[-] hendrik@palaver.p3x.de 2 points 1 hour ago

Es gibt doch genug Schnellimbisse, die Döner, Pizza und Asia haben... Oder 'ne andere bekloppte Mischung aus allen Küchen der Welt... Vielleicht fragst du dort mal nach. Die machen dir das bestimmt.

Und wir hatten mal ne Pizzeria die ihr pizza.de komisch eingestellt hatten. Dort konnte man die Extra-Toppings, die eigentlich für auf die Pizzen gedacht waren auch auf Salat und so anwenden... FYI: Die rufen einen an wenn mensch es übertreibt und einen Chefsalat mit extra Bolognesesauce oder so bestellt... Machen die einem aber.

[-] hendrik@palaver.p3x.de 2 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

I've been using YunoHost for some time. Cosmos seems good, too. Both do most of the stuff for you and should come with documentation. I think that's the way to go if you can't set it all up yourself, or lack time to maintain it.

I've also used Docker containers and plain Debian. I use NGinx as a reverse proxy.

I document things in text files (markdown). At some point it'd like to upload them with something like mkdocs or to a wiki. But since it's just me, having them just sitting in a directory on my laptop is fine.

Use something that's super accessible so you'll actually use it. I often just dump random thoughts or commands I executed into the textfiles and I have my text editor open all the time anyways. And then on the server I eiter use Ctrl+R and search through the shell history, or search in my documents. Doesn't need to be fancy, grep -rni "keyword" does it for me.

[-] hendrik@palaver.p3x.de 3 points 2 hours ago

Was soll denn in den Döner, wenn kein Kalb?

[-] hendrik@palaver.p3x.de 3 points 21 hours ago

Nice. I think we simultaneously wrote very similar comments. But I don't use my Jellifin to mimick live TV. Either I choose some movie or the next episode of my new favorite TV show, or I just waste my time on YouTube. I also used to watch Netflix, but I think they removed most of the interesting content.

[-] hendrik@palaver.p3x.de 5 points 21 hours ago

Wow, MythTV is still around? I used that like 12 years ago. I've stopped watching live TV since. Except for some of the regional program and news that's part of public broadcasting.

[-] hendrik@palaver.p3x.de 12 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

OP gave some clues, though. I think the comment with "London" was meant to be a joke. But it's true that this kind of surveillance is common in Britain, some parts of Asia and some random big cities. And OP knows how to write the time of the day properly, so they're certainly not from the USA. 😉

[-] hendrik@palaver.p3x.de 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yeah, sometimes perceived reality and the real reality are two things. And there are places where you can't walk on the streets as a woman. I'm not sure if it's about fear in your case. Or just because you broke your promise but there isn't any fear involved.

Anyways, in relationships general advice is to talk to each other. Ask her what's bothering her. Maybe it's a pretend reason and there is something deeper that's bothering her. Maybe this was the proper reason. Maybe she's a resentful person. Maybe she just had a bad day.

Unless it happens regularly or there are other factors to it, I wouldn't necessarily attribute it to malice or be a manipulation strategy...

[-] hendrik@palaver.p3x.de 2 points 1 day ago

Yeah, I've been using Debian, Arch and NixOS in the past. And at least those 3 didn't need any Snaps or Flatpaks. It's in deb-multimedia.org or the AUR and Nix has it per default (like it should be anyways, if you ask me.)

[-] hendrik@palaver.p3x.de 99 points 1 day ago

I don't think it's gaslighting. Gaslighting is manipulating someone into questioning their perception of reality. This is being angry at someone.

I can't really relate. Is it really that dangerous where you live? We probably live in different countries but I don't have CCTV in the residential area where I live. And usually in the summer, it's still bright enough at 10pm an people are still around and it's safe enough for women to walk home alone. At least in most places.

[-] hendrik@palaver.p3x.de 3 points 1 day ago

I remember fighting with the browser source. Nowadays you can just install a full build of OBS from some (third party) repositories. At least that's what I've done. Good reminder not to use Snap. As far as I know it's just causing problems for lots of people.

Btw I don't find the language that offensive. Sure it's not meant for kids. But I think fairly acceptable for a rant.

[-] hendrik@palaver.p3x.de 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Hmm. I guess that works, too. I'm just a nerd and really like Free Software. Almost exclusively use it. My phone runs a custom ROM with just a few unfree apps and without Google services, all my computers run Linux. Even the internet router does, and my IoT smart sockets run Tasmota or ESPHome. I like the 4 freedoms and the culture behind it. I participate and regularly contribute. All of that is mostly personal preference. I guess I could as well live comfortably with using Google Drive, but I choose not to. Source-available software would allow me to look at the code, something proprietary software doesn't allow. But that's pretty much it. I often can't remix and share it as I like. I don't have the freedom to decide to use it as it pleases me. And depending on the exact license, I can't even invite my friends and family to use the services I set up...

It's just the line I draw. And with the software I really rely on and use daily, I'm pretty strict. Either it provides me with the Four Essential Freedoms of Free Software as lined out by RMS in the eighties, or I don't volunteer to use it. I have no issues though with other people making different choices.

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