
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

You're welcome! scratch and distroless are indeed basically the same thing, scratch being the 'official' docker minimal image while distroless is from google - as I'm more a Kubernetes user (at home and at work) than a Docker user, I tend to think about distroless first :) - my apologies if my comment was a bit confusing on this matter.

By the way, have fun experimenting with docker (or podman), it's interesting, widely used both in selfhosting and professional environments, and it's a great learning experience - and a good way to pass time during these long winter evenings :)

[–] 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (3 children)

A bit late but you might want to have a look at docker multi-stage build documentation which does exactly what you did (start from a base image then copying stuff from it to your own image), something like that:

FROM someimage:sometag AS build
[do stuff]
FROM minimalimage:someothertag
COPY --from=build /some/file /some/other/file
[and so on]
USER somebody
CMD ["/path/somecommand"]

Which will simplify building new images against newer "build" image newer tags easier.

btw, you were quite creative on this one! You also might want to have a look at the distroless image, the goal being to only have the bare minimum to run your application in the image: your executable and its runtime dependencies.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago (1 children)
  • France, 1914-1918 war: no elections
  • UK, 1939-1945: No general elections were held during the Second World War until Allied victory was assured via acts of Parliament; hence the 1935 House sat until 1945. (per Wikipedia)

Shall I continue?

[–] 10 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Nope. That's called the burden of proof. You started by saying "gimp is shit", it's up to you to prove it, it's not up to the people responding you to disprove your point of view. What you're doing right now is called a fallacy and just totally discredit yourself.

[–] 8 points 10 months ago

1Gbps down/700Mbps up here, 35€/month (another french provider), no data caps - for 5 bucks/month more I could have 5Gbps down/1Gbps up, but... well, my home network is still using 1Gbps switches - but all the cabling was built with 10Gbps in mind.

Data caps are pure robbery. We run a non-profit ISP/hosting platform and a non-profit IXP with friends in West France, the only thing you pay (and the only thing end users should have to pay) is goddamn bandwidth.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

I use Vim since 31 years. Started in 1992, on Amiga with Fred Fish disks. I use Vim daily at work since 20 years. It's like a second home for me, a familiar tool which makes me confident that it'll help me manage whatever task I throw at it. I never had the pleasure to encounter Bram to tell him how much his work helped me throughout the years. I should have sent a "thank you for your hard work" mail when it was still possible. Now I can only send condolences. And some money to the ICCF. That's the least I can do.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Kudos for mentionning powerDNS, it's an amazing software :)

One thing I love with powerDNS is the various backends available, notably the postgreSQL and mariaDB/mysql ones. Only the primary powerdns instance modifies the database records, the secondary instances just read from database (master or replicas). Thus, no real need for AXFR: as soon as you added/modified a record on the primary, the secondary pdns servers will see it in the database.

The pdnsutil CLI tool is also really convenient, and the powerDNS API is a godsend when you need to automatise stuff for thousands of domains and hundred of thousands of records. There's also a nice third-party webUI (powerdns-admin, docker image: pdnsadmin/pda-legacy). Bonus, Terraform does have a powerdns provider.

At work we use dnsdist (from powerDNS too) to load-balance between our powerdns instances (with caching!), and to filter out/rate-limit/temporary ban bad actors (dns laundering, records enumeration and such for example).

[–] 9 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Physical machines get stars names: Vega, Arcturus, Polaris, Fomalhaut, Deneb, Antares, Procyon, Algol, Aldebaran... and so on.

Virtual machines naming scheme is more reasonable: [os]-[role][number if needed]. Examples:

  • alp-proxy
  • talos-controlplane-3, talos-worker-1, talos-worker-6
  • deb-storage