[-] loops@beehaw.org 30 points 1 month ago

I'll just use an alias; sudo has been around for to long for me to change it and not be stressed about it.

[-] loops@beehaw.org 23 points 5 months ago

As a non-programmer, this entire comment sounds straight out of a Neal Stephenson sci-fi story.

[-] loops@beehaw.org 33 points 9 months ago
[-] loops@beehaw.org 30 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

This vast infringement is causing publishers and authors serious financial and creative harm, publishers allege.

Creative harm? As in switching out one graph for the another? Mixing up the table of contents? Maybe adding a sentence or two every few years when that research paper is in the public domain?

*worlds tiniest violin

an average of over 9 million visitors per month from the United States

Who wouldn't be able to pursue a credible education otherwise.

Publishers should shut the fuck up and take the money that is given to them by rich kids parents. Everyone else can't afford their shit. They're making the decades old mistake of thinking that everyone that downloads their books freely would've paid for it.

[-] loops@beehaw.org 19 points 9 months ago

I have two accounts. One for another instance that's mainly local, and one for Beehaw when I don't want to deal with bullshit; which is most of the time.

[-] loops@beehaw.org 28 points 9 months ago

My desktop will become my server.

*5 years later

My desktop will be integrated into my personal server farm.

[-] loops@beehaw.org 32 points 10 months ago

To me, the definition of 'lame' meaning like a lame leg or something is too dated to be the first thing most people think of in most contexts.

[-] loops@beehaw.org 28 points 10 months ago


but you have to spit the 'p'.

[-] loops@beehaw.org 19 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I use my phone/laptop a lot in class too look things up. Like finding gifs of the stages of a beating heart, and generally, reading about the same topic being covered by the professor, but explained differently. It helps tremendously. That being said, there are certainly other people in any class that are on tiktok or whatever else and those people wouldn't pay attention with or without their phones. Take their phones away and they'll just distract themselves with something else. They don't want to be there and taking their phones away won't fix that; it will probably just make it worse.

This reminds me of the idea that violent video games causes violence; which they do, but only in people that are pre-disposed to behaving violently; and in those cases they're violent with or without the video games. It's the same with smart phones. They'll only distract people that are already going to be distracted. It's just a matter of what they're going to be distracted by.

The onus instead should lie with how the classes are delivered, and tangentially, how the entire system itself is funded.

[-] loops@beehaw.org 30 points 11 months ago

$49.99 per year

"What the fuck‽" he said, to no one in particular.

[-] loops@beehaw.org 28 points 11 months ago

To me, threads is inconsequential. It's just another twitter clone that I, and everyone else, doesn't need to bother with.

The paranoid part of me thinks this article is paid psychological manipulation in favour of threads by overstating the impact of it; but it's probably just a stupid article written by a dissociated journalist that's spent too much time around venture capitalists while also not really understanding the philosophy of FOSS.

[DRG] Platform up! (vid.puffyan.us)
submitted 1 year ago by loops@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org
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