[-] eochaid@lemmy.world 30 points 8 months ago

So if he doesn't change course on Gaza they're going to....vote for Trump? Sure.

[-] eochaid@lemmy.world 18 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

This is the most disingenuous comparison I've ever seen lol. You basically took a picture of a babbling Brook at noon and a waterfall at night and are somehow confused why they don't look the same.

First of all, your still shot is purposefully omitting the movement of the waterfall, the fact that it actually behaves and moves like a spray of liquid and gas particles, you know, like an actual waterfall, rather than just a moving block with a shader texture applied to it.

You also took this picture at dusk, when the plaza is draped in shadow and there is no sunlight directly bouncing off. If you'd even been to a waterfall this tall in such conditions in real life, you'd know they actually look more like this - like a non-descript spray of gas - than the Elex screenshot.

If you were to take a picture of the water in the day time, you know, when there is sunlight to bounce off the water particles, it would look absolutely beautiful. Which is also why nobody goes to waterfalls at night expecting a goddamn vista.

This game isn't perfect but one thing it is, is absolutely beautiful (with the exception of some well documented and unimportant NPCs). And calling Elex a better looking game than Starfield is the dumbest take I've heard yet.

[-] eochaid@lemmy.world 21 points 8 months ago

Ironically, pumpkin spice has absolutely no pumpkin in it. Its just Cinnamon, nutmet, ginger, cloves, and allspice.

[-] eochaid@lemmy.world 82 points 9 months ago

Overblown and knee jerk.

I'm enjoying the absolute fuck out of this game - hundreds of hours already and no regrets. This game is a lot deeper than anyone gives it credit for, it's fantastic, and I'm looking forward to more of it.

No Man's Sky bores the hell out of me and yet I'm having so much fun exploring planets and raiding pirate bases and being surprised by handbuilt content in what I thought would be a procedurally generated dungeon. Not to mention the surprisingly deep side and faction quests. Oh and so many hours playing with the shipbuilder.

I'm sorry you're not having fun guys. But maybe you should focus on things that are fun for you?

[-] eochaid@lemmy.world 35 points 9 months ago

I'm so confused. So the STP are illegal and bad, but they're under Trump's control, but then there's a pro-Trump sticker? And a Yandex email account. So many mixed signals.

[-] eochaid@lemmy.world 16 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The movies did Faramir dirty.

In the books, he immediately rejects the temptation of the ring after Frodo tells him of Boromir's temptation, saying that a thing of the dark lord should not be used - thus proving how much stronger and wiser he was than his brother.

Faramir is one of my favorite characters in the books - a black sheep that represents hope for humanity after a book and a half of being shown humanity's failures. And he's such a badass in RotK

Peter Jackson weakened his character because of pacing and because he didn't understand that stories need occasional bright spots of hope and it's of the greatest sins of the movies IMO. Which is even more rediculous when you realize that Tolkien based the character on himself.

[-] eochaid@lemmy.world 48 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Honestly, I couldn't quite simpatize with her. She complains they were giving her too much to do?

Unless you fully understand the effort involved in her reported daily and weekly quotas, you aren't qualified to make an opinion on them. But what might make more sense to you is that LTT currently has a full team dedicated to what she was expected to do by herself.

The biggest issue for me was her reports of a toxic work environment. When she would bring up concerns about her workload, they'd respond by insulting her and threatening her job. She even saw an instance where a coworker felt she was sexually harassed and Linus yelled at and berated her for being an idiot.

My guess is that Linus is the owner and works like one, and wants everyone else to work as much as him.

This is exactly the kind of boss that creates a toxic work environment. A good boss should be respectful of each employee's strengths and limitations and foster an environment where everyone can contribute meaningfully without feeling unduely overburdened.

Yes, Linus is a workaholic. His work ethic is unhealthy. He has publicly acknowledged this on WAN show numerous times. If he expects his employees to work as hard as he does, then he is knowingly fostering an unhealthy work environment.

[-] eochaid@lemmy.world 84 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

This video confirms what I've thought for a long time. The biggest problem with Linus Tech Tips is Linus.

And the fact that the video even declares that it took Yvonne to put her foot down before any changes could take place confirms that LTT has a cult of personality that is damaging the brand and the team. And keeping Linus as a CVO isn't going to change that.

And of course, Madison's accusations bring a whole new layer to the drama. A layer that should have been more obvious to me given that the only woman on that video was Linus' wife.

Also, anyone else find it funny that Gary Key made yet another mistake in this video - that Linus was the one that talked about testing every video - and not Gary's own fucking team member? Also his little "I dont agree with EVERY criticism" was a bit too petulant and defensive for this video. Come on...

[-] eochaid@lemmy.world 24 points 11 months ago

I'm just happy for anything that brings people to Lemmy

[-] eochaid@lemmy.world 25 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I fit somewhere between normie and conservative. Philosophically, I agree with the tech conservative, but I also have shit to do and when FOSS gets in my way, it's hard to justify it.

I use Firefox because it was an easy switch.

I used Signal until they killed sms support. Sorry, most of the people I know use a default messages app. And the day I force everyone I know to use Signal is the day they stop talking to me.

I dabble in Linux, but I main Windows because I'm not a programmer or IT admin. I know how to use it, for better or worse, and I don't have to memorize terminal commands to perform even basic tasks. Sure, gaming is getting better on linux, but it's still a compromised experience and I still, to this day, have to look up tutorials and terminal command every time I try to do anything on my Linux box.

But...wherever possible, I use FOSS software.

I like to call it the tech pragmatist. I agree with the conservative, but I'm not that smart and I got shit to do.

[-] eochaid@lemmy.world 142 points 11 months ago

Doesn't stop certain big tech companies from building giant campuses with cafeterias and housing so that employees can literally live, eat, and sleep at work.

[-] eochaid@lemmy.world 129 points 1 year ago

Someone's insecure about his Shakira collection.

Seriously though, I'm guessing this guy either doesn't like music at all (I've known a few and they act like this) or got made fun of a lot for his music tastes in high school. It's a shame this guy is probably a walking insecurity.

Which is a great reason to unmatch him and move on.

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