[-] imsodin@infosec.pub 1 points 3 months ago

Right. I was focusing on the point that what matters is the copyright notice. While your pointing out that you can relicense MIT code because MIT is so permissive, while you can relicense GPL to almost nothing, as it's not compatible with most other licenses. However that's kinda moot, you couldn't include GPL code into an MIT licensed project anyway due to the copyleft.

(Thanks for the "ingenuous" correction, I did indeed - to my non-natively speaking brain the "in" acted as a negation to the default "genuous", which yeah, just isn't a thing of course)

[-] imsodin@infosec.pub 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Well yeah, that's how licenses and copyright work - licenses can change. And sure on an adversary take-over (or corporate overloads taking control), that's problematic. However the beauty is, it's still MIT code: It can be forked (see what's happening with redis). However a project copyright (and DCO) is not in place to enable just that, it's in place to enable any license change by the project. Say a license is updated and there are good reasons for the project to move to the updated license - I think it's pretty reasonable that the project would like to be able to do that and therefore retain copyright. Of course you are also free not to contribute such a project. However claiming it's a license violation or unheard of is pretty disingenuous (formerly ingenious, thanks :) ).

This has nothing to do with GPL or MIT: If you own copyright of a GPL licensed code-base, you can change that license at any time. Of course that only applies to new code. And that's the same for GPL or MIT or any other license.

[-] imsodin@infosec.pub 1 points 3 months ago

As far as I know xwayland in plasma/kde already does that. However as it's KDE, it is most likely configurable and might not be enabled by default :P

[-] imsodin@infosec.pub 1 points 3 months ago

Honest question out of interest: Are you doing moderation on lemmy? I just remember reading about admins/mods complaining about the lack of tooling, sometimes plain functionality (removal of certain things) for effective moderation. I am not doing any myself so that's very 3rd-party-ish knowledge (if you even want to call it that).

[-] imsodin@infosec.pub 1 points 3 months ago

Is this a case of !whoosh@lemmy.zip on @douz0a0bouz and bunch of upvoters part, or on mine?

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