[-] megane_kun@lemm.ee 18 points 1 week ago

I don't use a shower, rather, I have a bucket (or two) of water and a dipper. I can ruminate and think about things while giving myself a thorough scrubbing, and not consume any water.

I can take as much time as I need (much to the irritation of people I live with) without consuming any more water.

[-] megane_kun@lemm.ee 17 points 1 week ago

Even if it were possible, I still would not prefer to have any kids.

First off, I haven't even been a "proper adult", and probably would never be. How can I be expected to raise a child with the care and love they deserve when I don't even have my life sorted out? Even if you argue that I'd have to change once having a child, I've also seen people fail to change even after having children they swore they loved even more than their own life.

Secondly, we've already got enough people that are unwanted and abandoned. Why not take better care of people we already have now?

Lastly, parenting is a huge commitment. It's not just about you and your "legacy", but another life that will suffer for your mistakes. For those who are up to the task and willingly take on the responsibility, thank you and best of luck!

[-] megane_kun@lemm.ee 36 points 3 weeks ago

I didn't get it until I started trying to say "hot potato" in the middle of a sentence, like "Look out! Hot potato incoming!"

The 't' in "hot" became more and more like a glottal stop as my tongue started to touch the gums of my top front teeth less and less.

[-] megane_kun@lemm.ee 18 points 1 month ago

And that's perhaps the most peaceful peace. A‌ peace only nothingness can bring.

[-] megane_kun@lemm.ee 32 points 1 month ago

There are other options other than this one that requires permission. The article mentions her reasons to choose this method.

From the article:

She had thought about taking her own life but the violent death by suicide of a schoolfriend and its impact on the girl’s family deterred her.

Whether we agree with her or not, it's her decision.

[-] megane_kun@lemm.ee 15 points 1 month ago

This might be a hot take for an anime enjoyer, but what immunity are they talking about here? Immunity against nudity? Fanservice?

I'm leaning more towards "people losing immunity towards nudity (in shows)" but that's one extreme. If every show on Earth has people fully-clothed, covered from hair to toe, and porn is relegated to an extreme taboo that one would go to great lengths and at great risk to access (kinda like Shimoneta, I‌ guess?) then maybe? But even then, sex is such a human need that people will find ways.

Now, this might be a wild shot in the dark, but if they're talking about lack of fanservice leading to people not having sex, uh.... Japan has a lot of problems with young people not having enough children, but I don't think lack of fanservice has anything to do with it, and more about the pressures and bleak prospects.

IDK, I‌ just don't get it and maybe someone who has access to the original interview quoted here can clarify things?

[-] megane_kun@lemm.ee 22 points 3 months ago

I tried using both, in an effort to migrate from Discord. However, after a period of trying to figure out a good workflow and set-up in Matrix—finding an "instance" to set-up an accounts, configuring a private room for me and my SO to have a private chat in, and all that—we just gave up when the instance we had accounts in just folded.

I would have wanted to move to Matrix but I'm just too smooth-brained for it, and so in Discord I stay (keeping in mind that it's neither private nor safe to be there).

[-] megane_kun@lemm.ee 15 points 9 months ago

I was too young to use it in any serious context, but I kinda dig how WordPerfect does formatting. It is hidden by default, but you can show them and manipulate them as needed.

It might already be a thing, but I am imagining a LaTeX-based standard for document formatting would do well with a WYSIWYG editor that would hide the complexity by default, but is available for those who need to manipulate it.

[-] megane_kun@lemm.ee 14 points 9 months ago

To add to this, artificial engagement is disingenuous. It's akin to corporate-owned comment sections inviting people to "speak their mind" which, of course, no one does.

It's a balance that should be kept: being willing to contribute, but not feeling forced to contribute. Quality begets quality, and if we compromise on quality chasing quantity, we would end up copying the worst of Reddit.

[-] megane_kun@lemm.ee 80 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I remember when I first heard the rumours and I immediately thought of how sensitive one's anal linings would be to perceive Morse code via a butt plug. Then pondered upon the max possible bandwidth of buttplug-mediated information transfer. Finally, I thought about how to send back information via rythmic anal clenching.

Only then did I conclude that it's probably easier to get better at chess.

[-] megane_kun@lemm.ee 25 points 10 months ago

I dabbled in a bit of neography (creating your own writing system) and a hint of conlanging (creating your own language). I think I've managed to create a fairly decent writing system for myself, but the conlang went nowhere fast as I underestimated the effort required to even get started with it. I also attempted making fantasy maps, but it was all in paper and quite a while ago.

That's it, I suppose: neography, conlanging, and fantasy mapping.

I also spent an embarrassing amount of time looking at maps and making virtual road trips via Google street view, but that's way more mainstream.

[-] megane_kun@lemm.ee 25 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I bought a big pack of msg from the Asian supermarket and use it instead of normal salt for many things. My partner and I call it wonder salt.

I hear the voices of my ancestors cry in confusion.

But seriously speaking, I've never encountered MSG being used in place of salt. We use it here to give food more of that nondescript meaty taste (aka umami).

Personally, if I need both salty and umami tastes I'd reach for soy or fish sauce first (depending on what's being cooked). I'd only add MSG and/or salt if I really have to—usually to make minute adjustments.

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