Diesel-pilled, lane maxing Good words thx 4 lels
That's not fair at all.
Capitalism sucks. The humans have a bountiful potential for they create meaning via emergence of consciousness in an organism wired to desire/avoid. Only this brings so the categories good/bad into existence.
Don't blame humans because some historic proceedings did not yet suffice.
We are our victims, too.
Ich glaube nicht, dass das gesetzlich geregelt ist. Vielleicht steht etwas dazu im Vertrag mit deinem Fitti. Aber manche trainieren in Badelatschen und mamche ziehen an den Geräten die Schuhe aus, also denke ich es ist okay. Einfach machen, würde ich sagen. Wenn sich jemand beschwert, kannst du ja sagen "achso wusste ich nicht". Ich trainier in 15 jahre alten Laufschuhen wo die Sohle halb abfällt...
Clearly visible he was exquisitely good of a boy. May his goodness subsist in his pack.
You are now our linguistic vanguard.
You might wanna watch this. It is one interpretative framework you can see it through.
Excellent discourse right there
Not sure if this is meant to normalize or to reflect violent handling of the billionaire-problem. Sure you are good at posting nevertheless.
Komm nich drauf aber will wissen
The combination of a) murder/suicide of a woman and b) a man having sex with her still doesn't seem to result in jokes worth the reactualisation and potential reproduction of rape culture, does it?
There is a norwegian study that found that isolated beaver babies start piling up sticks and stuff at some point but do not build dams. They concluded (the scientists) that piling up stuff is genetic and building dams is cultural (has to be learned). I have no link but the study was made in Bø