
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 minute ago* (last edited 1 minute ago)

If you want to provide a video for criticism but don't want to drive traffic to the site, you could copy it to a peertube instance. Peertube can just slurp a video right off youtube and start hosting it. Of course that is its own moral pickle. Criticism is fair use, but it's more complicated than that.

[–] 4 points 4 hours ago

Building an elevated highway on top of the 401 is genuinely a less unrealistic plan than a 50km tunnel under the 401.

[–] 6 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

The most badass animals on the planets are herbivores.

[–] 5 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

You have met trans people. It isn't in every source of media. You are experiencing warped perceptions. Show this post to someone you trust.

[–] 12 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) (2 children)

Jesus was way cool
Everybody liked Jesus
Everybody wanted to hang out with him
Anything he wanted to do, he did
He turned water into wine
And if he wanted to
He could have turned wheat into marijuana
Or sugar into cocaine
Or vitamin pills into amphetamines

He walked on the water
And swam on the land
He would tell these stories
And people would listen
He was really cool

If you were blind or lame
You just went to Jesus
And he would put his hands on you
And you would be healed
That's so cool

He could've played guitar better than Hendrix
He could've told the future
He could've baked the most delicious cake in the world
He could've scored more goals than Wayne Gretzky
He could've danced better than Baryshnikov
Jesus could have been funnier than any comedian you can think of
Jesus was way cool

He told people to eat his body and drink his blood
That's so cool
Jesus was so cool
But then some people got jealous of how cool he was
So they killed him
But then he rose from the dead
He rose from the dead, danced around
Then went up to heaven
I mean, that's so cool
Jesus was way cool

No wonder there are so many Christians

[–] 0 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

I’m not convinced that a Swiss bulletin from 1999 which tents its argument on examples from the Vietnam War and the American Civil War really gets to the heart of the current issue and set of circumstances.

This was course material to a post grad university course on the subject of addiction and recovery taught THIS MONTH. It discusses the entire history of opiods.

I think we should both be able to agree that it is more informed than you are.

[–] 0 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) (1 children)

Ok. There are hundreds of overdoses EVERY DAY in shelters in my town. Have fun with that.

You can't just lock people in a room until they are out of physical withdrawal and call them cured. They are still addicts. The causes of the addiction still exist. They will continue to seek drugs to help cope with life. This makes things worse.

But it takes resources away from people who want to get better. In my town, there are two to FIVE YEAR waiting lists for resources. But go ahead, institutionalize every person who a shelter worker has to shoot with Naloxone. You can fuck them and people trying to get better at the same time. Hurting all the right people, perhaps.

You are arguing from a place of ignorance, and that's exactly what these politicians are counting on. You're arguing from the needs of people who don't want to see overdoses in the street, not from the needs of people with addiction. That's the point of this entire program; addressing the relatively unimportant desires of non-addicts who vote.

[–] 3 points 8 hours ago (1 children)
[–] 8 points 20 hours ago

How is he still fooling people. I keep talking to folks who think he's doing a great job.

Lemmy on CityTV (

Steel bands tighten around my heart. My knees knock and my vision wavers. But then I remember I'm not on Reddit, and metacanada has not yet replaced the moderation team with pod people.

What measures are in place to ensure the continuing security of our moderation team? If it won't compromise them to tell us.

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