[-] funnyletter@lemmy.one 8 points 11 months ago

Having at least a few hours of sleep between all that shit you studied and your test will get better results than pulling an all nighter to study like 4 more hours. First of all, your brain sucks balls at information storage and retrieval when you're exhausted. And second of all, sleep is when your brain organizes all the new info you picked up, so you will actually remember more of what you studied after you've slept.

[-] funnyletter@lemmy.one 33 points 11 months ago

My middle school required all shirts to be tucked in and they meant ALL SHIRTS. They went around making kids tuck in sweatshirts. It was dumb. And also racist because it was the 90s and the rule was made in response to baggy clothing being popular especially amongst black kids, so they considered large untucked shirts to be gang related.

[-] funnyletter@lemmy.one 13 points 11 months ago

Tiktok because Twitter already made me spend all my time raging out at random annoying assholes until I finally quit it and apparently tiktok is just that but with a more effective algorithm.

Also "ragebait but video" is like the last thing I need.

[-] funnyletter@lemmy.one 8 points 11 months ago

Insist on going to Dennys and then throw a fit about the lack of vegan options at Dennys.

[-] funnyletter@lemmy.one 32 points 11 months ago

I don't want to switch to something that costs more and that I like less?

[-] funnyletter@lemmy.one 7 points 11 months ago

A few of the chatbots I worked on, back when I did that, were actually good. Those companies had actually looked at their support traffic and figured out that like 95% of it was people asking the same 20 or so questions that had specific answers. Or at least that you could get to a specific answer with 1-2 followup questions. Like, a huge number of people just want to know how to pay their bill, and the answer is "go to this webpage or call this number".

It's kind of a waste of human time and effort to have a human answering all those questions, so the chatbot dealt with those (and tbh it was 50-50 whether those people even knew they were talking to a robot) and the actual hard shit got a warm transfer to a human agent who got the chat transcript.

Honestly the companies it worked best for, either their online documentation was a total shitshow so the chatbot was your best hope of actually finding anything, or a huge proportion of their customer base were total luddites who just didn't want to use a website and wanted to talk to someone. (We had to make our chatbots support Internet Explorer 11. In 2021. Because for some of our clients IE11 was like 30% of their traffic. I don't even fucking know.)

[-] funnyletter@lemmy.one 27 points 11 months ago

I used to design and maintain chatbots for a living, for a company that among other things sold bespoke chatbots to corporate clients, and I can tell you that the companies KNOW that customers don't want chatbots for customer service. They don't care. THEY want chatbots for customer service because chatbots are orders of magnitude cheaper than hiring customer service representatives.

A chatbot is gonna cost what it costs them to employ 1-2 customer service reps, but it can handle basically infinite traffic for that price. The GOOD ones handle the simple questions (your "how do I pay my bill"s and your "what are your hours"s) and then forward the difficult ones ("why is my bill fucked up?") to a human agent. But I absolutely worked with some clients (who I will not name because I do not want to get sued) that explicitly wanted to avoid letting customers get access to a human agent by whatever means possible.

Also a side note but basically no one lets people cancel accounts via chatbot. They inevitably want THOSE requests to go to a human rep so they can try to talk them out of it.

[-] funnyletter@lemmy.one 11 points 11 months ago

I don't know what it was.

I just know that one day I got on the bus and as soon as it pulled away from the stop THE STENCH hit me. Like poop, but worse. Poop and also rotting. I don't know. I never saw the source of the stench. I grabbed the stop-request cord as I leapt to my feet and hauled ass to the exit door and tried to hold my breath until we got to the next stop.

I walked home and it took basically the whole walk to get the residual stink out of my sinuses. I will never know what made that smell and I think I'm glad.

[-] funnyletter@lemmy.one 81 points 1 year ago

Someone asked a question about work-life balance during an all-hands meeting and the CEO laughed at him.

A couple weeks later my entire location started eating lunch together and discussing our job searches.

[-] funnyletter@lemmy.one 7 points 1 year ago

My issue is even if that's true it kind of doesn't matter because it's making the people who are ACTUALLY racist/homophobic/name your bigotry flavor feel comfortable enough to be genuinely horrendous. Fucking with the Overton window like that ain't cool.

[-] funnyletter@lemmy.one 8 points 1 year ago

Dog stuff. I haven't found any dog communities and I weirdly miss reading about dog grooming.

[-] funnyletter@lemmy.one 8 points 1 year ago

Honestly I usually ride my bicycle someplace but unless you have a stationary bike that doesn't sound workable (and I'm not sure a stationary bike would work anyway, I think actually leaving the building is a necessary part of the equation).

I have, however, gotten a lot of mileage out of smashing ice with one of those wooden cocktail ice smashing mallets. When you make crushed ice for fancy cocktails you put the ice in a little canvas bag and beat it with a wooden mallet. It's destructive, but in a harmless way.

Just don't do like I did the other week and go to slam the bathroom door, underestimate the degree to which your home's doors are made of paper mache, and accidentally knock a hole in the door. :( I can confirm this does not make you less mad.

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