[-] exscape@kbin.social 58 points 4 weeks ago

I wouldn't say it's the definition, but I agree this is not surprising.
Toxic masculinity is much more though. Men bullying men because they do something "not manly" is toxic masculinity. It can be anything from not enjoying sports to showing emotion for any reason (even crying if a family member died).

[-] exscape@kbin.social 37 points 1 month ago

Because the games that run on the Steam Deck are PC games, no emulation required. It's a joke.

[-] exscape@kbin.social 25 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I literally haven't had ANY of those problems running Windows 10 or 11 FWIW, not have any of my friends or relatives.

I'm not anti-Linux or anything though, have used it for 26 years now, but only briefly on the desktop.

[-] exscape@kbin.social 91 points 2 months ago

Ubuntu is just getting worse and worse. I was pretty happy running Ubuntu server for years after moving from Gentoo; I jag lost interest in spending time taking care for that server and wanted something easy.

I went to Debian half a year ago and it's been great. Should've done it earlier.

[-] exscape@kbin.social 214 points 2 months ago

"climate change and other left wing topics"... I know that's basically how it works in some countries, but it's insane to consider certain scientific facts left wing, and we really shouldn't support such statements.

[-] exscape@kbin.social 21 points 2 months ago

At the International Roguelike Development Conference 2008 held in Berlin, Germany, players and developers established a definition for roguelikes known as the "Berlin Interpretation".

These guys have extremely strict definitions, which mean that most "rougelike" games are in fact roguelites, if you care about what they think.

There are nine "high value" factors that are more or less a requirement:

Random Environment Generation
Resource Management
Exploration and Discovery

Plus six "low value" factors that are less important:

Single Player Character
Monsters are Similar to Players
Tactical Challenge
ASCII Display

There is, as you might expect, a fair bit of controversy about that though.

[-] exscape@kbin.social 42 points 9 months ago

You may disagree with her methods (as do I at times), but few (mostly climate change deniers) would disagree with her goals. She's spending her life trying to improve the future of the all humankind.

[-] exscape@kbin.social 24 points 10 months ago

CSS is used to create the design, basically the look (colors, layout and so on), but no substance.
JavaScript is used to implement code and logic.

HTML + JavaScript would typically (since you're supposed to use CSS to create colors and design) look very dull, thus the black-and-white Oppenheimer.

[-] exscape@kbin.social 22 points 10 months ago

Baldur's Gate 3.
I can probably count the number of games I've paid full price for in the past 15 years on one hand, and this is one of them. No regrets whatsoever.

Looking back on Steam, last time was GTA V. Prior to that Skyrim, and prior to that Portal 2.

[-] exscape@kbin.social 20 points 11 months ago

It's very steep since tons of reddit apps were more like $2 for the pro version.
I can see how that's too low to be sustainable, but $25 is a lot more.

[-] exscape@kbin.social 25 points 11 months ago

Did you read it backwards? Or are you a huge NFT fan?

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