[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 60 points 7 months ago

As much as I would LOVE to see them waste their money on this, we know they are all talk and no action and won't actually contribute anything.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 110 points 8 months ago

76 down, ten thousand more to go.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 130 points 8 months ago

I had no idea they are still pulling up remains.

The US has already spent millions on search and rescue (it surpassed 1.2 million even before the wreckage was found).

Anyone else love that the ultra rich can book quarter million dollar trips on ridiculous vehicles and then still cost the taxpayers millions.

If you are wealthy enough to book a trip into space or to the bottom of the ocean, then you need to be paying (in advance) for whatever resulting expenses might come out of that....or be required to carry the insurance that will cover it. It's stupid that taxpayers have to pay for this and that the Coast Guard is STILL AT IT...racking up more costs.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 209 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Bullshit. He's not 'out of money'...he's 'out of the money he's willing to part with'. Big difference.

They need to find his secret stashes of cash and make sure it goes to the people he owes.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 224 points 9 months ago

Corporations should be held responsible for the emissions caused by their employee's commuting.

This would really change the discussion about return to office.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 90 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

As another fellow Washingtonian, I'm getting pretty tired of subsidizing willful stupidity.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 101 points 9 months ago

They must have done a cost/benefit analysis and came to the obvious conclusion that having to build multiple variants would be more costly than the profit they'd have earned by continuing to gouge all the non-EU consumers on proprietary cables and junk.

The world owes the EU a debt of gratitude for forcing apple compliance on this one.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 104 points 9 months ago

Probably over diagnosed by people self-diagnosing. Probably significantly under diagnosed officially/clinically.

And the above is true for a LOT of conditions, not just ADHD.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 83 points 10 months ago

My monthly bill PROVES their systems are competent at itemizing EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE fee and tax and charge.

Them claiming it was too hard always was complete bullshit.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 134 points 10 months ago

There's already a link to the vid talking about the utter bullshit and corruption surrounding the McD's ice cream machines posted in this thread, but here's a resource I haven't seen posted yet: an online tracker to find out if your local McD's ice cream machine is working or broken right now.


(love the domain name)

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 66 points 10 months ago

Your employer is ALWAYS looking for a way to either get more work out of you for the same compensation, or replace you with some one or some process that produces the equivalent output for less cost. The entire idea that employees should be loyal to their employers is one of the most successful propaganda campaigns ever spawned by capitalism.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 81 points 10 months ago

Wow, finally.

I am so tired of having to disable it every time I have to reinstall windows on a system.

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