[-] denshirenji@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)
  1. ~~British~~ colonialism bad.

  2. This goes far before the British. Before the British, there were the Mughals. This part of the indian culture is old and predates either of these two. The caste system has been around forever.

Edit: Bit of clarity.

[-] denshirenji@lemmy.world 9 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)


That honestly sounds like a conspiracy theory. You think that a bunch of people and corporations are putting time, money and energy into these projects to break the very thing they are designed for? I really think you should do some research on exactly how the Wayland project got its start and who was involved. Spoiler, it was a bunch of Xorg developers as I understand it.

Plus the fact that desktop Linux was already fragmented by its nature. You think they want to fragment the already fragmented thing under the pretext of improvement? Fragment it by what? Providing a newer standard that is better enough than the old, that it actually convinces most groups to adopt it.

Its legit the opposite, but the beauty of right now is that the various fragmented Linux ecosystems (distros, desktop environments, etc) are more alive and more healthy now than ever before.

Edit: grammar and clarity

Cloud Hosted VMs (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by denshirenji@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Not sure if cloud hosted VMs count as selfhosted for the purposes of this community, but I run a lot of services at the house and want to have a few services that require high availability run in a cloud external to my home. Specifically, I want to run Vaultwarden, an email server and a VPN. My question is one of recommendations. Which cloud service provides the best uptime/stability and is ethical enough for consideration?

The ethics of some of these larger companies are no small part of the reason I chose to self host the majority(hopefully all soon) of the services that I use. So for instance Amazon and Microsoft are out. I currently use DigitalOcean for Vaultwarden, Zoho for domain email, and Nord for my VPN.

Edit: Thank you to everyone who provided recommendations and information. I have chosen to stick with DigitalOcean for VM hosting for the time being. General consensus seems to be positive.

I am working on self-hosting email much to the chagrin of some of the posters here with experience. I want to see how it works for me and am willing to deal with some headaches along the way. Time will tell whether I move that direction for my actual email or give up and use a ready made solution like proton. Time will also tell how much hair I have left when all is said and done after pulling it all out, lol.

Again, thank you to everyone who shared their knowledge and experience.

[-] denshirenji@lemmy.world 9 points 4 months ago

For the hypervisor I recommend either Proxmox or XCP-ng. XCP-ng is technically a better hypervisor, but I personally use Proxmox because I like the UI.

For the NAS OS, I use and recommend TrueNAS Scale. You can run Docker containers on it. All this being said, I've never used Unsaid so I don't know how they compare.

Out of curiosity, why move from OMV? I was thinking about trying it out for a second NAS.

[-] denshirenji@lemmy.world 10 points 5 months ago

Do you need their permission to distribute that art?

[-] denshirenji@lemmy.world 43 points 5 months ago

Alright, I'll bite. To start, this is a real person that we are talking about. A real person who did not consent. Does that mean anything to you? The fact that there is a very real person that exists in very real life that has had this happen to them?

Otherwise, I agree. Nothing wrong with the male libido.

[-] denshirenji@lemmy.world 9 points 5 months ago

What I have installed:

From Obtanium:

  • Most Fossify Apps
  • Nextcloud
  • Material Files
  • Immich
  • DAVx & ICSx (nextcloud contacts and calendar sync)
  • DNS66
  • Jellyfin
  • Spotube

From FDroid (really droidify from various repositories)

  • FUTO Voice Input
  • Breezy Weather
  • K-9
  • Libera Reader
  • FFUpdater
  • Joplin

The list is massive and I'm on mobile and hate tiny keyboards. I can finish the list later if you/y'all are interested. The only thing that I actively use that is not FOSS on my phone is Google Messages, which I guess is a bit hypocritical, but its too good. Just the ability to react to messages makes it worth it for me.

I also highly recommend Grayjay. It is the best (IMHO) YouTube replacement. It is cross service, like I have odysee, nebula, youtube, and various peertube instances added as sources.

As far as what apps to watch out for, someone mentioned Simple Mobile Tools. Otherwise, I would stay away from apps that are not being updated anymore or are otherwise way too old.

[-] denshirenji@lemmy.world 17 points 5 months ago

None of these things exist so real life evolutionary biology doesn't really have a place in this discussion, lol. Although you are correct.

Besides, since they are fictional you could just come up with some reason. Dolphins for instance have no legs, but still have the vestiges of them in the form of very small unconnected bones where their legs would be. They also have a dorsal fin on their backside and tiny little arms. So it stands to reason that, conceivably, wings could have evolved separately in a similar (note 'a similar' not 'the same') way to a dolphin's dorsal fin.

You could jump from this concept (marrying real world evolutionary biology and fiction) and explain orc, trolls, etc.. as ape descended life much the same as humans. Maybe merfolk evolved in the same way animals in the cetacea infraorder evolved from otter-like creatures. Maybe they have small unconnected bones for legs in much the same way that dolphins do.

There is a story in this, I can feel it.

[-] denshirenji@lemmy.world 11 points 6 months ago

I am using Grayjay. It has a number of different services that you can use, including Peertube, YouTube, Odyssey, Twitch, Nebula and more. The only thing that it is missing IMO is an auto-enqueue feature. It has the best UI of any of these apps that I have tried.

Newpipe is good as well.

[-] denshirenji@lemmy.world 14 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

So no one said that he would or even may turn off the internet, but that he may use legalize and his emergency presidential powers, if elected, to do something crazy. The person talking about it was spitballing and included turning the internet off as a example of something crazy that he might do.

Edit: He indeed talked about geoblocking countries with groups like ISIS operating within them. At least that is what I assume he meant with his word salad. This is from post below mine. Still not turning off internet.

[-] denshirenji@lemmy.world 17 points 8 months ago

There is a lot to unpack, but you know exactly what they meant. The operating system people refer to as Linux or GNU/Linux or whatever is not the same thing as Android; if, under the hood, it has an older version of the Linux kernel. There is no command line required on an android phone for one.

Although, you are technically correct. The best kind.

[-] denshirenji@lemmy.world 16 points 8 months ago

Right clicking on the UI: believe it or not.. premium feature.

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