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[–] lordnikon@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

i like your outlook that we will be alive and still have modern concepts in 10 to 20 years like retirement. Instead of living in caves and choking on Air while trying to not be take in by heat stroke.

[–] lordnikon@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

it's almost like they told their saga that took 10 years but forgot to tell the studio. the story ended its like a TV show that kept going like we all know scrubs ended at season 8 but the big wigs were like "We can do season 9, right? " Right now they are running on all momentum and no direction or vision and if they didn't have those they should have stopped for a bit till they got them.

[–] lordnikon@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

for real work yeah but for getting to experience retro hardware https://protoweb.org/ works great. by no means am I advocating for any production data be used on these machines. but at the same time the code open if you want it bad enough. you do it yourself or pay a bounty to have some others do it. if you really want to use it for real work. like I said it's great you don't have to start from scratch the old version archive is there warts and all.

[–] lordnikon@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

yeah that's what I'm talking about it's nice to be able to still run a windows 95 or OG redhat 6 distro on period hardware if nothing else for learning and museum.

people still do it today in the retro space all the time and it's a hell of a lot harder to do on windows and Mac than Linux since every kernel is still archived. I mean am I that old to remember the 2.6 split. it's not the same thing since that was maintained but it doesn't mean someone in the retro space couldn't do a back port if needed.

I was at VCF this year and people were still writing new code for PDP11s. it may not be productive in a work sense but preserving computing history is something of value and not ewaste.

[–] lordnikon@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago (7 children)

the fact that it's open and you can get old versions of the kernel. i say we are very lucky we get the support we get but ask long as that older version is still available abd opening means no e waste. even 386s

[–] lordnikon@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

oh 2/3s will die just not by humanity hands directly. heat, extreme weather, more pandemics. it's all coming earth will get it's payment in blood.

[–] lordnikon@lemmy.world 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

right wingers are never going to be happy unless they are able to thump their Bible on to minorities the act of cruelty is the point not a means to an end. Think about it when social media made a spaces for right wingers to be they still wanted to be on the mainstream ones becase they are addicted to the rage.

They won't be happy even if they get their way because the house of fascism is to always have the in group beat down the out group to keep the few in power when they eradicate the first out group then create a new out group with a new round of purity tests. and the cycle starts over. it's a story as old as time.

now to answer your question about why you may hear it more when they change a trace of a character from one races to another to modernize older characters. we that's becase while the right wingers are always going to moan and rage there are people that see not like that that don't like it for different reason and that is hollow corporate choices are made not for really pushing representation but becase they can get a demo of 18 to 34 year old by saying they do.

Like have you every noticed how all the characters in DC comics they changed from white to black were Red Heads. They changed from one minority to another and they want a pat on the back for it. Hell look at the gay or trans communities they want to make everyone gay but just enough to not piss off China.

also no one can just be gay they have to play it up for drama. when what each group needs is not stereotypes onscreen or characters where the thing that makes them a minority is their whole personality. it makes them one dimensional and like I said before hollow. i want cool characters that happen to be gay or black or trans, etc vs gay or black or trans characters.

That's why star trek (while flawed in some ways) was so powerful in the 60s it normalize not dramatized a black woman working side by side with all races. To just tell stories not black stories or women stories.

To me anything else is more racist becase the Corps are just playing us all for fools all the way to bank and they don't want real change cause the money machine dries up. It saddens me that every under represented group is so starved for representation they take what ever they can get and the Corps know this.

sorry I will get off my soap box as someone in a minority group it stings when I think about it.

[–] lordnikon@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

the 2600 and a sega Genesis is the best pair since you can swap controllers between the two systems.

[–] lordnikon@lemmy.world 20 points 1 week ago

You could buy box copies of the original suse Linux that had manuals in the box the size of a TI graphing calculator manual.

Once you got X working everything else was cake by comparison.

[–] lordnikon@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I will say the only thing more convenient for most people is that it's preinstalled on the computer they bought at a big box store. If that changed it would make a world of difference.

[–] lordnikon@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Steam machines madre the same mistake the 3DO made I'm glad they recovered and something very good camel out of it.

[–] lordnikon@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

that's not in the plan it won't increase until they dominate the market and lock in the user base and I don't think enough people subscribe yet. squeezing free accounts to put you in the just enough annoyed state. Just like mobile games do.

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