[-] dingus@lemmy.ml 157 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I have drawn myself as a chad and you as an ugly wojack so my position is clearly the correct one.

Windows users hate this one neat trick.

[-] dingus@lemmy.ml 257 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I think this has less to do with Microsoft and more to do with the average human has no interest in learning something that only passively helps them.

I only know a handful of things about working on an automobile, while my father could practically take one apart and put it back together wholesale.

I can take apart a computer and put it back together wholesale, but I'm lost on an internal combustion engine.

I pay someone with expertise to handle the engine, because I've spent my time learning other things.

Look, unless the people you're talking about are doing tech jobs, there isn't a reason for them to learn the depths of it, just like there isn't a reason for them to learn the depths of how their car works. Both a car and a computer are tools, and those tools are made to be used by people who may not know the depths of the internal workings of either.

This post feels like elitism and gatekeeping to me, as someone who thinks Windows sucks and prefers Linux. The idea that it's the OS that is "holding people back" and not that those people might have more important things to do with their time than dedicate half their life to an operating system is absurd. If someone spends 20 years becoming a doctor, I'm not going to act like they're a dumbass because they don't know everything about fucking computers.

People don't want to learn more because for most people not knowing more doesn't impact their fucking life. Just like me not knowing more about my car doesn't generally impact my fucking life. Because I've never had trouble finding someone to pay to fix it for me.

Surprise, we're the people who are paid to fix computers for the people who are just using them as simple tools. Maybe we shouldn't be so upset about that.

Also, last but not least, Android is a strain of Linux and it suffers from all the same issues listed above as Windows. Acting like you couldn't pull the same bullshit in Linux if you wanted to is kind of a joke, because it's already been done with Android.

All the ad infested bullshit we all hate about Windows 10 and 11? Blame Linux-based Android.

EDIT: Also, personal opinion, if we're talking about which CLI is easier to learn and use. Microsoft has made great strides with Powershell being easy and accessible to people who haven't faced a command line environment before. The things that make its command line better than Linux's are two things, and only two things. (I hate that it's object oriented instead of text oriented, Powershell has a lot of bad things, too)

First, human-readable commands whose names describe what the command does in a verb-noun format. This means instead of Linux with some very, very obscurely named commands that are not descriptive and you just have to sort of memorize, you can just sort of remember because the name is human readable.

Secondly, the get-command command is huge because it allows me to search these verb-noun names for the command I'm looking for. On Linux, if I don't know the specific command, I have to search the internet, because there isn't a built-in tool that will give me an idea of what each command does and allows me to search for them through a filter. Once you find a command you think might work, it has the get-help command which produces something similar to a Man page.

Linux has Man pages, but because there is no rhyme or reason to how any commands are named, it's not very easy to find the command you're looking for if you don't already know the command. On Windows, if I know what the command does I may already have enough information to find the command using get-command instead of having to turn to Google and be like "what command do I use if I am trying to do X?"

So if we're talking about the superiorly designed command line that's easier for first time users. Powershell is where it's at. Because Linux is a confusing fucking mess of 30 years of random decisions by lone programmers. Literally the only reason I know commands in Linux CLI is because I had to memorize them. I don't do so much memorizing Powershell commands. If Linux was being built from scratch today, I'd practically demand a similar naming convention system to make it easier to understand what the fuck commands do.

[-] dingus@lemmy.ml 116 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I love the stock market. Line goes up and food becomes impossible to afford! Line goes down and we all lose our jobs! I love this fucking dumbshit criminal ponzi scheme of a system! /s

Gamestonk go BRRRRRRRR, NFTs are the future! /s


[-] dingus@lemmy.ml 104 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

This chucklefuck is a year younger than me.

I read The Second Sex twenty fucking years ago. It was written over 70 years ago.

Like, they keep acting like gender is performative is a new idea when it's absolutely old as living fuck at this point.

How long do we keep giving them to accept that this is clearly true and has value as a way to discuss a variety of subjects, from social expectations of what cisgender women are "supposed to look like" to why gender and biological sex are different things (on top of biological sex being a lot more vague than conservatives tend to think. protip: intersex people exist!)?

How long do they get to hide behind "It was a different world back then" when books written about this very subject come from that ancient fucking world they're always referencing for why they're such bigoted fucking shitheels.

They shouldn't get to hide behind "it was a different world back then" when a number of us who are older than this dipshit are familiar with these ideas already because these ideas existed before we were fucking born.

Maybe their stupid asses should have picked up and read a fucking book (that wasn't Mein Kampf) in seventy fucking years.

Anyway, it is sickening and ridiculous this far into the future this is still being discussed like its a controversial issue and not clearly fucking painfully obviously the reality of the situation.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by dingus@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

EDIT: Downvotes with no comments. Shocker. Guess it's hard to back up your opinions, huh? I guess some people are totes fine with war criminals walking free?

What it says on the tin:

Obama told the nation that we "needed to look forward, not backward" when it came to prosecuting war criminals George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

He would end up legalizing and codifying a lot of the worst excesses of the Bush administration.

His actions of letting war criminals walk without any consideration of what they had done literally set the stage for Donald Trump being treated with kid gloves. I don't see how the two aren't connected.

Both of them dealt with the question of "Can we successfully prosecute a former President?" Obama kicked the can down the road to ignore the question entirely, because it might appear "partisan" or something.

As evidenced by Trump's national security documents case, they really wanted to kick the can down the road again. They gave Trump every opportunity to just return the documents with nothing but a slap on the wrist. They only started bringing criminal charges when it became clear that he never had any intent of returning anything.

Obama is viewed so favorably by so many, but it's hard for me to do so when I think about this. Obama's unwillingness to address this question in his administration is outright why we are facing the governments inability to reign in Trump at all. He's done so many things that would have shown regular people the endless inside of a jail cell, but they just let him keep running around free.

When you allow criminals to walk free, other criminals see it as way to get away with whatever they want. That's pretty much how Trump treated the Presidency, a "get out of jail for fucking everything for free" card. He still views it as such. It's hard to imagine he didn't get this idea by watching previous Presidents get away with tons of shit that would see the rest of us behind bars.

Anyway, long story short: Thanks, Obama.

[-] dingus@lemmy.ml 189 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Funny, on release day, I got downvoted for pointing out they pulled a Blizzard/Overwatch 2.

Half-baked release with missing content and no new content? Check.

Release removes previous release, a game that was at one time a paid game? Check.

I feel like Valve gets way too much of a pass here on this for just being Valve.

[-] dingus@lemmy.ml 166 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Or we could, you know, follow previously established methods of building vehicles that make pedestrian death and dismemberment less likely.

No, no, no. Americans need them this way apparently for some inexplicable fucking reason.

So instead of just designing them with pedestrian safety in mind to begin with, we are just gonna slap on more fucking band-aids (like cameras) that do fuck-all.

[-] dingus@lemmy.ml 101 points 9 months ago

That percentage needs to be way higher for me to feel good things about it.

submitted 9 months ago by dingus@lemmy.ml to c/risa@startrek.website

I'm so sorry for this. I'm not creative.

Forgive me Q, for I have sinned.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by dingus@lemmy.ml to c/memes@lemmy.ml

The website isn't worthless so much as the watermark on memes.

submitted 9 months ago by dingus@lemmy.ml to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] dingus@lemmy.ml 151 points 9 months ago

I think allergy suffers already have known this for years... The stuff that works is locked up because it can be used to make meth...

[-] dingus@lemmy.ml 128 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

You actually can buy quality dumb TVs, but you have to do the legwork and do research on what are often referred to as "commercial displays." I see them everywhere in businesses for ads and showing the menu. They're sometimes a little pricier, but they're usually built a little "beefier" too, as they're expected to deal with more rough usage in like a restaurant context.

However, the other solution is the one you've already mentioned where you never plug the Smart TV into the internet, and instead bypass the "smart" on the TV with your own streaming boxes.

I think as more people realize there is a market for dumb TVs, you'll start to see that market grow more and more until they no longer just "commercial displays." Just gotta get enough people buying them and not buying Smart TVs.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by dingus@lemmy.ml to c/risa@startrek.website

YTMND is dead. Long live YTMND.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by dingus@lemmy.ml to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

This is how it felt.

submitted 10 months ago by dingus@lemmy.ml to c/technology@beehaw.org

tl;dr: No. Quite the opposite, actually — Archive.is’s owner is intentionally blocking users.

CloudFlare's CEO had this to say on HackerNews:

We don’t block archive.is or any other domain via [...] Archive.is’s authoritative DNS servers return bad results to when we query them. I’ve proposed we just fix it on our end but our team, quite rightly, said that too would violate the integrity of DNS and the privacy and security promises we made to our users when we launched the service. [...] The archive.is owner has explained that he returns bad results to us because we don’t pass along the EDNS subnet information. This information leaks information about a requester’s IP and, in turn, sacrifices the privacy of users.

I am mainly making this post so that admins/moderators at BeeHaw will consider using archive.org or ghostarchive.org links instead of archive.today links.

Because anyone using CloudFlare's DNS for privacy is being denied access to archive.today links.


[-] dingus@lemmy.ml 132 points 10 months ago

It's not that there aren't any, it's that the protections for workers are abysmal compared to protections for businesses.

For example, if I stole money from my employer, they could have me arrested and press charges for theft.

On the other hand, if I am able to prove that my employer hasn't been paying me fairly and has been shorting my paychecks, I can spend a lot of money to take them to court, and in most cases, all that will happen is the business will have to... pay you back exactly what they already owed you. They won't pay fines, no one will go to jail, and it's an "oops" and then slap on the wrist kind of deal.

Worker protections exist, but the deck is stacked against us.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by dingus@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I wonder if anyone else remembers this. It came to my mind because I was reading this story:


The owner of a clothing shop in Cedar Glen was shot and killed Friday night, Aug. 18, after a person made several disparaging comments about a rainbow flag displayed outside the store, authorities said.

The suspect was found nearby by arriving deputies, who shot and killed him, San Bernardino County sheriff’s officials said.

This is... horrible. I don't even know how to describe it. For the first time in my adult life, I'm genuinely horrified and fear for my LGBT+ brothers and sisters, as well as their allies (which includes me, fuck).

2013 felt... different. Two years later in 2015 gay marriage would be legalized nationwide.

I remember thinking EA was trying to pull the wool over our eyes. I remember thinking that LGBT+ acceptance in 2013 was doing well. I remember thinking they were throwing up that people voted for them as worst company over LGBT+ inclusion as some kind of way to hand-wave away their awful business practices. Going back, though...


In the past year, we have received thousands of emails and postcards protesting against EA for allowing players to create LGBT+ characters in our games. This week, we’re seeing posts on conservative web sites urging people to protest our LGBT+ policy by voting EA the Worst Company in America.

Does anyone else feel like me, and feel dumbfounded and like I just didn't think conservatives were that organized at the time? More to the point, I just didn't trust anything EA said and thought they were lying. I don't think they were lying anymore. I was wrong.

I wonder, does that mean that far fewer people hated them than we thought, for their business practices? I mean, we've seen years of steady profits for EA, it's not as though they've lost a ton of business...

I'm curious what other Lemmings thoughts are on this. I just kind of had a bit of an epiphany about it recently and came back around to thoughts on the subject because of (sigh) how awful everything is.

[-] dingus@lemmy.ml 243 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

“Many companies are realizing they could have been a lot more measured in their approach, rather than making big, bold, very controversial decisions based on executives’ opinions rather than employee data,

Same as it ever was. They're sad that people are telling them they're the dumbfucks they are, but it won't change how the operate. Period.

They like having little feifdoms where they have complete control, and the only reason they're upset with the Return-to-Office foibles is because they didn't realize they didn't actually own their employees, and their employees are totally able to fuck off to greener pastures. It's not about the employees, as usual. It's about losing employees who didn't put up with their bullying antics for the first time in fifty fucking years. They don't like it when people have options and can't be under their thumb. That's why these chucklefucks have sad faces.

Fucking sociopaths, every one.

submitted 11 months ago by dingus@lemmy.ml to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
submitted 11 months ago by dingus@lemmy.ml to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Terraria is gearing up for its 1.4.5 patch, the latest major update in 12 years of continued support from developer Re-Logic. If you're thinking to yourself, "Wait, I thought this game got its final update" already, you would be right⁠—Re-Logic has been considering moving on to its next project for around eight years now.

submitted 1 year ago by dingus@lemmy.ml to c/technology@beehaw.org

After being purchased by Snapchat, it appears that gfycat has been abandoned.

The Gfycat service is being discontinued. Please save or delete your Gfycat content by visiting https://www.gfycat.com and logging in to your account. After September 1, 2023, all Gfycat content and data will be deleted from gfycat.com

submitted 1 year ago by dingus@lemmy.ml to c/books@lemmy.ml

My favorite is the Gormenghast Trilogy by Mervyn Peake

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