[-] makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml 34 points 3 days ago

I'd like to give it a try, but unfortunately it looks like it requires the electronic arts app, which I refuse to install.

[-] makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml 3 points 4 days ago

Autokey in Linux

[-] makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml 4 points 4 days ago

Like half of the posts in this community.

[-] makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml 6 points 4 days ago

Wrong distro. Start again.


[-] makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml 3 points 6 days ago

Dropping live on FTV

[-] makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 days ago

An m2 / m2 runs Debian?


There was a finding that all males have microplastic particles in our testes.

It became a meme.

Everybody laughed.

New meme overtakes old meme.

We forget about our plastic testes and move on.

But, is there any issues going forward, that anyone is aware of?


So ddg is down, so I visit Google. It's been some years.

I just can't believe how poor it's results are, and how it's trying to suggest things it think I might also want (and failing miserably).

I just assumed ddg would be the lesser, but I use it for privacy. Turns out I'm wrong.

How long has Google been this bad?


Hi all, I really like the open source Linux application called DIA it's a diagram tool that handles flowcharts beautifully.

I'm trying to find an offline Android application that is similar to that, that I can use locally on my Android tablet.

Other software categories that might work include mind mapping, but anything like that really is what I'm after.

There seems to be a severe lack of this, I can't really find anything. I used to use freemind on Linux also, again a great application, but nothing seems to be available for Android.

If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them. Thank you.


Hi all,

I have seen lately that the 'source available' N8N (which is excellent), has starting increasing pricing and restricting what you can get for your pricing.

In time, I can only assume this will get worse. Now, they deserve to get paid, and that's fine, but I had gone in thinking this was open source, but I see now it's not that at all.

This has led me to wonder if there's a true open source / self hosted alternative to N8N out there? Doing a bit of a hunt shows 'source available' alternatives, with a price point, and restrictions. I'm wondering if any team has tackled this in a truly open manner and if there's something out there?

Thanks so much

[-] makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml 169 points 2 months ago

Imagine reading that headline 20 years ago.


So I finally started it.

It's a fine game.

I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

I'm old. I'm patient.

Please, please don't mention spoilers if possible. I love to crack nuts the old fashioned way. ๐Ÿ™‚


For example if I were to go to Facebook, you will ask for my location data, and I will say no and never ask again.

Then I go back and it just keeps asking.

Basically every website I visit this happens to.

Is there not a way to just have firefox absolutely stop Facebook from asking again?

Thanks so much for your help


I hear it in movies so the time. We're going upstate. I went upstate. Etc

I never hear downstate, or similar. Does it just mean going north?

[-] makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml 154 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

My wife is nearly home. System alerts me. I quickly tidy my day's mess. She doesn't need that after a big day.

She arrives. Gate opens for her automatically.

As she approaches the door, the light turns on for her.

Her night time play lists starts on low volume, overriding mine.

A leopard approaches the house. The house robot with bolt on subscriptions, (the expensive "hunt and defend" add on), wreaks carnage on said leopard, only to find it was a child trick or treating. Lawyers for subscription bot are arranging payment to child's family for their lost family member.

All in all, it's really useful.

[-] makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml 131 points 5 months ago

And I just cancelled. Fuck them. This is 1990's pay TV repeating itself. I'm not playing that part of history again.


Hi all,

We're using a closed source solution at the moment for our business. It's good at its core, and we don't want to change, but, they recently changed tech stack for their interface, and it runs like a dog now. Everything is syrup slow, and they are not going to admit their issue, and redact their work, or change to another tech stack. We run high end machines, and it's just terrible.

So that got me looking about, and I'm trying to find something that is preferabbly open source, that we can self host also. But having said that, we're happy to support the devs by paying them to host, if it's not out of the range of normality pricing wise.

We do tap in with our own tools via API's, webhooks, and whatnot. So if a 'deal' is 'won' for example, the system will talk with our n8n automation flows, and do various things. So it will need to handle that.

Any suggestions GREATLY appreciated. Happy for anyone to pimp their own, or their companies also. As I say, we're happy to pay if it's what suites, but we'd like to support open source endevours if we can.

Thank you

[-] makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml 114 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

They want to harvest the data, without Google's control, and give none to Google.


As per the title. I canโ€™t find anything on fdroid. I was surprised, so checking in here. Thank you

[-] makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml 153 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Remind me in 3 days. That shit should be against the law. There should be a don't bug me ever again option.


It's a show stopper for me if not. I just can't find an option. Does it exist?


Hi all,

I have shattered pixel dungeon and it's amazing. Love it.

I also have and love Unciv and Mindustry.

I'm looking for more great games that don't collect your name, contacts, sms history, billing details, healthcare info, gender and race info, location data etc etc.

The games don't have to be open source, but it would be preferable.

I've donated good money to all games listed above as I love them. So not chasing free. Just chasing trusted.

Thank you


As per the title. I'm obviously an old Bustard. Somebody please explain Rule to me.

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