[-] mindlight@lemm.ee 1 points 32 minutes ago* (last edited 25 minutes ago)

You really don't understand how Blu-ray works, do you?

Regarding Blu-ray as a medium for movies: Sony isn't able do that kind of damage.

Blu-ray Association would go bananas:

[-] mindlight@lemm.ee 1 points 22 hours ago

None of that made Tesseract excel in capturing handwritten text...

[-] mindlight@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

It wasn't possible a year ago when pos6ted around with tesseract. Things might have changed during the last couple of months though.

[-] mindlight@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

To train an AI to recognize handwriting you need a huge dataset of handwriting examples. That is millions of samples of handwritten text + information about what the written text says in every example).

This is why the best engines only exists as a service in the cloud. The OCR engines you can install lovely that are acceptable, but far from perfect, are commercial. Parascript FormXtra is one of the better commercial ones.

The only OCR Engine that's free and really good is Tesseract OCR but it doesn't handle handwritten text.

[-] mindlight@lemm.ee 11 points 2 days ago

Here we go again....

[-] mindlight@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago

Five Guys have a vanilla milkshake till bacon ... Yummmmm

[-] mindlight@lemm.ee 154 points 1 month ago


Microsoft’s latest Windows update breaks VPNs, and there’s no fix

What Microsoft actually said:

Windows devices might face VPN connection failures after installing the April 2024 security update, or KB5036893. We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release

I'm so fed up with everyone trying to make a quick buck on our constant struggle to stay safe.

[-] mindlight@lemm.ee 124 points 3 months ago

Touch screen, Vibration feedback/Color change or not, means that you have to look at what your hand is doing and not on the road.

A physical button means you can keep your eyes on the road and find the right button with easy.

So let's be honest. At this point, touch screens are chosen by car makers because cost and not design. So essentially, safety is less important than cost for the car makers.

[-] mindlight@lemm.ee 194 points 4 months ago

The issue was never to get access to Reddit without paying a monthly fee. It was about the experience as an user. However, what really made me drop Reddit was the way Reddit management acted in all of this. They showed no signs of being someone to trust.

So I don't care if there are 3rd party Reddit apps since Reddit is irrelevant to me.

[-] mindlight@lemm.ee 134 points 5 months ago

As a non US citizen this is just a Robin Williams in Jumanji moment...


Anyways, welcome to the year of the interwebs.

Have you got rid of your cheques and faxes yet? 😉

[-] mindlight@lemm.ee 149 points 7 months ago

For you outside Sweden: There is no such thing as minimum wage. It's perfectly legal to hire someone for 0 SEK / month.

The whole idea is that a collective agreement should be negotiated and agreed upon by the employers and employees in each business area (like telecom, healthcare, factory workers, electricians etc etc). The idea is that the employers and employees, not the politicians, knows more about what their market/business area requires and is able to deliver in the form of minimum wage, yearly salary increase, vacation and overtime (among other things) .

Here's the thing that often is different in discusions like the one about Tesla refusing to sign a collective agreement: Collective agreements only limits the minimums. So the only reason to refuse to sign is if you intend to keep some thing below the levels that are the norm in your business area.

Essentially, you're trying to get unfair competitive advantage.

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