
joined 1 year ago
[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 1 points 3 hours ago

Just because you can take a hammer to it doesn't mean that's the best solution

In the right situation I imagine it could be a useful tool, much more subtle than just smashing the thing, less time consuming than taking it apart

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 1 points 12 hours ago

Not that I know of, I meant it could be put in a pressurised spray bottle, for example a deodorant can

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 2 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

If it's bolted to a wall and unattended neither of those things are an option

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 3 points 19 hours ago (6 children)

You don't necessarily need to put it into the air supply, could just bathe the specific device you want disabled in helium from a deodorant can or something

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

I suppose I could write a custom script that runs sudo echo or something so it's cached

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Have tried using it this way though the glaring issue for me is that I have to type the password at the end rather than start, meaning I'll start a rebuild, go for something else then it'll time out on the sudo password

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago

Does seem that way

I'm not sure real people can be compared to fictional in that way, as your friend has infinitely more character because he's a real person

If you were to ask your friend what his favourite food is, or what his opinion on pineapple on pizza is, or what he has for a desktop wallpaper he'd have answers for all of those questions or a reason he doesn't have an answer

If you were to take one of these hollow characters I'm talking about and ask them that question the answer would just be made up on the spot

If your friend showed up in a TV show for 5 minutes just as himself in a situation he would realistically be in I can guarantee he'd feel real and natural because he is a real person with a history

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago (4 children)

What does remote sudo actually do I thought it was meant to be for doing remote builds over ssh

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

The issue is the intention behind it, if the intention is comic relief they might not add much to the plot, but generally are still relevant in some way and make the film more entertaining

I'm not a huge fan of poorly fleshed out characters in general if they've got any amount of screen time

If they haven't got much screen time and aren't fleshed out it's even worse if the one defining character trait they have is that they're gay, black, trans, etc etc

Imagine if some adventurers go into a tavern, they talk to the generic hooded loner on their own in the corner, they give the adventurers the quest as usual and then for some reason mention that they're vegan or something, no relevance to the story and it becomes kinda obvious to the viewer that they were only given that character trait to check a box

Kaos is one of the good examples I've seen recently sorry if I already mentioned it, there's a trans character in the underworld who was part of a female only Amazon tribe and was thrown out and eventually killed for transitioning to male, but they don't even mention any of that until he's already been well established for a couple of episodes and they do it in enough detail that it doesn't feel forced

I'm all for representation in media I should clarify I just want it to be done well, there are a fair few good examples but also a good number of bad ones

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Background noise isn't an issue for me, if there isn't an unnatural amount of attention being drawn and the pace of the story isn't interrupted that's just adding interest

The problem lies for me when said character isn't fleshed out in other ways and their only defining trait is that they're x, or that they don't give them any character flaws because they're too afraid to offend that group. Results in a character that doesn't feel natural to the story

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

It only feels shoe horned when they don't write the character well.

There are a lot of cases where the person isn't allowed to have any flaws or character development because they're too scared to make them look bad in any way, which also means none of their achievements feel earned. Ohers where they just don't care enough to waste screen time on things that aren't highlighting whatever group they're a part of

Have been a fair few shows I've seen where they've done it right, recently Kaos had a trans character who actually felt like a human being instead of a token "hey look we have a trans person"

The recent doctor who special is one of the bad examples, most of the time the woman in a wheelchair is onscreen it's because they're drawing attention to the wheelchair (oh no, a ladder, oh no a set of stairs etc etc) and not to develop her character in any way besides that


I kinda like the look of them and often feel myself wanting a second monitor if I'm working on my laptop.

(I've come to the conclusion if people think I'm working I won't look like as much of a massive dork)

Always had the feeling they'd be a bit crap though, like the hinges break or the monitor isn't too good or it's big and bulky and you can't really carry it

Ideally I'd like to find a single fold out side monitor that attaches to my laptop (big chunky ThinkPad) somehow and doesn't need its own power supply but that may be asking too much


I've got this idea in my head that I want a tofi based sound board that I can summon on a button press (and maybe fuzzy find through)

Should be fairly simple to do with the way tofi works to make the interface, but as far as I can find there's not a quick and easy way to mix sounds in with mic input using pactl

Is there any single line solution for playing a sound over mic (like a soundboard would) anyone can think of or do I need to mess around with virtual audio devices to achieve this


There's a video on YouTube where someone has managed to train a network of rat neurons to play doom, the way they did it seems reminiscent of how we train ML models

I am under the impression from the video that real neurons are a lot better at learning than simulated ones (and much less power demanding)

Could any ML problems, such as natural language generation be solved using neurons instead and would that be in any way practical?

Ethically at this point is this neuron array considered conscious in any way?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by flashgnash@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Am I the only one who gets to the self checkout and is compelled to finish as soon as humanly possible?

Imagine if there was a speedrun timer on them and a leaderboard

Would make boring everyday life a little more interesting


Often find myself getting frustrated editing yaml, and it seems to be used everywhere for some reason I cannot fathom

I have an idea to write an editor plugin that will, when opening a yaml file, convert it to json (or some other less painful configuration language), then convert back on save. I don't know enough about yaml syntax to know if that's possible or if there's some quirk that makes them not completely cross compatible

Or alternatively if it exists a better CLI tool for editing yaml than just a normal text editor because I'm getting sick of pasting in a block of yaml and then having to fix the 8 indentation errors that somehow spawn from that


Not sure if what I'm looking for exists, but thought I'd ask.

I like the boss fights of games like sekiro and and dark souls but I always end up getting bored of them before getting particularly far for one reason or another

I'm not a huge fan of the grungey art style most souls likes seem to adopt, and I often find myself wandering around not really knowing where I'm going, what I'm doing, or why I'm doing it

Really loved the Nier series. The combat in that makes you feel like a badass, whereas souls likes tend to make your character look like a regular guy with a sword (which I get is the point but not what I tend to look for)

Also like the visual style of black desert, the combat feels pretty good and looks very cool though I'm not a fan of all the micro transactions and pay to win (more or less the same goes for Warframe, at least when I played it years ago)

Does anyone know of any games that might scratch that itch, don't necessarily have to be souls likes as long as they look good and have challenging boss fights


Just googled to see if there was an activitypub git host yet and came across this claiming gitlab are working on it at the moment and that it's available as an experimental feature

Seems odd to me that people aren't talking about this more here, has anyone tried it and if so is it any good?


Seeing as Yuzu has been nintendo'd recently, what do people think will happen to ryujinx? Can Nintendo get them on the same grounds as Yuzu or would they need to come up with a new case against them?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by flashgnash@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

My phone's just bitten the dust and now I need to look for a new one again.

Thought I'd test the waters and see what kinds of phones people on here are using nowadays and what for, what features set them apart if any etc

Bonus points if anyone's managed to get mainline linux running on them either via KVM or bare metal

Edit: Thanks for everyone who talked about their choices of phone, I am now writing this on a fairphone 4 and am quite happy with it so far.


Does anyone know of a mod that, given the seed for example, could locally generate chunks so that they can be displayed before the server generates them?

IE if multiple people are exploring and the server's struggling to keep up, it would be awesome if the client could generate them locally and fill in the gaps locally until the server gets around to generating them proper

(Kinda like how I imagine distant horizons does it)


I'm hearing a lot about websites like netflix and YouTube crippling their performance in some way if you're using firefox instead of chrome/a smart TV

Is it likely to cause me problems if I just globally change my useragent to chrome instead of firefox?

Alternatively, is there an extension that automatically bypasses all of these things that people are aware of (pretends to be a smart TV for netflix, chrome for YouTube, etc automatically)

If there's not an extension, what would be involved in making one? Obviously user agent changes dependant on URL but I'm not sure what other metrics these websites might be able to use to figure out what you're using

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by flashgnash@lemm.ee to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I am potentially going to be able to put Linux on my work PC soon, have been using it on my personal PC and laptop quite happily with hyprland ontop of NixOS

Thinking of using NixOS for my work machine as well, however I don't want to use hyprland or even Wayland as I need this machine to be stable and reliable (Nvidia GPU)

Is I3 still the best option for this or are there better alternatives? (leaning towards I3 ontop of KDE)

I'm also somewhat tempted to just go GNOME with the forge extension as it seems the most reliable, though the tiling on that extension is far from perfect

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