
joined 1 year ago
[–] 17 points 2 months ago

More backstory they are an electrician and he has installed several chargers already. They were not intoxicated during the process, least as far as I can tell for drinking 2 bud lites for an hour+ of work

[–] 15 points 2 months ago (8 children)

I got a $5,000 estimate to get mine installed. Luckily we knew a guy who only requested beer and to not clean up the drywall

[–] 12 points 3 months ago (1 children)

If you really want to go on a date, be upfront in whatever app or service you are using. If you have free time, just enjoy yourself because it sounds like you will be busy wherever you are going. Don't expect to have a long term style relationship in this short time, long distance is difficult and I'd advise against it. But do whatever you think is best, everyone is different including their SO. Best of luck

[–] 39 points 3 months ago (3 children)

My newborn is getting all their vax in 2 weeks, had to do an explanation for PTO so I'd be there for them. The first thing after I sent the request to my boss was, "have you looked into all the vaccines and how they affect them". I just don't understand why these proven vaccines are always in question

[–] 15 points 4 months ago

I can hear it when I read it

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

I think the reason for consoles was, you pay X dollars (normally the same price as a decent video card), and you are guaranteed that any games that come out with it works. All you have to do is plug it up to a TV with HDMI and boom, working video game box with smart capabilities. It is/was a good idea, but I'm guessing MS is looking back at their Xbox One always online days and say you can hook up this $100 cloud base console and stream your games (that you pay a subscription for) with little to no degradation. Honestly they could go so far as offering it alongside select or premium TV brands, they are already doing that with LGs. The next battle will be game ownership, Ubisoft has already started that battle. Looking bleak, may be pulling out the old pirate hat

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Nothing like wasting my money buying digital Xbox since Xbox One days to have it turn into a subscription based company. I've enjoyed my Xbox, but really sucks. Still hopefully, but highly doubtful they will continue to make consoles. I'm guessing sub and cloud base allowing access on PS and Nintendo. Good for them, but no reason to keep on supporting Xbox. Move on over Sega, Atari, and whoever else, another one coming aboard

[–] 6 points 5 months ago

Has it really been that long?

[–] 5 points 5 months ago (9 children)

I am fairly sure Dump will win. I'm already prepping my brain for 4 years of idiots, scheming, sexism, racism, and all hail God. I'm sorry everyone, we have a lot of raging dumb idiots here

[–] 38 points 5 months ago

I hope he wins and sues the school but mainly the principal into the ether. Good for him and his family for supporting him

[–] 11 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I'm sure the Tesla shareholders will be so pleased with this change. Rivian won't even need to make a decent R2 to have customers move over, Elon continues to keep screwing things up. He needs to stop and take a back seat on everything, mans an idiot when it comes to most changes/ideas

[–] 3 points 7 months ago (6 children)

I've had my Series X since the first year on its side in my basement (nearish to woods). Nearing completion Starfield it started freezing badly. I followed TronicsFix walkthrough for cleaning which resolved it.

I'm guessing maybe the smoke might be clogging it, but depending maybe look at redoing the thermal paste. I didn't do that for mine when I cleaned, but maybe (normally thermal paste is good for a long while).

If you go with the cleaning, definitely get some Dust off. Hope you get it working, maybe put it on its side and further away from the wood stove if possible and on a solid surface

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