[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 93 points 9 months ago

So, in other words the FBI must have had tons of specific information that this insurrection was going to happen ... Yet we had very little law enforcement there or on standby.

This is the part of Jan 6 that has not received nearly enough attention. Either law enforcement was grossly incompetent, or they were deliberately held back to allow the insurrection to succeed. In other words: a coup.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 74 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

They caught him only because he was riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

Hence the rule, "only break one law at a time."

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 108 points 9 months ago

I can't wait for her to be president!

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 93 points 9 months ago

Just a reminder that there are a far more allegations against Trump, and Trump has been found liable for rape, and yet Trump is the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 95 points 9 months ago

There is not one ounce of honor or decency left in the Republican party.

They've investigated this to death and found ZERO evidence and ZERO witnesses of any criminal activity, and yet they are moving to impeach.

They are cartoonishly stupid and evil, and we're forced to watch them destroy our democracy in slow motion.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 66 points 10 months ago

The thing that cracks me up is that you have these Republican candidates running against Trump, and they are all too scared to actually attack him on the fact that he's going to prison for trying to rig the election.

In the history of the world, has there ever been an easier line of attack handed to a political opponent? But they are all cowards.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 228 points 10 months ago

That's a pretty good way to go, apparently.

But there have been an absolutely breathtaking number of death row cases that have been overturned due to new evidence that had exonerated the condemned.

It seems pretty clear that the state is doing a very crappy job of determining guilt, and therefore shouldn't be handing down such a permanent sentence.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 75 points 10 months ago

I honestly think that music did more to hurt the show than anything else. It was the musical equivalent of starting EVERY EPISODE with a voiceover saying: "we hate all that old star trek. This is the new WB Network Star Trek, with 70% more down home, Midwestern American values! Yeehaw!"

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 180 points 10 months ago

Absolutely. And in so many way. I'm only in my 40s and I feel like I'm living in a vastly different world than the one I was born into.

The rate of change is unlike anything humans have ever had to cope with in our 2 million year history.

For almost all of human existence, there wasn't even a CONCEPT of progress... no sense that humanity was going anywhere. Your life was virtually identical to that of your great great great grandfather, and would be the same experience had by your great great great grandchild.

I remember a world of rotary phones, small towns with personalities before chains homogenized the world. I remember how the United States had a whole different personality before 9-11. I remember when Republicans had actual plans for governing (OBAMA'S affordable care act was basically a clone of Bob Dole's plan). I remember the world before the Internet, when malls were packed and buzzing, when shopping in stores felt magical and not like a ghost town.

I remember analog and even black and white TVs. I remember the first video games and PCs,b dial-up Internet, browsers before tabs were invented.

I remember when acid rain was there number one environmental concern, and how we actually accepted the science and made policy to fix it.

I remember the bugs.

I remember so many more bugs. The night alive with fireflies. Windshields plastered with splatters on the highway.

I remember paper maps! FM radio. Cassette adapters.

The world is so, so, so different. It changed so fast.

Republicans became a suicide cult.

The government stopped breaking up monopolies, and started bailing out too-big-to-fail banks.

The United States tortures people now. People never charged of a crimes were tortured at Guantanamo Bay.

I grew up in a home that my parents bought cheap. They had two cars. They took us on vacations every year. They saved up for retirement. My dad had a PhD. He did well.

I have a law degree. I will never own a home. I will never be able to afford even a single vacation. I will never be able to retire.

They rolled back Roe.

They staged an insurrection.

I've been working with GPT-4 night and day since it was released to the public. I'm 100 percent convinced that with a little supplementation, it is the first artificial GENERAL intelligence.

It can already create better writing and code than MOST of the human population.

Where will it be in 5 years? 10? 20?

It's going to be smarter, funnier, more creative, more thoughtful than all of us. In our lifetime. WHY, then, are we even HERE at that point? Why do we even exist?

These were questions for science fiction. For the future.

It's happening NOW. WE, of all humans in the span of history, are the ones who will see our species become obsolete.

So yeah. Let's take moment to realize how cosmically, historically insane it is to live in this moment.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 269 points 10 months ago

I'm sure there were a huge swath of people who used Twitter and didn't care at all about Musk one way or the other.

Then he rebranded and threw his ego and control in everyone's face. And all the people who like Twitter IN SPITE of Elon were now forced to acknowledge that their Twitter is gone.

Just like over at reddit now, the latest move has alienated the people who really cared about the platform itself. If they rebranded to "Spez's World", though, a lot of the people who didn't give a shit before would suddenly be ready to bail.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 146 points 10 months ago

This is what Republicans want for all of us.

If Republicans win the next election, they will institute a national abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest.

If you want to stop this, the only way to do so is to vote for Biden. I really hope people understand this.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 196 points 10 months ago

How about a new rule that if you vote for a war, you are automatically enlisted. And if you're ineligible to enlist you must either abstain or vote no.

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