[-] kratoz29@lemm.ee 5 points 11 hours ago

Ahhh, I suffer from this with old animes!

[-] kratoz29@lemm.ee 2 points 3 days ago

Until this day there hasn't been a statement from that man about the matter, and he just won as a federal deputy in the recent elections smfh.

Also the state president allegedly said that he would not declare this situation as an emergency situation because this is the way of how to live nowadays, and he is very proud he sent "tons" of pipes to the people LMAO (it could also be fake news from Facebook, but I would not be surprised, also ppl said those pipes were for show off, and they were empty lol).

Anyway nowadays there is sufficient water, or so it seems, that some crocodiles are walking on the streets LMAO (if you wanna guess where I live, I would not blame you).

[-] kratoz29@lemm.ee 2 points 3 days ago

If it is a cartoon, or even anime, I don't mind between 720p and 1080p in most cases, but that is just about that.

[-] kratoz29@lemm.ee 2 points 4 days ago

This is when you keep with the same infrastructure of 1900 something in an ever growing city lol.

[-] kratoz29@lemm.ee 10 points 4 days ago

Bro, I freaking feel you, I am in the same situation as yours, it has been better these days, thanks to a fucking cyclone lol (Alberto).

We literally had no water for 2 weeks, and the longest I remember to be without water since I have memory is no more than a day or two.

Lots of blocks were waterless and my dad (and many other persons) started to hunt for water in regions where they had (water was disgusting and with very low pressure though), so it was normal to watch lots of vehicles with "Rotoplas" attached to them, very very Mad Max like.

I fucking laugh when I read people recommending a bidet instead of toilet paper all around here on Lemmy or Reddit, like dude, I was taking a fucking shower for two weeks (I know this might sound like rookie numbers in some other places) with a freaking Carl's Jr plastic glass of "The Batman" movie LMAO (Batman to the rescue), also with not so good quality water too, I'd rather keep with toilet paper and wipes.

Nowadays the city is kinda flooded thanks to the storm, and the lagoons have gained some of the level they lost (they were almost dry) which is kinda dystopic to me to have these extreme changes in a matter of several weeks (talking about climate change huh).

[-] kratoz29@lemm.ee 3 points 4 days ago

Is not about the cost...

[-] kratoz29@lemm.ee 16 points 4 days ago

I wonder if anybody in my town uses Lemmy lol.


I am not following these claims carefully, but I have seen tons of copies of Lawnchair in the Playstore.

Another recent event that comes to my mind is the Simple apps, which AFAIK they always were open source? But that didn't matter until it got sold and then Fossify was the non shit version of it (the positive side of open source).

[-] kratoz29@lemm.ee 13 points 6 days ago

Check out Softwarr "for free" or Real Debrid and Stremio/Kodi if you wanna spend some well spend money, the latter guarantee more content than Netflix etc, the former everything that could ever exists on the internet.

submitted 3 months ago by kratoz29@lemm.ee to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Long time Kodi and Plex user, it was a matter of time that I started messing around with this.

submitted 4 months ago by kratoz29@lemm.ee to c/nintendo@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/24909793

Another JUS (AKA the best Jump game to the date lol) fight, if you guys want to give it a try check out the Jump Ultimate Stars Discord you can play this game with Melon DS (even on Android) and online thanks to Wimmfi.

submitted 4 months ago by kratoz29@lemm.ee to c/retrogaming@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/24909793

Another JUS (AKA the best Jump game to the date lol) fight, if you guys want to give it a try check out the Jump Ultimate Stars Discord you can play this game with Melon DS (even on Android) and online thanks to Wimmfi.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by kratoz29@lemm.ee to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

Hi, as soon as I noticed this was a thing I headed to this community to let anyone else know that you can use the newest sort types in the Sync for Lemmy app with that nice workaround... But I just found a lot of "Sink and Sync threads" here that I actually thought the sort bugged my app/feed lol, what a good timing.

Anyway I hope this is useful for you guys until the new update arrives... Soon ^TM

Picture of reference:

[-] kratoz29@lemm.ee 105 points 4 months ago

Don't worry, some hero without a cape will appear for you and seed that bitch! (wait, that sound better in my head).

submitted 4 months ago by kratoz29@lemm.ee to c/nintendo@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/22456111

Check out this amazing covering of a lot of aspects of this truly gem for Nintendo DS, which thanks to Wimmfi can be played online yet either with original hardware or through emulation, he kindly shared.

submitted 4 months ago by kratoz29@lemm.ee to c/retrogaming@lemmy.world

Check out this amazing covering of a lot of aspects of this truly gem for Nintendo DS, which thanks to Wimmfi can be played online yet either with original hardware or through emulation, he kindly shared.

[-] kratoz29@lemm.ee 142 points 5 months ago

They are my mods, they should do as I command

submitted 5 months ago by kratoz29@lemm.ee to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Shocked Pikachu face meme.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by kratoz29@lemm.ee to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

3 hours in the background seems a lot to me.

I started the app clean and configured it from the start (it was a pain in the ass because I migrated my settings from Sync for Reddit lol) and the issue still remains, having this huge background usage prevents my phone from going to deep sleep properly which lends to a bigger battery drain.

EDIT: BTW the issue is gone when I set the app to restricted battery mode instead of optimized... But I'd rather keep it in optimized as it closes less often in the background, that is how I had it with Sync for Reddit, which on average its active background was several minutes only.


This is the process that Battery Guru/BBS says shows


submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by kratoz29@lemm.ee to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

This is the app called Franco Kernel Manager, one of the best kernel managers that are out there... Even when it was outdated (which I think that's the cause it got booted from the PlayStore?).

I used it to check the process of my phone and monitor the active and idle drain mostly, I paid for it a long time ago, but now it just fails to check the licence and it doesn't let me use it fully... I think there must be a cracked APK over there...


Fortunately the app is back in the store and hopefully that update version comes soon enough!

[-] kratoz29@lemm.ee 100 points 7 months ago

Good luck logging in a Smart TV.


I'm not saying particular genres, we all have our less desired musical genres, I mean music in general.

When I was a child I was very confident to say that I hated music, all kinds, and my cousin used to say that was not possible.

Turns out he was right, and I only hated the teenage music my sister from the 90s used to listen to.

Secretly I enjoyed soundtracks and OSTs from several media, such as animes (digimon openings and battle themes for example) and some TV shows or even videogames.

Then my taste "evolved" and pretty much stayed at rock, heavy metal and alike.

So that little memory lane inspired me to ask about this.

[-] kratoz29@lemm.ee 116 points 8 months ago

Who tf uses Spotify without a premium account?

I'd rather pirate that shit that use it for free (I like to hit next all the way).

IMHO Spotify is one of the few services that it is worth to pay.

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