[-] donuts@kbin.social 149 points 4 weeks ago

This is only the tip of the iceberg. Trump is a fucking convicted felon and a serial rapist. Fuck him. Now on to sentencing.

submitted 5 months ago by donuts@kbin.social to c/gaming@kbin.social

The Pokémon Company, partially owned by Nintendo, announced it will investigate Palworld for potentially using its IP and assets.

[-] donuts@kbin.social 103 points 5 months ago

Make no mistake, even if he loses the popular vote, Trump is going to take getting reelected as some kind of mandate to act as a dictator and do whatever he wants with the full power of the US government and military behind him.

Democracy will not survive another 4 years of this increasingly unhinged husk of a moron.

[-] donuts@kbin.social 104 points 5 months ago

Bring in a billion dollars of investor money.

Hire thousands and thousands of employees.

Spend way more than you bring in every year.

Hire some shitty CEO with a terrible track record. Pay him way too much money.

Become desperate for cash and think of ways to milk your users dry.

Get rid of bad CEO and pay him even more money.

Then when all that backfires and you've further tanked your reputation you go back to the drawing board and realize the only option to cut losses is to fire half your staff, or more.

And that's the story of Unity3d.

[-] donuts@kbin.social 105 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I feel like I've given my answer to this question regarding Beehaw once before...

But as I see it, the main driving force and overall source of value for services like Lemmy, Kbin, Mastodon, etc., is federation. That is to say, federation among a wide variety of different users and servers across the fediverse using protocols like ActivityPub is what sets this entire thing apart from legacy centralized and corporate social media, like Reddit or "X".

I was initially on Beehaw myself and I liked the mature and kind atmosphere, but I ended up splitting for Kbin due to issues with defederation (on top of being curious and interested in Kbin as an alternative software to lemmy). But whether we're talking about "Beehaw.org" or "Kbin.social", in my view the federation is a huge part of the appeal, and I wouldn't see myself continuing to use a server if it cut itself off from the rest of the network, regardless of whether they did it for "good reasons" or not.

Like, if Beehaw wants to be just a significantly smaller and more highly moderated centralized alternative to Reddit, that feels like a pretty weak pitch which, at best, might end up with a community roughly the size of a classic forum. I'm not really interested in that. I want the Fediverse to succeed as a decentralized, open, scalable, and community-moderated alternative to legacy social media. Frankly, my interest in Beehaw as a community hinges completely on it being a part of that movement or not.

I can understand how federation may have posed significant challenges towards your goal of detailed moderation and creating a safe and friendly space, but only in the sense that you were possibly not fully prepared for the level of exposure to a large number of federated users. But even so, if Beehaw is ever to grow into something bigger (which, to be honest, is not a given, especially if you set out on your own as just another disconnected and insular social media website), you will eventually have to deal with the harsh reality that the kind of moderation that you're interested in doing is going to be a significant challenge as your community scales, federated or not. (For example, you may be prepared to moderate content in English, but are you prepared to moderate content in other languages? How will you know when someone starts spreading disinformation and hate speech in Burmese?)

Finally, I think you might want to consider the general movement towards federated social media. Between ActivityPub and the Fediverse, Meta's interest in federating Threads, BlueSky being developed around federation to some extent, federation support in things like WordPress, and a number of other social media platforms tip-toeing their way into the idea, I personally feel that there is a pretty interesting paradigm shift happening right now. Some of that has to do with moderation, responsibility and government pressure on big tech, I think.

But nevertheless, social media is gradually moving towards federation, and I think that's a good thing for the internet as a whole. You nice people at Beehaw will really have to search yourselves to determine whether you see the value in federation (both in terms of connecting people, but also in terms of allowing various communities to self-moderate to some extent) or not.

I do hope you'll stay, even though it means facing the growing pains of moderation challenges sooner rather than later, because the fediverse is better with us all connected and communicating together. I'll be sticking with the fediverse with or without Beehaw, but I do wish you all luck in your goals should you decide to set out on your own.

submitted 6 months ago by donuts@kbin.social to c/news@beehaw.org

Head of psychiatry at Tel Aviv medical centre says hostages have undergone worst abuse she has witnessed

[-] donuts@kbin.social 168 points 6 months ago

I call bullshit. Yeah I'm sure they spend 2/3 of their income on rights holders, mainly Joe Rogan, Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift.

The average musician isn't making shit, and yet the spotify execs are sipping champagne.

[-] donuts@kbin.social 536 points 7 months ago

I'm a Linux guy and I don't really care about Windows, but I'm glad to see this happening and every day I thank Europe for being the main entity fighting for regulation of big tech monopolies, because America is really failing.

[-] donuts@kbin.social 136 points 7 months ago

This dude gets more unhinged and desperate every passing day, but a huge chunk of Americans just can't see it. It's crazy.

[-] donuts@kbin.social 69 points 7 months ago

This thing is gonna flop hard.

submitted 8 months ago by donuts@kbin.social to c/fediverse@kbin.social

Now that WordPress supports ActivityPub, anyone know of any good AP-enabled blogs worth following?

submitted 9 months ago by donuts@kbin.social to c/gaming@kbin.social
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by donuts@kbin.social to c/games@lemmy.world

APOLLO JUSTICE IS DOING FINE!! If it please the court, we have new evidence to submit about the lawyers, friends, and rivals of the Wright Anything Agency ac...

[-] donuts@kbin.social 146 points 9 months ago

Republicans are absolutely desperate to try to equate Biden with Trump so they can say "well Biden was impeached too" or "Biden had documents too".

That's what it's all about, and it's a gross distortion of government and democracy.

[-] donuts@kbin.social 77 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Between Trump avoiding the debate and DeSantis avoiding even been seen with Biden after a disaster, the Republicans are really nailing the point home that they are absolute wusses. Political cowards.

[-] donuts@kbin.social 79 points 10 months ago

Save your money, buy a Steam Deck or a desktop PC, play games online with the internet service that you already pay a shit ton of money for, and don't look back. It's really stupid that we allowed game consoles to charge us to play online.

[-] donuts@kbin.social 89 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Capitalism has given a lot of people out there a raw deal: low wages, increasing gap between the rich and the poor, home ownership is out of reach to many, healthcare is unaffordable to many, having a family is prohibitively expensive, we own almost nothing and rent almost everything, even basic necessities like food, water and clothing are painfully expensive. What's more, when you look at the systems in place today, it appears that these aren't bugs, but features.

I'm a socialist because I believe that society ought to use its collective power and money to guarantee all of its people a minimum of the basic, essential things that they need to live, by subsidizing food, water, shelter, clothing, heat, electricity, data, education and healthcare.

Outside of those crucial things, capitalism is just fine, as long as people are being paid fairly for their time. And, as we've all seen, capitalism needs strict rules and guard rails to make sure that workers aren't being constantly exploited. If capitalism was working well for everyone, we were all getting paid fairly for our time, and people could take care of their needs (not to mention their wants), then nobody would have any reason to care or complain about capitalism. But sadly, as it is today, capitalism is just not working for a lot of people, and many people out there are not even having their basic needs met (even despite getting an education, taking out loans, getting a job, getting a second job, working hard, etc.).

To me, creating a prosperous and happy society is much more complex than picking capitalism or socialism, and some mix of both is probably the best of both worlds.

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