Yeah, including that was an odd choice. That made it clear that the author doesn't know the target audience for this project. I would wager that the vast majority of modern gamers would give up on it in minutes.
It isn't only tips. I opt to be paid by time + tips. In my area it is $18.50 per hour driven with tips. I average about $25-$28 per hour. The real issue is that getting to the point where you can just go work whenever you want is really rough because there isn't always a spot available.
I need to find a better host =/
Gundam scares me because I know I will love it, and there is such a huge amount of it that I may never crawl back out of that hole.
They really made it, but I don't think they ever actually put it on the market.
Not enough pain on his face - fake!
This is quality stuff.
Give them a low rating, then. Hardly anyone leaves ratings, and a 1 star could easily tank them below the 4.2 rating they need to avoid their account being deactivated. I've done over 600 runs and only 35 have left any kind of rating, for example. Super easy to tank the average.
I was bummed when Flash died, just because the site would never be the same again. I believe they have archived most of it in the form of YouTube videos, but it just isn't the same. The small interactive jokes were great!