just increases in upvotes and socialization

[–] 5 points 11 months ago

I had the Samsung Note 2 back in the day. I installed a custom bootloader and OS that worked fantastically. I had GPS issues, and all the guides I read said I have to reinstall Samsung's OS, get a GPS fix, then reinstall my custom OS.

I made the mistake of installing a newer version of the Samsung OS which installed Knox and locked down my bootloader. I was now locked into an old, insecure Android version with no possibility of ever upgrading because Samsung abandoned it.

From that day on, I vowed never to buy another Samsung product again. Screw them and their anti-choice bullshit.

[–] 17 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (9 children)

I spent 15 minutes looking at all the links and clicking on a few.

North Korea is apparently a functioning democracy that gives its civilians everything they need. They're all extraordinary happy and love their fairly elected leader. The ones who defect only do it because they're filthy, selfish capitalists.

Tiananmen Square was apparently not a massacre of thousands of unarmed civilian student protestors, but the site of a skirmish between capitalist pig armed provocateurs who assaulted and killed soldiers in cold blood and acted surprised when the soldiers (with extraordinary restraint) defended themselves against their attacks, leading to just 200 deaths (including those poor innocent soldiers).

The Uighurs are apparently all happy. The Chinese government forcibly took thousands, no, hundreds of thousands of people from their homes and placed them in camps, all out of a selfless desire to help those poor, misguided souls. There's definitely no cultural oppression, no forced labor, and no human rights abuses. They're just all-inclusive resorts with free "cultural lessons" to help them understand both Uighur and Chinese culture. The CCP loves their Muslim citizens and definitely doesn't consider them terrorists in need of forced reeducation. All the horror stories we've heard from people whose family members were captured, or about forced organ harvesting, or rape and torture, they're all just unproven lies. The Chinese government even offers tours of their Uighur "resorts" to prove to the world that it's a diligent effort to support their Uighur brothers!

[–] 4 points 11 months ago

That's what I said though.

Your ISP can't see what you're downloading if you encrypt, but the IP (intellectual property) enforcers still can if they're participating in the torrent. Then they find out which ISP that IP (address) belongs to and sends them a letter saying "we caught your subscriber downloading XYZ illegally."

However, at least one US district court has ruled that just catching an IP address downloading a torrent illegally isn't proof that any particular person illegally downloaded the IP (intellectual property). As a result, some ISPs simply ignore the letters the IP enforcers send, while some of the bigger ones count "strikes" against the subscriber with that IP address.

[–] 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (3 children)

If you use encryption (I always change the settings from "prefer" to "require" encryption on every install), the ISPs literally can't identify what you're downloading.

So the IP enforcement companies send the ISP a letter saying "this IP was illegally downloading our stuff. We don't actually have proof, but trust us and punish them."

Big surprise, a ton of ISPs just ignore them.

Edit: to be clear, I'm only saying encryption prevents your ISP from seeing what you're downloading. IP (intellectual property) enforcers who participate in the torrent are the ones who inform your ISP, but their letters to the ISPs have no teeth. Some ISPs care, but a lot just ignore the letters. You still definitely want to use a VPN for all public trackers.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

During computer learning in a computer lab 15 years ago, I figured out that the student passwords were sequential, so I could easily guess other students' passwords. If I logged in to their account while they were logged in, they would get booted and I'd hear the inevitable "Mrs Teacher! It says my session expired!"

I did that 2 or 3 times over the course of a few minutes before I got caught. The vice principal rambled on and on about how I was "disrupting learning" and how I "should be suspended for this" before finally telling me, "my mentor taught me a really important lesson. If your students don't hate you, you aren't doing your job."

What a horrible piece of shit.

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