[-] knolord@lemmy.world 44 points 1 week ago

That's exactly it, Bazzite, a distro associated with gaming, running on hardware that even at release was criticized for being "landfill fodder".

[-] knolord@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago

As someone who does ride, I understand your perspective, but your proposal of banning motorcycles on weekends and public holidays would be only doing one thing: letting the rich fucks ruin your day on a weekday with their bobbed Harleys and tough-guy cosplay, while working-class people, who picked up the hobby, would yearn even more for fascism, because "tHoSe lEfTiEs wAnnA bAn eVeryThiNg".

But noise control - yes, please. You are on the streets, not on a track.

[-] knolord@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

I fully agree. Why do I have to install gnome-tweaks just to make the UI usable?

[-] knolord@lemmy.world 19 points 1 month ago

Recommending Yandex? Bit of a "hot take", don't you think?

[-] knolord@lemmy.world 28 points 1 month ago

At least for me, both my laptop (daily driver) and desktop would be considered old by this comic (2014 and 2017 respectively). Neither of them are struggling with the tasks I mostly use them for (writing notes, programming, light gaming on my desktop).

The only things they are struggling at, are modern video codecs and the ABSOLUTELY BLOATED shitshow that is today's Internet experience.

[-] knolord@lemmy.world 12 points 1 month ago

I personally have tried FreeBSD and some FreeBSD "distros" on the desktop, and have used *BSD-based stuff as servers/single-purpose machines.

As a desktop system (user-centric use case), you notice how hardware support is sometimes problematic, especially on laptops. I personally had problems with NVIDIA GPUs, already a problem on Linux, being a big problem here as well, and don't mention WiFi (FreeBSD doesn't support 802.11ac and up currently) or Bluetooth. Software-wise, if your applications do not have a *BSD version, well, then you are relying on Linux ports, which for desktop use isn't exactly great.

But, in servers/headless setups, *BSDs are shining, with the most important things running rock-solid, stable and resource-friendly.

[-] knolord@lemmy.world 84 points 2 months ago

Don't worry, the next "mandatory" cumulative update will take care of that, even if you aren't installing it yourself.

[-] knolord@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago

It is, if your priorities are to tinker even more with your computer. (nix configs, etc.) :)

Using non-tech analogy, it is like having a "project car" to tinker with and a "daily driver" to get to and from work, if you are a car enthusiast.

[-] knolord@lemmy.world 8 points 2 months ago

.ml admins throw a hissy fit, when you have a potty mouth. At least, that's what I have seen so far.

[-] knolord@lemmy.world 12 points 4 months ago

sadly not, but GPUs (at least those I used) do not support that over HDMI as well, which is kinda frustrating :/

[-] knolord@lemmy.world 13 points 4 months ago

And the worst part: if you have actual needs for ML stuff - you kinda are stuck with nvidia cards, so you can't even switch when the need for upgrades arise.

[-] knolord@lemmy.world 14 points 5 months ago

I personally also welcome this change, as I have changed that setting anyway and of those people I know, they also changed that behaviour immediately. But as long as you can change it and it isn't forced on you to only use one method, it's great.

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