[-] kevincox@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 days ago

There are some password managers where you need to either manually look up passwords and copy+paste or autotype them or select the correct password from a dropdown. Some of these will come with an optional browser extension which mitigates this but some don't really tract domain metadata in a concrete way to do this linking.

Some examples would be Pass which doesn't have any standard metadata for domain/URL info (although some informal schemes are used by various tools including browser-integration extensions) and KeePass which has the metadata but doesn't come with a browser extension by default.

[-] kevincox@lemmy.ml 10 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The reason I say browser password manager is two main reasons:

  1. It is absolutely critical that it checks the domain to prevent phishing.
  2. People already have a browser and are often logged into some sort of sync. It is a small step to use it.

So yes, if you want to use a different password manager go right ahead, as long as it checks the domain before filling the password.

[-] kevincox@lemmy.ml 8 points 4 days ago

I don't think that is quite accurate.

We discovered many more Pluto-or-larger sized things that were closer to the sun than Pluto. It became increasingly obvious that there was nothing special about Pluto and we either needed to add hundreds of planets or "demote" Pluto.

[-] kevincox@lemmy.ml 7 points 4 days ago

You probably mean TOTP. OTP is a generic term for any one-time-password which includes SMS-based 2FA. The other main standard is HOTP which will use a counter or challenge instead of the time as the input but this is rarely used.

[-] kevincox@lemmy.ml 20 points 4 days ago

Tips for being secure online:

  1. Use your browser's password manager to generate random passwords.
  2. In the rare case you need to manually enter your password into a site or app be very suspicious and very careful.
  3. Never give personal information to someone who calls or emails you. If necessary look up the contact info of who called you yourself and call them back before divulging and details. Keep in mind that Caller ID and the From address of emails can be faked.
  4. Update software regularly. Security problems are regularly fixed.

That's really all you need. You don't even need 2FA, it is nice extra security but if you use random passwords and don't enter your passwords into phishing sites it is largely unnecessary.

[-] kevincox@lemmy.ml 24 points 4 days ago

I'm not an expert on modern alarm systems but it seems that it is very common and fairly inexpensive to have cellular data backup. Not every system has it, but many do. In that case cutting the main connection will likely result in someone appearing on site fairly quickly.

Many cameras also have some form of local buffering. So even if you are gone before someone does show up you still may find yourself recorded.

But at the end of the day just put a bag over your head and you can be gone by the time anyone shows up without leaving a meaningful trace. Other than the very top-end system security systems just keep the honest people honest.

[-] kevincox@lemmy.ml 13 points 4 days ago

toilet water


[-] kevincox@lemmy.ml 44 points 4 days ago

They added telemetry. 100% of responses had internet access.

[-] kevincox@lemmy.ml 22 points 4 days ago

Yup, that "what can I start in 10min" question really ruins a lot of productivity.

[-] kevincox@lemmy.ml 13 points 4 days ago

Drink cans are lined with plastic so you shouldn't get any metal taste if you pour it into a glass before drinking. If you drink straight from the can you may get a slight taste.

[-] kevincox@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 days ago

I don't think that is true. Not much at Google really bought into the UUID hype. At least not for internal interfaces. But really there is no difference between a UUID v4 and a large random number. UUID just specifies a standard formatting.

[-] kevincox@lemmy.ml 246 points 3 months ago

This is why DisplayPort is the better connector. Because they don't have their thumbs up their asses.

It always saddens me how much user pain has been caused and money wasted in implementing DRM which as far as I can tell hasn't succeeded in preventing a single movie or TV show from being available on torrent sites.

Haunted House (xkcd.com)
submitted 9 months ago by kevincox@lemmy.ml to c/programmerhumor@lemmy.ml
submitted 9 months ago by kevincox@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I'm reconsidering my terminal emulator and was curious what everyone was using.

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Backups with IPFS (kevincox.ca)
submitted 3 years ago by kevincox@lemmy.ml to c/ipfs@lemmy.ml
submitted 3 years ago by kevincox@lemmy.ml to c/ipfs@lemmy.ml
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