[-] juliebean@lemm.ee 7 points 1 day ago

but by that point, whoever the inheritors of the account were have probably been paying money and adding new games to it for decades. why would valve destroy their relationship with that customer just because they might still technically have access to some hundred year old games that either don't even run on modern systems, or might even be public domain by that point?

[-] juliebean@lemm.ee 47 points 4 days ago

all ya'll admitting to ironing your clothes in the comments are a bunch of dweebs, just saying.

[-] juliebean@lemm.ee 5 points 5 days ago

i definitely watched it when i was a youngun, but i'm always surprised to hear it's still running tbh

[-] juliebean@lemm.ee 64 points 2 months ago

the term i always heard was maltheism. reading the other comments though, i'm surprised how many other terms there are for this.

fun fact: renowned mathematician Paul Erdős referred to God as the SF, or Supreme Fascist, who kept all the best mathematical proofs to himself.

[-] juliebean@lemm.ee 68 points 2 months ago

they had, but advanced mario people being how they are, they weren't gonna quit trying to beat it just because no human ever had.

[-] juliebean@lemm.ee 40 points 3 months ago


kind of a stretch to call those communities, when it's just a bot talking to itself.

[-] juliebean@lemm.ee 105 points 3 months ago

you're focusing on obama i assume, but the weird part of this to me is the apparent omission of adam savage

[-] juliebean@lemm.ee 125 points 9 months ago

to save everyone from the clickbaity title, it's linux. they're talking about linux.

[-] juliebean@lemm.ee 60 points 9 months ago

kinda weird that all of the 'smart' men they chose to picture are A) fictional, and B) murderers.

[-] juliebean@lemm.ee 36 points 10 months ago

if i'm president, didn't i almost certainly take such a deal already?

[-] juliebean@lemm.ee 43 points 11 months ago

'Reading my book infringes on my copyright.' say confused writers.

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