
joined 8 months ago
[–] 13 points 1 day ago (1 children)

My mom and I would rent movies when my dad was on business trips. Go to blockbuster and pick out a movie, make popcorn, cozy blankets. One night my mom got a movie and about 5 minutes in she was like maybe we should turn it off, and I said nah, it’s already playing let’s watch it. So that’s how I ended up watching Pink Flamingos in 3rd grade.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I use Hover. They’re based in Canada and I’ve been using them for years for my business domain and email. Was an easy choice for personal too. Every time I’ve had to call the tech support they have fixed the problem super fast, did extra stuff, and were super lovely. $20 a year for a small mailbox each, which is more than enough for us.

[–] 74 points 3 days ago (4 children)

On the flip side my husband has held on to the domain he got for 22 YEARS., and never did anything with it. We finally got our emails up and running with it last week. Don’t let your dreams be dreams!

Before I moved from DC I did that and wandered around the Mall and went to the Hirshhorn with two friends. Lovely day.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

The Benne gesserit is my second favourite quote.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

When I die, I hope to be surprised. It’s Oscar Wilde.

[–] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Mine are basically the same, but the little one finishes what his big brother doesn’t eat lol.

[–] 3 points 4 weeks ago

The boys get two scoops each of dry in the morning, wet for lunch, and then two scoops each of dry in the evening to hold them over till morning. Otherwise they nibble at my toes to let me know the bowl is empty! Not my favourite way to wake up lol.

That being said, they aren’t food motivated at all and will nibble throughout the day. They do love lunch time though. But even with being excited for wet food the one will have like six bites and then he’s off, important things to do you know. They’ve always drank lots of water, right from kittens, so not too worried about their water intake. We’ve got a fountain for them and they really like it, so that helps too.

They’re brothers and from day one have always eaten from the same plate or bowl. We tried to have two separate ones and they would barely eat so one bowl/plate it is.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

It looks great, though a bit heavy on the pepper for me. I make one very similar with cream cheese, avo, salt and pepper, and then a few shakes of Valentina hot sauce. That gives it the bite or acid that people say is missing. Enjoy your snack!

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Hey! Sorry I didn’t respond sooner, many guests arrived. Awesome playlist! So far every track has been gold. The teenagers love it lol. Many thanks.

Number one, don’t feel guilty about spending time here. You can make it what you want and be a force of good and change or, not. We all need a bit of escape sometimes and I know I am very susceptible to doom scrolling to avoid work/sleep/life in general. But I try to keep my feed as positive as I can while still being informed of what’s going on in the world. That’s a tough line sometimes 🙄. I get not having any hope, it’s just hard, so hard, right now. So much change and uncertainty in the air and no outlet for the stress. Go walk, get outside, exercise is a huge part of adhd management.

I don’t know your situation and how you’ve ruined your life, but I hope you have someone to talk to. Maybe it’s not as bad as your spinning mind is making it? I get into a spiral real easy, so I know how that can go! Have you been diagnosed with adhd? I took a quick look to see if there are any assistance programs for medication, didn’t find anything right away but I’d look into that. Here in BC there is a program that helps pay for it. I was only diagnosed last September in my mid forty’s and medication has saved my life. I have a brain again! Tbh, I almost didn’t make it, my daughter kept me going, I couldn’t bear to never see her again. It has been a long journey to get to this place and now I can see the future again with joy. It’s worth exploring all the avenues to keep in that direction. I unfortunately don’t know the uk health system so can’t offer too much advice. Only that nowadays you have to be your own advocate.

The main thing I want to say is don’t beat yourself up. You’re struggling and most definitely deserve some grace and care, shit is hard right now. One step at a time. Message me if you need a chat or a pep talk! Cheers from the Gulf Islands of BC and have a kick ass day!

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Oh wow!! Thank you so much!!

[–] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

Oh my gosh, same. If I’m trying to concentrate or focus on something there can be no words in music or better yet no music. The only exception to that is a task that is just movement and a playlist with songs I know all the words to. Then I’ll sing while I work. I like classical for the no words, even opera is ok because I don’t know what they are saying. I used to set my alarm in the morning to the French CBC. I don’t speak French so it was just melodic sounds instead of sounding like someone is yelling at me first thing.

I also don’t like watching movies/tv/youtube. I always feel like there’s something else I should be doing. I will watch a movie, but it takes a bit for me to settle and get my brain to realize that that’s what I’m doing. It feels so sedentary. Though I can game for hours haha. I’m doing something! There’s the added bonus that tv is like coffee for me, makes my brain WIRED, then I can’t sleep. Books for the win!

My hearing is quite bad now so that also adds to the feeling of a dull roar of confusion. Yay getting old.

*Edit to say hook me up with the synthwave playlists! Love that sound.

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