Strong Men (latte.isnot.coffee)

Is there people on here who are old enough to remember when a man could take a punch and would physically defend other people's safety?

How did it get replaced by people complaining on the internet about a website hurt their feelings?

[-] lengsel@latte.isnot.coffee 5 points 11 months ago

Medal Of Honor 2010 & Call Of Duty 2

Men are cowards (latte.isnot.coffee)

The fact that men on the internet are fine with mocking, insulting, and ridiculing others online, but when those same men are out in public areas they clearly are not comfortable talking with strangers face to face and try to get away if someone shows a slightly aggressive behaviour proves why men are losers.

Do men feel good about being a punk, a coward, and a softie? Is that why there's more men claiming to be a woman, because it's easier for weak soft men to bend over and take it comapred to determined successful men who don't accept defeat and fight for their accomplishments to achieve their goals?

It seems a lot of men are fine dying as a coward that people laugh at than die a hero that people mention with respect and publicly honour.

[-] lengsel@latte.isnot.coffee 0 points 11 months ago

I look for one that allows or protects offensive and insulting statement.

There is a very large difference between what is offensive and what is criminal.

Hate speech does not exist, people use that to silence different views, that is why there is no universally recognize definition of the term that all sides agree on.

[-] lengsel@latte.isnot.coffee 0 points 1 year ago

Mastodon can be heavy on censorship by banning IP addresses rather than individual accounts. Not banning an account, but IP. So when one instance bans an IP, that means that IP is blocked from all users on that instance.

Twitter has never banned IP addresses, only accounts. Twitter does not keep a list of naughty words that result in immediate ban after posting, and suspended users can still reaxh Twitter to discuss the issue.

It seems that federated platforms are more ban happy than the corporate platforms. If Lemmy and Mastodon really want to challenge the bigger companies, protect offensive posts, protect mockery and insults, people challenging or correct someone's statement, and distinguish them from actual attacks and degrading words.


An interesting comparison and discussion https://yewtu.be/watch?v=f2e4FNMzyto

Politics of libre software (latte.isnot.coffee)

How did the ideology of libre/free software get so politicized?

I've noticed advocates for exclusively for libre software and actively discourage simple open source software for not going far enough, also want censorship of not allowing any proprietary software to be mentioned, and don't allow any critiques of the software they use because it's libre software so there are no faults or bad designs.

I thoroughly enjoy the code purity of what is labelled as libre software, for license I only like the ISC license for freedom. My attitude is if someone changes my code and doesn't give back, it does not harm me or injury me in any way.

I also believe libre software can be used for the surveillance of other people, libre software does not be default mean privacy. How network software is configured in systems that other people don't control, it doesn't matter if it's open source when people have no knowledge of other networks configuration.

On the principal of freedom, I do support the right to develop proprietary software. The fact that it exists does not harm anyone who chooses not to use proprietary software.

It seems the die hard libre software crowd, not open source people but the ones who want to live in an only GPLv3+ world can start to live in ther own world, their own bubble, and become disconnected losing perspective that which software other people use is not something that should affect your day in any way. Unless someone is both a network engineer and does infosec or something similiar, they're not in a position to understand fully appreciate how network protocols matter more than a license and code availability.


joined 1 year ago