[-] ericbomb@lemmy.world 3 points 22 hours ago

Well I did say "for same reason lots" XD so yeah, basically.

Then sales reps can rope in new people with "It's industry standard! It's easy to hire people who know this!"

[-] ericbomb@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

Well for the same reason lots of not great software is used.

It was once the best (or only) in the market, and now it'd cost literally millions of dollars to change in training/conversion/hardware changes. As long as we keep above the "We cause less damage than a change costs" folks stay.

[-] ericbomb@lemmy.world 11 points 2 days ago

Heh, yeah but my metrics don't care about how many trucks I roll! Just how long my calls are! "Modem restart didn't work? Truck will be on its way." "Modem restart didn't work? Truck will be on its way." X100

100 calls an hour BABY.

[-] ericbomb@lemmy.world 39 points 2 days ago


So I work for a large enterprise type software with a database. And because our installer is trash, we don't trust clients to do it. It's very common for the installer to error out with SQL error messages and we have to go fix things in the database. Think stupid things like if a value is null in one field, installer crashes.

So they call in, get paperwork for a test upgrade (we require they upgrade a test database first), then after they email that paperwork and it's approved by management, the call to schedule the test appointment happens. Then 3 days before the actual appointment, we can call them and transfer via Bomgar the files they need. Because we don't wanna give them the needed files early for... reasons never explained properly to me.

Then the actual install/upgrade call happens.

Then we do it all over again for the live.

Welcome to corporate policy that's been building over 20 years, and never cut back. Things get added to the install process, never removed.

[-] ericbomb@lemmy.world 18 points 2 days ago

There's always next weeks call deflection meeting for me to try again!

I haven't been uninvited from it yet! But yeah gotta love these "problem solving" meetings from management, where they don't actually want to give any resources or allow any policy changes to come from them.

submitted 2 days ago by ericbomb@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml

According to research ending every call with "Have I resolved all your issues?" Reduces how often people call back.

But yeah if you want to upgrade your product, it takes 5 inbound calls because of the steps. All but the last one could be automated.

I got yeeted.

[-] ericbomb@lemmy.world 9 points 4 days ago

"They're paying a lot more than me in every single way, their one advantage is speed."

"hahaha how does it feel to be paying $800 a month in car expenses to go slower than ME!"

[-] ericbomb@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago

Ooh that's the good stuff! Especially when they get their own light. Lights up the pleasure center of my brain when we get to zoom through when everyone else is waiting on a light.

[-] ericbomb@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago

Good point! During the event near the park it's probably more accurate that I go the same speed as the cars, because people have to park on all the side streets and walk to the park.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by ericbomb@lemmy.world to c/micromobility@lemmy.world

That's all.

Today there was construction on the road and a ton of cars were stuck.

Then whenever there is an event at a nearby park I zoom on by them as all the cars get stuck.

Just realized how overly pleased I was when the person stopped all the cars, and I just was like... oh look, nothing is being done in my lane.

EDIT: Oh and I can get to my closet grocery store faster than a car by cutting through a parking lot cars can't get into simply because doing so avoids having to do a left turn onto a super busy road. Joyful, every time. More traffic at that light, the better I feel.

Glad to hear others are as petty as me!


Recently got Walk Scape which is a rune scape inspired game, but you do things by walking and just reads from the google analytics on your walking distance, so no gps and doesn't care where you go, just that you walk. So like to mine something, you take 10 steps, and so on. Also really nice that if you complete your current task, your steps are stored. So you don't have to do things while on the walk, you pick stuff to do before you walk, and then check in after. Really enjoying it!

Also got an app called Macadam, which gives you prizes for walking. But the model is kinda annoying because you'll get 25 coins for walking 2,500 steps in a day, but then you'd get like 5k for doing surveys and 10k for "playing partner games". So it feels a bit just like a mist play clone with a pedometer.

I didn't like games like pokemon go because the best way to play was always just to drive to a good place and hang out there. Also it required you to stop while on your walk.

Curious if there are any other fun walking games!


So I'm a hobbyist game developer for years whose day job is writing reports/troubleshooting database issues with MSSQL.

I'm a bit over half way through a CS bachelors degree!

I'm aware of three ways to get experience to help me find a job once I graduate, and wondering if one is superior to the others, or if there is another way!

  1. Personal projects. There is a very large programming project I've been working on off and on for 2ish years and I feel like after my recent programming classes I can probably start it off right and trash all my previous prototypes.

  2. Work on open source projects. This one is a bit scarier at this point, as I'd have to find one I like, one that is active, one that my skills fit with, one I can get accepted with, etc.

  3. Find entry level freelance things. I'm aware I could maybe do cheap tasks on Fiverr, or sign up for things like Data annotation, to earn a bit of money and have "something" directly related to programming on my resume.

3.5 Could do coding challenges, but most of the ones I've seen don't seem super relevant to making large programs, but solving convoluted puzzles. But would love to hear if there is a site that has more real world challenges.

My personal experience for previous projects (and favorite programming class so far) has been python (shocking I know). Hoping I'll fall in love with C# programming once I get into the advanced classes with it, as I know that pairs much nicer with my MSSQL experience. Oh my game dev has also been in Game Maker, which uses GML, so not superrr helpful experience.

So any thoughts/opinions?


My disabled friend just needs to make like $20 a day to afford what she needs.

I know there are a ton of like "fill out surveys to ear money" "play games to earn money" "Do this little task" but all the ones I've found give like... $1 an hour.

I know fiverr is an option, but I dunno if that is consistent enough when she needs to get moving.

Any websites that would let her sidegig when she feels up to it and isn't trash pay?

submitted 3 weeks ago by ericbomb@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

So I really liked games like:

Wurmonline (Never really panned out the way I wanted, last I checked years ago no one really pvp'd)

Salem the Game (Not the popular social deduction game)

Eve Online (I hype fixate hard on Eve so gotta stay away from it. Also the P2W was disgusting)

Rust, but it not being an mmo was always a turn off as individual servers seemed to always have weird issues. Maybe it's better now though.

Any suggestions for MMO's I should check out? I wanna be able to be a little guy and built a little house, then join a group and go raiding. No pay to win stuff if it's possible.

Any good games like that out and about?

submitted 4 weeks ago by ericbomb@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world

TLDR: 3 year old cat is waking me up every night because he's bored I think. All the toys I've tried have failed and kitten seems very anxious.

About 2 weeks ago my 16 year old cat passed. Despite his age it was a bit of a shock because 2 weeks before his passing he was in for a vet appointment and they said he was in perfect health. I'm mentally still not ok about it, but not the real problem atm.

The problem I'm now dealing with is ever since then, my 3 year old cat wakes me up every night. He just wants me to refill his treat toy, but he never did this before, I also refuse to fill said treat toy until 8 am when I normally wake up. I figure this is why is because as soon as it's 8 AM and I fill his treat toy he happily goes at it and then once his toy is empty he relaxes. So I'm hoping he'll give up and accept that I don't give him treats until morning and refuse to.

I feel like he's just bored since the cat he's been around since he was 6 weeks old is gone and it was his friend. We've tried different toys, but he doesn't care about any play that isn't another person/animal or involves treats.

Like he'll play really friendly with our dog, but our dog sleeps during the night. He also played pretty gently with our old cat, and loves playing with like fishing poles. But I don't think we ever taught him to play by himself since he always had someone to play with and now doesn't. He was a covid kitten that "might" have slept almost all the time in my arms as a kitten because held him for like 8 hours a day and he slept there. Working from home with a young kitten meant he was very spoiled.


So about a year ago I bought a cheap eScooter after selling my stupid car, and I've had a pretty good time! I live within 2 miles of my doctor, my dentist, a bunch of grocery stores, and even my mom AND my grandma!

The only problem is despite it advertising 12 mile range, it only goes about 4 before dying. I kind of expected it because it's under $300.


I weigh 130 pounds so I don't think that's impacting it.

While I just uber whenever I need to go further 1-2 times a month, would be nice to have closer to 10 miles if I want to run multiple errands in a row. Any eScooters that actually have good range and are under $500?


Was 25 and super nervous, so when the realtor was like "oh yeah they just check for basic stuff, but I looked around and it looks great" I was like "Oh okay, this is so astronomically expensive every penny saved is good..."

Everything has been great as far as I can tell. House was built like 40 years ago but super well maintained it seemed and I've been super happy. But just curious if maybe I should hire someone to make sure there was nothing outstanding from back then, and no major issues have popped up in the last couple years like leaks/foundation issues, the like.

Is that crazy? Is it weird to call and be like "I'm not selling, I just wanna make sure there are no issues I need to address before they get worse"

Is there a certain type of inspector I should get? I know some inspectors are notoriously lazy.

Also I moved in 2 weeks before covid lock downs happened for time line stuff.

submitted 1 month ago by ericbomb@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.world

I love fantasy, but fantasy series are kind of nefarious for some... problems.

Series that drag on to reach an arbitrary number, creating a number of filler books. (8/9/10 of a certain series comes to mind for "filler books" )

Series that keep going for so long and lose the thread, straight up making what happened in previous books seem silly and irrelevant.

Books that vary wildly in quality (book 10, shout out to you again)

Series that aren't finished (GRRM fans, you might get your books if he lives long enough. King Killer chronicle fans... I'm sorry, but the author is dead even if the man remains).

I just really wanna try a bunch of fantasy standalone novels from different authors. But I can't for the life of me find a website that'll let me do that. Amazon will say after clicking on it "book 1 of x", so like the information is there, but I can't find any website that let's me search for it. I can find websites that list like "Top x standalone novels of the year" but those are usually really click baity.

"Finished series only" filter would be sick as well.

Anyone have any ideas?

submitted 2 months ago by ericbomb@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I saw the trailer for "American society of magical Negroes" and it looked kinda funny in the first 20 seconds, then the trailer went on to show what I'm pretty sure was literally everything in the movie.

Are there any other trailers that made you lose all interest in seeing it because it showed literally everything?

[-] ericbomb@lemmy.world 80 points 6 months ago

30 and uhh... half elf. Not full elf. Totally half.

[-] ericbomb@lemmy.world 118 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

We use datediff in sql and let God handle the rest.

"Oh but they're in different time zones" "Oh did you account for if one is in day light savings and other isn't" "Aren't some of these dates stored in UTC and some local?"

Are all problems I do not care about.

[-] ericbomb@lemmy.world 92 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Don't worry, medical care is now government funded in the real world! The taxes you paid prior to falling into a coma covered you.

This is in no way a ploy to get you to wake up so we can put you in the medical work camp because you owe us 17 million dollars.

With love, Kind and gentle Medical industries inc*

*A fully owned subsidy of Nestlé

[-] ericbomb@lemmy.world 60 points 9 months ago

So you're supposed to do 50-30-20 Meaning 50% on needs 30% on wants 20% investing

You might be thinking "Ericbomb, how does one keep their needs below 50%, when the median rent in the US is $2,000, and median household income after taxes/withholdings is near 40k?"

Wonderful question!

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