[-] fearout@kbin.social 33 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Why do you feel like matrix has failed? I joined it recently and to me it looks like it’s kinda growing.

[-] fearout@kbin.social 31 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

“I’ve been very interested in things like universal basic income and what’s going to happen to global wealth redistribution,” Sam Altman, Worldcoin’s cofounder

Holy crap it’s Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI. After that recent article about his $2 Kenyan workers it’s much harder to believe in benevolent intentions.

[-] fearout@kbin.social 34 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Locking social norms at some predetermined stage is a great way to curb all progress. Like, slavery was a social norm at some point.

[-] fearout@kbin.social 36 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

So I read the paper. Here’s a tldr about how their material apparently gains its properties.

It is hypothesized that superconductivity properties emerge from very specific strains induced in the material. Hence why most of the discovered superconductors require either to be cooled down to very low temperatures, or to be under high pressure. Both shrink the material.

What this paper claims is that they have achieved a similar effect chemically by replacing some lead ions with copper ions, which are a bit smaller (87 pm for Cu vs 133 pm for Pb). This shrinks the material by 0.48%, and that added strain induces superconductivity. This is why it apparently works at room temperature — you no longer need high pressures or extreme cold to create the needed deformation.

Can’t really comment on how actually feasible or long-lasting this effect is, but it looks surprisingly promising. At least as a starting point for future experiments. Can’t wait for other labs’ reproduction attempts. If it turns out to be true, this is an extremely important and world-changing discovery.

Fingers crossed :)

[-] fearout@kbin.social 82 points 11 months ago

No one is going to post news/articles here and then discuss them as they would in a regular post. It won’t get bumped up on the subscribed page if something interesting happens. Most of the comments here are going be about the megathread itself.

So this is effectively banning all the discussion concerning all of his companies. Which might be something you want to do, every community can decide for itself what kind of stuff they want to forbid after all. But I feel like it should be said directly, not via making a catch-all megathread.

[-] fearout@kbin.social 28 points 11 months ago

Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs for short are shaking up the virtual universe, transforming how we vibe with digital assets.

Oh hello fellow humans. Let’s vibe with our digital assets for a bit since it’s something we do so often in our virtual universe. What assets do you especially enjoy vibing with?

[-] fearout@kbin.social 39 points 11 months ago

Trademark research would require paying people. Can you imagine that? Shudders.

At least you can always find designers who are happy to work for free. Sure, it might be just a Unicode character, but it has animated glitches tho. Those are cool.

[-] fearout@kbin.social 28 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I saw this article posted in another thread and it seems to explain a lot. Not sure how close it is to reality, but it looks like nostalgia is at least a partial reason for this change.

Yep. Fucking nostalgia.

[-] fearout@kbin.social 45 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I was curious how current LLMs might handle this with proper instructions, so I asked chatGPT this: “What can you tell me about this Reddit post? Would you write a news article about this? Analyze the trustworthiness of this information:” and pasted the text from the post. Here’s a part of its reply:

This Reddit post appears to be discussing updates in the context of […] Hearthstone and World of Warcraft. However, there are several factual inaccuracies which raises questions about the trustworthiness of the post:

  1. Hearthstone was first released in 2014, not 1994. This error may be a typo or a misunderstanding by the user.
  1. Glorbo does not appear to be a known character in either the Hearthstone or World of Warcraft universe […]
  1. Chen Stormstout is a known character from the Warcraft universe, but the claim about him being the end boss of a new version of Karazhan doesn't match with any known information […]
  1. Dragonflight is not known as a video game developer or associated term in the context of Hearthstone or World of Warcraft […]

Given these points, it seems this post might be either a joke, speculation, or misinformation. […] So I'd recommend taking this information with a grain of caution and verify it from reliable sources.

[…] I would caution against using the information in this post for a news article due to the factual inaccuracies and lack of verifiable sources. Good journalism relies on accuracy, fact-checking, and use of reliable sources. This Reddit post contains several claims that contradict established knowledge, and without further verification from reliable, official sources (like game developers or official news releases), it would not be advisable to use this information in a news article.

So it’s not even an issue with current models, just bad setup. An autoGPT with several fact-checking questions added in can easily filter this stuff.

[-] fearout@kbin.social 125 points 11 months ago

The concept of emergence blows my mind.

We have this property in our universe where simple things with simple rules can create infinitely complex things and behaviours. A molecule of water can’t be wet, but water can. A single ant can’t really do anything by himself, but a colony with simple pheromone exchange mechanisms can assign jobs, regulate population, create huge anthills with vents, specialty rooms and highways.

Nothing within a cell is "alive", it’s just atoms and molecules, but the cell itself is. One cell cannot experience things, think, love, have hopes and dreams, or want to watch Netflix all day, but a human can.

The fact that lots of tiny useless things governed by really simple rules can create this complexity in this world is breathtakingly beautiful.

Kinda ties into your example :)

[-] fearout@kbin.social 34 points 11 months ago

As far as I know, it’s usually crushed vitamin B. Shouldn’t feel like much unless you do dozens of takes.

At least that’s what they used in Mr. Robot.

submitted 11 months ago by fearout@kbin.social to c/technology@lemmy.world

A search for Threads content on Twitter currently brings up zero results, despite plenty of links to Meta’s microblogging rival being posted on the platform.


Check out the pinned post for a general guide to the community that includes lots of relevant examples.

The community is located on kbin. In case you don’t see any posts, no one from your instance has yet subscribed to the community. Subscribe and you’ll see new posts going forward. There are a dozen threads there right now.

Links are a still somewhat a mess, but hopefully at least one should work:

!urbandetails | !urbandetails

Full web link



Local lemmy.world link

Or just paste this into search: urbandetails@kbin.social


The community is located on kbin. In case you don’t see any posts, no one from your instance has yet subscribed to the community. Subscribe and you’ll see new posts going forward. There are several threads there atm.

Links are a bit weird, but at least one should work:

!IndustrialDesign | !IndustrialDesign

Full web link



Local lemmy.world link

Or just paste this into search: industrialdesign@kbin.social

[-] fearout@kbin.social 30 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Agree with a lot there.

Actually, it feels like at this point there should be at least a couple social media platforms operated as utility services, not as for-profit organisations specializing in selling user data and/or providing access to users’ beliefs and worldviews to the highest bidder.

As much as people might not like it, SM services seem to only grow in relation to importance for a healthy well-functioning society, and reclassifying at least something as a public utility/human right/something in that vein is long overdue imo.

Not sure if it’s even possible though in current enterprise/governmental structures :(

Btw, that’s partly why I’m trying to participate a lot more here than I ever did on Reddit. I know fediverse probably isn’t going to be the next big thing, but if we can build some sizeable foundation here it’s at least worth trying. I’m sure as shit that large companies won’t even try.

submitted 11 months ago by fearout@kbin.social to c/fediverse@kbin.social
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