[-] gens@programming.dev 26 points 4 months ago

Well, he is the god of war. He wishes his kids to grow up strong and respected like him. Don't be so harsh on the guy, he's doing his best you know.

[-] gens@programming.dev 36 points 4 months ago

I actually kinda like that one.

[-] gens@programming.dev 20 points 6 months ago

The mistake is thinking that a 1000 byte file takes up a 1000 bytes on any storage medium. The mistake is thinking that it even matters if a kB means 1000 or 1024 bytes. It only matters for some programmers, and to those 1024 is the number that matters.

Disregarding reality in favor of pedantics is the real mistake.

[-] gens@programming.dev 21 points 7 months ago

Yea. They have worse efficiency. To get better efficiency from them you would need to run them hotter (afaik), and if you do that they would last even shorter.

It's great if you want a smaller but still strong engine, but it's not efficient and those seals are a big problem.

[-] gens@programming.dev 16 points 7 months ago

It's probably not just because ev. Golf has become a high end brand even before that. Not really a peoples car if parts cost a lot.

[-] gens@programming.dev 18 points 7 months ago

Yea, it's called Water Displacement formula 40. A penetrating oil mixed with stuff. Not nearly as goid as grease

[-] gens@programming.dev 23 points 7 months ago

Gimp Tool Kit, where gimp means Gnu Image Manipulation Program, where gnu means Gnu's Not Unix. So, in short, gnu's not unix image manipulation program tool kit.

[-] gens@programming.dev 26 points 7 months ago

0-127, top bit is always 0.

[-] gens@programming.dev 16 points 7 months ago


You can get a hunting licence and buy a gun/rifle/shotgun. It takes a test, and i think you cant have violent crimes. You also need a gun "safe" (basically a shitty locker like in US highschool movies), and the cops can come whenever they want to inspect it (usually regular, i forget if once per yearor 6 months or something).

That said theres still guns from the war. One grampa died and the cops found a bunch of rifles and granades in the attic, and a minefield infront of his house. Everybody knew about it, but knew he was a harmless nut.

[-] gens@programming.dev 44 points 9 months ago

I'd like all files to have a big comment on top that says wtf this is, why is it, and roughly how it works. Bonus for ascii art.

[-] gens@programming.dev 16 points 10 months ago

China has many more competent engineers then... any other country. They often steal ideas (everybody does), and even whole designs (less of everybody does). But i doubt they stole anything for ev-s. Making the "car" part is harder then the "electric part", especially for china.

[-] gens@programming.dev 19 points 10 months ago

We didn't go to germany, germany came to us.

Just like usa did many times.

And i don't think it was so obvious at the time. Russia was massing weapons, middle east had problems, and tensions were everywhere.

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