[-] kindenough@kbin.earth 2 points 2 days ago

True the settings in the app look a lot cleaner then in the standard control panel.

Like experience, the new app phones home a lot too. I blocked most of it with a pihole though but I probably going to uninstall again, just tried it this morning. Normally I extract the display drivers from the Nvidia installer by opening the exe file with 7zip. It is just an archive, no need for NVCleanstall.

[-] kindenough@kbin.earth 2 points 4 days ago


I had the Techno Sound Turbo.

Friend said his IBM pc could do music...bleep bleep from the motherboard speakers, lmao. Everything changed with the 16bit Soundblasters though. My first was an AWE32, it was like a betrayal to Paula.

It was Atari ST or Amiga for music back then. The Atari didn't have the sampling capabilities of the A500 until the Atari Falcon, but Atari had Cubase, and if you had a shitload of money for outboard gear, Atari was the way to go because it was compatible with most studio's at the time just as Protools today.

Before I had an Amiga 500 my fosterdad had a C64 with Steinberg Pro 16 and a MIDEX interface, a Fostex 8-track tape machine and outboard gear back in the 80s where I learned how to produce music. He had a DX-7, drumtraks and six-trak from sequential along effect pedals and what not.

Still making music on the Amiga seemed less complicated, more spontanious, my own thing so to say and a fraction of the money.

I wish I have the energy and enthusiasm for equipment and music I had back then...I have the Akai S-1100 samplers I could not afford and stuff now, they are all in storage, minimal setup now.

Yeah I am rambling on, please forgive me.

[-] kindenough@kbin.earth 14 points 4 days ago

I loved my Amiga 500, I liked the gaming part, but mostly made music on it all day every day.

Fantastic machine that had a 4 channel audio Paula chip and with the right software called OctaMED, turned into an 8 channel music studio. I could sample, mix, hook up external MIDI hardware. It was the heart of my mini home studio back in the day.

[-] kindenough@kbin.earth 15 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)
[-] kindenough@kbin.earth 74 points 5 days ago

I have a large collection of unplayed games, and most of them came from Humble Bundle.

[-] kindenough@kbin.earth 14 points 6 days ago

I learned about the killing of Topsy because I am very interested in the life of Tesla and his inventions. I dislike Edison because imo he did Tesla wrong, but I learned quickly that the most dispicable thing attributed to him is very likely not true.



[-] kindenough@kbin.earth 11 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Although I agree with most you say on them being fascist asshats, there is not the slightest evidence Edison had anything to do with the killing of Topsy.

The killing was done by her handlers as they wanted to get rid of her, they could not handle her anymore after an incident with her original handler. The film of the killing was released by Edison films yes, but Topsy was killed a decade after the war of the currents, and Edison wasn't even in charge anymore of the company after the merger with General Electric.

He wasn't present during the electrocution of Topsy, did not have any electric business anymore, and again there is no evidence whatsoever that he was involved.

But Yeah, fuck 'm all, except for Topsy, may she rest in peace.

[-] kindenough@kbin.earth 13 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Yeah, that is certainly why the DLC was positioned at 7 and not 5 euro.

I also think needing to pay for the second half of a mission is like the businessmodel of a drugsdealer giving you your first shot for free. If Bethesda really had any good intentions introducing the creation club for the modders and gamers, they would have given those missions for free.

[-] kindenough@kbin.earth 6 points 1 week ago

kbin.earth is where I hang out lately, I like it here. I hope kbin.social comes back to it's former self though.

[-] kindenough@kbin.earth 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

And one stll has to spend 10 euro's on the creation credits to get a 7 euro dlc. But at least when you buy 2 times 500 credits you have paid 1 eurocent less then the 1000 credits pack. Yeah...

[-] kindenough@kbin.earth 12 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Yeah I hear you, I always vote but it is my first time voting in a European election. I never thought it was that important untill now. I vote Groen Links and will do today as well.

[-] kindenough@kbin.earth 25 points 3 weeks ago

I played Borderlands 2 for quite a while, 1200 hours +, 100% on Steam. Some of the best gaming moments in my life fighting Vermivorous the Invincible with 3 friends. What came after in the franchise was just disappointing to me.

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