
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 11 months ago

Ultimately if they aren't completely "yes people", then they are long gone.

[–] 9 points 11 months ago (2 children)

If you are required to give them information that they can use to figure out who you are, it’s not anonymous.

So if you are on normal post-paid cell phones, where you have given them your real info, or use a credit to pay for it with your name on it, etc. that means you aren’t anonymous.

So when super secret drug lord is caught, they can figure you were talking to this drug lord and charge you, because they have his end of the communications and can verify with your cell provider who YOU are.

Privacy just means they don’t know what you are saying. They may know you are communicating with drug lord but not what you are saying.

You can have neither, one or the other, or both

[–] 5 points 11 months ago

If you are required to give them information that they can use to figure out who you are, it’s not anonymous.

So if you are on normal post-paid cell phones, where you have given them your real info, or use a credit to pay for it with your name on it, etc. that means you aren’t anonymous.

So when super secret drug lord is caught, they can figure you were talking to this drug lord and charge you, because they have his end of the communications and can verify with your cell provider who YOU are.

Privacy just means they don’t know what you are saying. They may know you are communicating with drug lord but not what you are saying.

You can have neither, one or the other, or both

[–] 9 points 11 months ago

The line will come far far FAR before that

[–] 11 points 11 months ago (3 children)

As far as paywalls go, that’s one of the nicest ones. One click and I was able to fully read the article without signing up or anything.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Sure. But you can install a plug-in if you aren’t tech savvy. You can also run something with ad blocking turned on by default.

Ad-blocking on the browser level is enough for most people to never see an ad again.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Who actually sees ads? Between NextDNS or PiHole and ublock origin, I haven’t seen an ad in years.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Meh, I don't know if they need defense. It's just kind of how it is.

They got big and popular and that means momentum. Momentum is good for adoption and momentum is good for support, but it's not great for huge jumps in technological sophistication.

I still LOVE the 2040, pico, etc, but there are just better options when you go bigger than that.

The Potato, Rock Pis.

This creator is great for when you want to SBC shop

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Go check out ExplainingComputers on youtube.

He basically goes over every SBC possible. The good ones now are the Rock Pis and the Potato series

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm happy to discuss it, as I've written articles about it.

I live high level routing and firewalling in VMs (60 Gbps+), and there are a couple of realities you need to accept, especially when you involved a *BSD in the mix.

  1. *BSD's networking drivers and, to a lesser degree, the whole stack SUUUCK. This becomes extra poignant when you involve *pf, which is incredible for hand editing, but also horrible for performance because it's a straight top-to-bottom list.
  2. We could argue about the whole networking stack sucking all day, but in reality, it's the driver situtation that really brings it down. That's why "You must buy Intel" is such a mantra on *BSD. Because they are about the only drivers which don't make for a completely horrible experience. You can meme about how terrible Realtek is, but really it's only terrible on *BSD. It's a first-class linux citizen, and often supports better hardware features than the ancient X520, pre-Connect-4, etc people circle-jerk about. And if you often losing out on cool new features/offloads/abilities.
  3. The virtio drivers are usually more efficient and performant than most physical hardware drivers (on *BSD)
  4. You asked "why would anyone ever need to do that?". It's simple. High availability. You can run two router/firewall VMs on two different hosts and have zero downtime. Or, if you only want one, you can migrate the VM either manually or automagically, and only suffer the downtime for a reboot as the VM moves to a different host. You can share the same physical NIC between multiple VMs with SR-IOV for maximum low-latency networking, aka storage. It's a waste throwing 10Gb at just pfSense when it'll be idle most of the time, and with older hardware pfSense isn't going to even be able to hit half of that.
  5. Your VM just works if you ever have to move it to another host. Your main routing and firewall VM is now tied to a single specific host. In a disaster recovery situation, this is going to make you hate yourself as you basically end up needing to either physically pull a card and re-setup passthrough, or setup passthrough on a new card, make sure the VM is bound to those MACs. When it's fully virtualized, it's hardware agnostic. Your VM may think it's 10Gb on a single link, but underneath the links are high availability (aka vSphere vDS), on different VLANs, etc. My example here is a few years ago where I swapped in a Z8350 WYSE 3040 when my main router died with 40Gb uplinks. Sure, I was limping for a few days, but as far as my router is concerned, there is no difference.
  6. NUMA becomes an issue. Even single processors have NUMA nodes now, and it wouldn't be difficult for someone not knowing was a NUMA node is to create a NUMA issue, where you incur huge penalties going from CPU/Chipset to RAM to NIC and back again, depending on where the items are physically arranged in the system. This is doubly poignant in the *BSD world.
  7. If a 1Gb interface is your bottleneck, your network design is broken. There is no reason for most people in a homelab to try and route >1Gbps on your edge. Don't packet inspect it, and internally you are up to 10Gbps and beyond. Sure, a >1Gbps link might be a reason in 2023, but what's your 95th percentile, like 25Mbps if you are lucky. It's only "hawt" for your speedtest numbers, and an occasional download. And you can do 10Gbps pretty easily with virtio on basically any semi-modern system especially with the large files that most people would want 10Gb for, and not dedicate a PCIe slot to it and make it portable.

I mean, you do you. But I'd much rather to just be able to change the uplink on a vSwitch or bridge to get my router going again instead of having to reboot, passthrough, insert grub cli options, swap cards, etc.

[–] 12 points 1 year ago (10 children)

They aren’t even great platforms anymore in comparison.

Other SBCs are cheaper, more smartly designed, and have more features (emmc, pcie, etc)

The big thing RPI have going for them is that they are the standard and all the OS/software/etc end up being super turnkey

[–] -3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Passing through a NIC just adds complexity, not lessens it. And is a bad idea for a plethora or reasons

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