[-] infeeeee@lemm.ee 3 points 13 hours ago

I use this workflow, and used it on reddit as well. Here I have different accounts on different instances. Mobile apps lets you change between them easily. On desktop I just open them in a different tabs.

[-] infeeeee@lemm.ee 2 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

I use wallabag. There is paid hosted version, but you can install it on your server. You can tag, star and mark read/unread your bookmarks. There is a webapp, browser extensions, mobile apps for all platforms, and apps for ebook readers.

[-] infeeeee@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

FFUpdater supports Android 5+: https://f-droid.org/packages/de.marmaro.krt.ffupdater/ You can install a lot of browsers from there, maybe one of them supports this phone: https://github.com/Tobi823/ffupdater

Also check slimsocial, it's a facebook client, supports Android 4.4+ and it lists arm7 support: https://f-droid.org/hu/packages/it.rignanese.leo.slimfacebook/

And new Chinese phones (Redmi, HMD, etc) are really cheap, they are good as a backup smartphone. I know it sounds terrible, but you can't really do anything with planned obsolescence. Our time is short on this planet, waiting for websites on old hardware simply doesn't worth it, you should spend this time on more important things.

[-] infeeeee@lemm.ee 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

No license file (yet?), but source code (or something like that) is on github: https://github.com/EmissarySocial/bandwagon

It seems like it's an example app built with the Emissary Social Toolkit: https://emissary.dev/ https://github.com/EmissarySocial/emissary AGPL3

[-] infeeeee@lemm.ee 6 points 1 day ago

mastodon.social, the "default" instance federates. If you have an account there you can see zuckerberg's profile with this link: https://mastodon.social/@zuck@threads.net/ without an account this redirects to threads

On other federating instances just search for @zuck@threads.net

[-] infeeeee@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago

I see, so all instance admins can see that theoretically, but regular users can't. I don't remember where I read what I wrote, can't find it now.

It's a bit misleading that lemmy developers themself call votes "essentially anonymous" like in this issue: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/4088

With this in mind I will go back to upvote memes with my other accounts, and switch between them more regularly.

[-] infeeeee@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

~~Afaik on lemmy only your host instance knows what you upvote/downvote, instances just sync the number of upvotes, not the users who voted. So they cannot analyze that, even if they spin up a their own lemmy instance~~ l was wrong, see reply

Comments are 100% public though, that's true

[-] infeeeee@lemm.ee 268 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

For those who don't remember the original of this was an ancient meme:



Just how old this meme is: OSX 10.9 mavericks was the first free mac update, it was released in 2013. The meme should be created before that. Iirc Windows 7 was the first win with forced and annoying updates, it was released in 2009. So this meme should be from that era, 11-15 years old.


I found the original post, my calculations were correct, this is from 2011: https://www.stickycomics.com/computer-update/

[-] infeeeee@lemm.ee 68 points 1 week ago

No, they are called metallophones, glockenspiel is just one of them. Other common metallophones are the tubular bells and the vibraphone

Genius (64.media.tumblr.com)
submitted 1 month ago by infeeeee@lemm.ee to c/comicstrips@lemmy.world
[-] infeeeee@lemm.ee 105 points 2 months ago

Very useful video. I miss that you don't list the Chromium browsers. A lot of people, the target audience of this video don't know that edge, opera, vivaldi, brave are all affected some way.

[-] infeeeee@lemm.ee 76 points 4 months ago

The first image from the article:

submitted 10 months ago by infeeeee@lemm.ee to c/mapporn@lemmy.world

From wikipedia about PDF:

Page dimensions are not limited by the PDF format itself. However, Adobe Acrobat imposes a limit of 15 million in by 15 million in, or 225 trillion in2 (145,161 km2).

submitted 10 months ago by infeeeee@lemm.ee to c/mapporn@lemmy.world

Repost from Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/8qt94a/endianess_of_date_and_address_formats_in_europe/

On the reddit comments some user wrote the address format for Russia is wrong on this map, they use big-endian as well.

Also Hungary is the only country in Europe where we use big endianness in names, aka Eastern name order: surname first, firstname second.

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