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[–] drhugsymcfur@lemmy.world 2 points 6 months ago

No more monkeys jumping on the bed?

[–] drhugsymcfur@lemmy.world 0 points 7 months ago

You cannot feed 8 billion people with the arable land that we have available without synthetic fertilizer.


Even if we were to Thanos snap the world population and feed those people with only compost/manure/night soil, a large percentage of the labor force would need to go into food production, and cheap food would no longer be a possibility.

Farmers are using all the manure that they have available in the most efficient manner that the market will bear right now and even then I don't know about any for profit farmer in my extension office who doesn't use additional synthetic fertilizer.

[–] drhugsymcfur@lemmy.world 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (3 children)

Your opinion is tainted by British and reactionary voices writing the history of the French Revolution.

Overthrowing the Ancien régime left the average French person with much more political voice in the 1870's than the average member of the 3rd estate could have hoped for at any point in the 18th century.

-Wanton Murder

Yeah there was violence political and non-political due to the anarchy that came from the revolution. This is unavoidable when the political elites do not respect the voices of the majority of their citizens.

-Gave rise to an emperor

Yeah because the entirety of Europe declared war on France several times in order to save their cousin king Louis, to save the estates of their rich noble exile buddies, then to avenge King Louis, and finally to protect British and exile monetary interests.

-was mob rule led by a small group, not democracy

It was eventually figured out, and it was always better than the pre 1789 status quo. **

-did not materially change the lives of the majority of the French moving forward

Lol, except for the entire political upheaval of the French Society.

-was literally called the Reign of Terror

It was called the Reign of Terror by British papers, the average Parisan had nothing to fear from the revolution other than reactionary mobs. Which was much safer than offending the wrong noble, or walking in front of the horse of some member of the gentry.

I am basing the French Revolution from the Estates General of 1789 to the start of the 2nd French Republic.

[–] drhugsymcfur@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I don't understand your thesis about punishing people who engage in sexual harassment of children?

Are you saying because we can't stop the act before it happens then we shouldn't punish deviants who want to create CSM?

[–] drhugsymcfur@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago (2 children)

For anyone else who might be reading this discussion. Federatingistoohard is intent on lying about this topic for some reason.

My source details the entire state of Illinois.
One of the most agriculturally productive regions in the world.

I could do this exercise for all 50 states and the results would be similar. South Western States and California would have lower livestock usage percentages. The plain states would have higher percentage.

[–] drhugsymcfur@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

To any one who might be reading this conversation, I want you to understand that anyone in the industry can easily tell that federatingtoohard obviously has no experience with current methods of animal cultivation.

Grazing did work back in the day when you had 10 acres to every head and you didn't care if your cattle starved in the winter because grass doesnt grow. But now those farmers are out of business because they were out competed by the ranchers that fattened up their cattle with fodder and grains.

Even cattle that have near infinite grazing land on BLM property require calorie supplementation with grain and fodder. The amount depends on the cattle density, annual rainfall, and the local soil productivity.

[–] drhugsymcfur@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (4 children)

Here's the data for Illinois: https://www.nass.usda.gov/Quick_Stats/Ag_Overview/stateOverview.php?state=ILLINOIS

27,000,000 tillable acres total

22,752,030 acres used for livestock/feed production

That leads to a figure of 84% of tillable land in Illinois used for livestock production. So Mr. Bomb is actually underselling how wasteful livestock production is.

[–] drhugsymcfur@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Yes some small scale farmers allow their cattle to graze, but on any for profit farm here in the Midwest US, cattle don't get anywhere near 50% of their calories from grazing.

[–] drhugsymcfur@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago

I mean, TBF if someone walked up to me with an unsealed liquid and combatively asked me to drink it I would refuse too.

[–] drhugsymcfur@lemmy.world 1 points 9 months ago

That's not true on the standard package car that makes up the majority of their fleet.

You are partially correct specifically when it comes to the P31 package car on the RAM or F250 chassis.

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