[-] datavoid@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 day ago

To real, it hurts

[-] datavoid@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Both incredible films, you guys clearly lack taste (jk if that isn't obvious - about the taste, not the quality)

[-] datavoid@lemmy.ml 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

This has become a misunderstanding of language and wording.

When I say agnostic, that includes "agnostic atheists". Does that clear things up?

I swear some people (i.e. self proclaimed "atheists") get offended at the thought that they might be associated with anyone religious by accepting the fact that their beliefs are, by definition, agnostic.

I'm tapping out of this thread, didn't come here to argue about English. Also, please don't take my last paragraph as an attack - it's a general observation.

[-] datavoid@lemmy.ml 0 points 5 days ago

That's being agnostic, not atheist

[-] datavoid@lemmy.ml 85 points 1 week ago

Somewhere on my PC I have a several page long rant about how many government websites in Canada require you to pay for an Adobe subscription in order to sign an "official" PDF.

Why the hell isn't there a better option for filling out legally required, government mandated forms than giving a private corporation money? This bothers me so fucking much.

[-] datavoid@lemmy.ml 69 points 3 weeks ago

There are already torrents containing collections of all the games from old systems. What there needs to be is an "official" collection torrent for each system that archivists can store and seed individually

[-] datavoid@lemmy.ml 38 points 3 months ago

Light switches are physical objects, when you touch them you are going to feel them moving.

So..... yes.

[-] datavoid@lemmy.ml 172 points 4 months ago

OpenSubtitles is hot garbage, a viable alternative needs to exist. Pray for Subscene

[-] datavoid@lemmy.ml 48 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

LinkedIn is trash, it's a glorified resume where narcissists go to brag about themselves.

Adding a dating feature is only going to benefit two groups of people: the ones who have the highest paying jobs, and people who are looking to be with someone for their money. For everyone else, this is just going to make LinkedIn more repulsive than it already was.

Edit - I'm lazy, ignore this and read the article

[-] datavoid@lemmy.ml 64 points 8 months ago
  • New great show that gets cancelled
Seeding issues (lemmy.ml)
submitted 10 months ago by datavoid@lemmy.ml to c/piracy@lemmy.ml

Ahoy mateys,

I've recently been trying to set up a win10 machine for seeding, but have been having weird network issues shortly after I lock the screen and stop interacting with it. My internet connection goes down entirely for this PC, but not the whole network. Restarting fixes the issue.

I have already ensured power saving is off for my network card - does anyone have any other suggestions that I could try?

Thank you!

submitted 10 months ago by datavoid@lemmy.ml to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I already had a cyberghost sub, but decided to try to switch to something better for seeding.

I have tested ProtonVPN and PIA, but ended up refunding PIA as the port forwarding didn't work once. ProtonVPN has worked maybe 5% of the time, and will likely be refunded as well.

Is there such a thing as a VPN that can consistently forward ports? I'm considering trying AirVPN next, but am hoping someone could confirm whether it works or not first. I'm also open to any other recommendations.

Thank you!

submitted 11 months ago by datavoid@lemmy.ml to c/android@lemmy.ml

I've seen a few other terminal emulators floating around different app stores - has anyone tried these, and found that they were actually better than Termux?

Would love to check out any recommendations!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by datavoid@lemmy.ml to c/technology@beehaw.org

I generally use the following:

  • uBlock Origin
  • SponsorBlock
  • Honey
  • Wayback Machine
  • Netflix Watch List Manager
  • Shadertoy plugin
  • RES....

What does Lemmy use?

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joined 1 year ago